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Everything posted by sconceptor

  1. Walmart in North Bay carries a lot of cool stuff, Clarus rods, Curado reels, musky series rods, musky tackle, and some neat walleye worm harness.
  2. Is this Kevin Van Dam looking for a guide? How are the sexy shad patterns working this year? Coffee tubes working well?
  3. Held in Ontario's Natural Retreat(Bruce County) a couple times in my life time. Once in Walkerton and last year in Teeswater. They tend to be huge. Large areas of land set aside for events(truck pulls, tractor pulls, horse shows, lifestock shows, etc.) and hundreds and hundreds of vendors/displays(John Deere and other farm equipment, large farmer displays, small business displays, seed companies, views into the future of farming, the past history of farming, etc. There's usually music and dance going on, and I'm pretty sure you can walk around drinking beers(or at least there's a beer tent). Anything and everything to do with farming and rural life can be there. Good times. YeeHaw
  4. Suck's that the company is giving you the run around. I would suggest going to the dealer that sold you the rod and have them deal with the issues. I tend to only give my broken rods back to the tackle shop that sold it to me, so they can handle the issues. It's their business to make you happy, and have lots of experience dealing with the tackle manufacturers. I tend to head to Kitchener, London, Woodstock or Grimsby for tackle shops that do this for me, even though it's a 2-3 hour drive. It's beats having to send the rod in myself and deal with customs or UPS or packaging up a broken rod for the mail. I know BPS doesn't deal with warrenty issues for makes other than their own name brand stuff, so I don't tend to buy expensive rods there either. Give your business to the local tackle shop owners who deal with the suppliers about this stuff!!! It's worth it and often they'll even swap a new rod on the spot, as they know they'll get a replacement from the broken one you're giving them. Makes you happy, and you'll go back more often!
  5. There's a small river that runs along side of the park. Where it enters the lake is a pretty large pond and all the way upstream a few hundred yards is somewhat deep, 1ft -3ft. It usually contains some bass/panfish/catfish/chub/stocked brown trout maybe/carp. Upstream there's the odd hole, but it's mostly a good creek for muckin about and dip netting minnows and crayfish. I'd say the creek is the best bet for getting kids into fishing.......bring dip nets for minnow, frog, tadpole, crayfish catching!!!!!
  6. The provincal park does have a good little launch. Your 18fter should be fine there. The bay in Inverhuron is somewhat protected and you can race around it pretty good towing the children, compared to the big chop out in the big lake. As for fishing, I've never fished out there, but would enjoy it even without downriggers. There's lots of rock structure to try your luck for smallies, and even some big eyes out there too. Around the corner from the park is the nuclear plant, and the outflows there are awesome to anchor in and cast heavy bait or jig. The flow is huge, so it's a little scary, I've been in the slower of the 2 outflows(outflow closest to the park is the main outflow, and further away is a lesser outflow)....have a look at goole maps and you can see the streams of warmer water heading into the lake. Lots of big bass and eyes roam around there. Acuatally all species hang out there.......gar pike, bass, eyes, pike, brown trout, steelhead, carp, catfish, drum,........ I'd also try some of the main rock piles, sand/mud flats and some shoreline structure for fishing too. Once on other bay on the other side of the nuclear plant (bay du dore) I caught a few drum, bass, and catfish on tubes from my kayak. I'd take it easy racing around out there, since there's lots of rock piles and structure which can be right under the surface.....Bay Du Dore is especially tricky for first timers, as is the few hundred yards out from the shoreline along the nuclear plant. Also, I think there's a few piles of rocks in Inverhuron Bay which might be very close to surface. One friend use to wade out to one rock pile in Inverhuron bay and catch bass out there all day long.
  7. Any reasons why it wouldn't be good to put the bow mount off the left side instead of the right???? I just bought a new to me princecraft and with the rope tie down locations it appears the simpliest place for the bow mount leads it to the left. Thanks for the input!
  8. When they update the regs last year they removed the section on what sections of the rivers were open. In the old regs they had a good description....however lots of us up here have looked into it.....they are the same as the old regs, which is Port Albert - Nine mile- just the mouth, at the beach pond up to the line that use to cross the river, at the wall (about 50m to fish) Goderich - Maitland - hwy 21 bridge to the lake (about 2Km to fish) Kincardine - Penetagore - Queen st. bridge down town to lake(about 0.5 - 1km to fish) Southampton - Saugeen - old bridge abundments near denny's dam down to the lake (about 3-4km to fish) Sauble Beach - Sauble - a few hundred yards downstream of the falls(basically at the S bend) to the lake (about 2-3km to fish) All other rivers and streams are basically closed, they didn't have opens seasons in the old regs and still don't. This includes Inverhuron Provincal Park and other creeks around Kincardine. Bayfield river I think is hwy 21 to the lake for year round....... I don't like the new regs as it's not describe well and you have to research the old regs to get the proper description. ....
