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Everything posted by sconceptor

  1. http://www.ehow.com/video_4944185_differen...ing-augers.html good link with lots of ice fishing tips....I watched the 2 on augers......off set looks to be a good idea....I wonder what the one I bought is? They didn't mention size of hole being a factor, other than what you're fishing for.
  2. Maybe I should exchange it for a 6 incher? I've got no experience, but my coworker says they are like butter till either you bend the shaft and it's time for a whole new unit or the blades dull. I recall an old ice fishing magazine that went over the different drills, hole sizes, and what you should be looking for when requiring one. Also it went over tip ups. I should go through my stacks of fishing mags to find the tips......
  3. Not sure if it's in a flyer or not, but the Port Elgin Store has had them on sale for a week, so it likely ended today.
  4. Hey, I just bought my first hand auger at CT since they are 20% off the 75$ down to 60$. I got the 8incher since I hope to maybe hook some big fish....LOL(dreaming most likely). Anybody want to convince me to trade it for a smaller one, and give me reasons why they are better? So, since I hope to ice fish a little in the future. I wonder about purchasing a decent tip up? What would you recommend? At CT, they have the plastic folding SubZero brand that sits above the hole for about 15$, the Plastic hole covering tip up for 20$, and a new SubZero style that is balanced at the back end and raised up above the hole(didn't see the price of this one). I know Frabill makes a few models simular to all of these too, and does the brand make the better tip up??? Thanks for all your help! My ice fishing experience is a few trips to the bungalows on Nipissing with rods and not much luck. Then a friend who fishes Simcoe a lot, taught us about the balancing tip up for white fish during a trip on Jumping Cariboo Lake near Temagami. I've done one day trip on a Simcoe hut rental for whites and we used the balance tip ups with good success. In my local area, ice fishing is a little limited, but I might try to get out a few times. I would like to try a tip up in a hole I'm not fishing much, for either lowering a smaller bait down for some walleye or whitefish, or use a large bait or dead bait for pike. I might even learn to tie my own quick strike release hooks for the pike fishing. It would be fun to use a rod on a hole and have a big pike bait on a tip up in another hole close by.
  5. How deep do you guys run the jigs? I'm getting into them more often. I try to keep them down near bottom, but heard of a good minnow immitation jig might only need to run a few feet under water when over deep pools. Hook them up on bottom once, then hopefully pull it free, and adjust the float a foot or so??????
  6. Yeah, what about guide/line freeze up gels and pastes? I see Frabil sells a product for ice fishing. Anybody use it for steelheading or ice fishing, and how well does it work? I'd like to pick something up to try before things are freezing and I'm having so suck the ice off every 15minutes or so. What do you use? Is vaseline, pretty good?
  7. Can't wait for that weather again......bring on the snow storms....lake effect squalls....heavy snow upstream and a little melt to dirty the water. Fishing the slack water at a few of those spots with some snow in the air and hooking into a few to keep me warm.
  8. Prior to ice fishing, I'd like to learn how to clean a partially frozen white fish. Last time on Simcoe, we kept 2 whities that froze at our hut and partially defrosted on the 3hours back home. They were super soft and difficult to clean and the fleshed seemed way too mushy. Do you clean them frozen, when at the hut or back at your vehicle? Do you defrost the smelly things totally when you get home? Wow do they stink.. worse than a musky.....but they taste pretty dam good!!!! Any issues with perch? Any tips prior to the fun beginning would be appreciated!
  9. What's with the gaf? I seen it for sale at a store this past weekend. It looks like it's pretty good for keeping your hand away from the teeth and keeping a mouth open. Only thing would be not to damage gils sliding it up there. Might be something to consider for pike, eyes, musky, etc.....where teeth are an issue. You'd also still need to support the fish properly.....but it looks pretty good alternative to keeping your hand up the gill plate up near the teeth and getting those stupid little finger cuts.
  10. Right on, Nice Hunt!
  11. free one in the town of victoria harbour
  12. White or Watermelon
  13. Heard from a collision center in Walkerton, a deer got creamed one night and did lots of damage to the first car, but a pass car got it worse.....the deer jumped into the rear window of a passing car and then spilled it's stomach contents, organs and all in the back seat.........nasty!
  14. Hit a doe on hwy 9 in the Greenock swamp one night about 5years ago. Killed it instantly not much damage to my Ford Exploder Sport. 3 cars pass me, and the 4th stops......a young lady in her early 30s......."Do you want the deer? Wow that sounds funny I bet" I reply that I'm aware that people take road deers for food. I did find it odd that an attractive young lady would ask for it.....but figured a hillybilly or somebody living back in the swamp area might take it. Anyways, I help her carry it to her pretty new car, as we pass by, her 2 young children in the car smiling and laughing......blood dripping out of it's mouth as we lift it into her trunk with childrens toys pushed to the back of it.
  15. I like the link to pro guides.....steven james rusteberg...pro guide who obvisously doesn't mind holding 50inch musky vertically.......
  16. Should do it at night so the commorrants don't find them as easily.........like they did the odd time over here along Lake Huron hatcheries......release thousands of trout and salmon in the morning and watch those things come on over and eat them all by evening.........
  17. So is a 30x 39inche net large enough for a 50lber I'm going to catch later this year or next fall? Should I go with the larger 32x 40? I think a 4foot handle is enough. I guess we'll have to miss a few casts and hook into the net, as it stands ready....I don't mind that too much.....as I agree a cradle isn't what I'm after.
  18. getting bait to the bottom is a key........float fishing.....check out how the pros do their split shot......deep pools I like to bulk shot it, just about the 16inches of leader and micro swivel with about 5 grams of weight.....fishing bigger rivers..... fishing faster water at the tail and end of pools....I like to start heavy on top and reduce size and spacing down to the micro swivel.......uses as much weight as the bobber allows...big rivers typically 6gram pikers and 10grams or so........lots of weight.....get it close to bottom.......hook up bottom a few times and adjust the depth of the float so it's just above bottom not hooking up.......i like slip floats with rubbers stoppers for them.... check out centrepinfishing.com or some site like that and maybe buy a Raven float fishing guide for 10$..........
  19. What net are you musky fisherpersons using these days? I would like to improve my handling quality and care......currently have a large salmon net which did okay on the 51x24.5 we just caught......I'd like an upgrade! Thinking of a Frabil cradle, but the thought of not netting and having to slide it in, then losing the fish as it swims away is super scary. Frabil Big Kahua is too big and expsensive......then they have lots of other options on their website.....I might ask them for assistance, but what do you all think? Limited on my storage as my boat is only a 15ft princecraft dlx.......salmon net would stand on guard, blocking some casting.....I think a cradle would slide in between the support and side storage along to the stern just like where I keep the paddles and rods. Thanks for your input!
  20. Used a guide on GeoBay on Oct. 15. We bass fished and then spent an hour to two for musky. We landed a bunch of nice bass...all over 2.5lbs....guide landed a 6lber and a 5lber.....lost one larger at the boat.....I caught a 4lb and a few over 3.5lbs.....fishing partner got a 3lber....we raised one musky Next day some decent bass, but just after noon we went to a spot the guide mentioned the day before but we didn't have time to go to.......around 1pm we had our first 50 inch musky.......a 51x 24.5, 40lber...... My friend just bought his second musky rod that morning a shimano musky series.......however, it was my boat, my spot(I paid attention to the guide and got the description of the spot off him that morning, and even my lure......however still super exciting and awesome......very thrill and nervous getting it to the boat and landed.....now I have to go get r done..... One and a half minute fight or less due to the new rod.....cut the hooks out with cutters with the fish still in the water.....out of the water for a minute for some photos and measurements.....released swimming fine after a minute of revival.....
  21. I too fish the geen with a 13ft Frontier Casting rod, with either my old gold shimano chronarch or new silver chronarch mg. .........maybe see you around......
  22. One of the musky show's on WFN either Musky Hunter or the Esox Angler show did something on tandum inline spinners. More thump in the water.....they even upgrade their gaint double cowgirls to a larger sized blade at times. Double cowgirls seem to be the way to go.
  23. pb northern - 41inches
  24. First fishing trip was on Dollars Lake with my father when I was about 10. We went to the boat to lodge at the north end. Caught largemouth along the shoreline of the river towards the dam. Seen a sturgeon below the dam. Seen a big fish casing lots of minnows off an island. Also, locals were gathering in the center of the lake to catch eyes at dusk. It was a great little trip!
  25. I too have an issue and any help would be appreciated! Mine reconditioned minn kota draws power from the battery even at rest. First time hooking up, I didn't use it and over night it drained the battery. Thought it was the battery so I switched up to my fish finder battery and it worked for 30mins. and I stopped using it and over the night it drained the battery. I use clips, so all I do is unhook them when not using it, but it's still a pain, if I forget to unclip. Any ideas on how to stop this ghost power loss? Thanks!
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