  9. Would that have been the Sauble river? I've been moving and working too much to enjoy any fishing this fall......let's hope December on the Saugeen is sweet!!
  10. greybruceoutdoors.com has more info on the area.......... some teenager did well on Cyprus Lake right in the National Park last week.....he caught a good number (suprised me with his total) of walleye/pickeral using worm harnesses/leeches/minnows on a bottom bouncer. Also worth the look at a photograph of this yacht that pulled into the Tobermory habour....about half the size of the cheecheemon.....some huge boats pull in there! Off Dyers Bay the government docks used to be good to launch and head out for salmon/trout trolling......Back in the bay in OwenSound the salmon derby is starting and I'm not sure how far up the pennisula they go chasing salmon and trout to enter in that derby? Don't really hear too much about trolling for salmon and trout off Tobermory and I wouldn't consider that area too good for bass/pickeral/pike along the shore line structure. Inland lakes are okay, but nothing too spectacular.
  11. I too have a leak, maybe takes on 10L of water every 4hours. I went 3 days of fishing with minimal leakage, but first windy day on Nipissing, and crashing into those 1foot rollers on a lenghty ride up the lake seemed to cause the leak to open up again. The next few days, water would keep coming in. When sitting at the dock, it would still take on water. One day when I wasn't going to be fishing or around to run the bilge, I pulled boat out of the water. I"m not sure what would happen if I let it sit over night. Would it just fill up to a certain point and then become neutrally bouyant? I have a short transon, so there's only an inch or two of freeboard at the transom. It would suck to have water start coming over and filling up the boat. I would think it would need a few hundred liters of water of sink the boat, but I don't like worrying about the leaking, and when it's raining hard at night. On a few fishing trips I'd wake up to run the bilge in the middle of the night during storms.
  12. buy a map and watch out for shoals........
  13. Here's a link to some great trout tattoos and it's too bad there's no photo of the musky he did on my buddies arm........ http://www.sugarshacktattoo.com/Welcome.html go to the tattoo link and fish are about half way down
  14. Not in it, but thought it's a good link....... The fishery is not as good as 5 or 6 years ago, when Ontario Out of Doors rated Kincardine as one of the top Salmon fishing locations in Canada. Lack of prey for salmon is the main reason I believe and reasons for that are plenty.......lake trout, walleye, bass, jumbo perch etc are on the rise I hear but salmon and down rigging is going downhill..... She's no Lake Ontario or Lake Erie out on the big water.......
  15. Bisco.......was there last year.....Izumi or somebody did a show on it this year.......road is fine....I'd drive a hybrid honda civic down it if that's all I owned. It's on a major road used for the lumber Industry and Bisco is a "resort" hamlet so the road is always in decent shape......now after a big rain storm it might be tough.....Roads past Kipiwa in Quebec were much worse, but improving as the logging keeps going to the new areas.....
  16. I'm north of London on the shore of Lake Huron......closest dealer on the water is a Princecraft and Yamaha dealer in Owen Sound. He's got some G3s and a few older Princecrafts that are pretty sweet. I should ask them if they'd be able to set me up with a test ride. I guess I'd probably like to drive to Barrie or Orillia to take a cruise in a 16ft side console, but would also consider the Kawartha's as far away as Peterborough. I head over to Balsam and Pigeon to fish once a year.........I should spend an afternoon looking for a dealer to take me for a ride. Scott
  17. Does anybody know of a marine that would allow me to test drive a 16foot side console? I still think I'd prefer a 16ft tiller, but if a good deal is to be had on a side console, I'd like to know how I like driving it and such......... maybe I need to arrange a fishing trip with somebody with a 16foot side console with a 40 or 60hp motor...... Thanks, Scott
  18. Mike the pike, I've seen your new Lund tiller and it's super sweet......if I won a lottery it'd be one of the boats I'd buy.......what'd you pay for that....... I ask around and a new boat with the set up I'd like is about 17grand.....something that I can't really afford unless I like debt or eat KD for the next 10years. I should be able to find a 99 or 00 for under 10grand......my buddy just bought a 98 Lund Explorer tiller with a 98 40hp 4 stroke Honda for 7500$ .......I'd probably pay that no problem and be happy with it for 5-8years.....then get a few grand for it and upgrade again....
  19. Hey, I've got new boats on my mind and am keeping my eye out for my next sweet ride. I've only driving and fished out of tillers, and have basically no experience with a side console. The only side consoles I've been on are 20some odd foot Lake Huron fishing boats, designed for down rigging. I'm in the believe that a tiller is the best bet for an all round boat. Precision trolling is the main advantange. Also, there's more room in the boat without a console and chair in the way. Can people give me reasons why they prefer one or the other? Does anybody know of marines that allow you to test drive a side console to see how it feels on the water? I like the Lund Rebels and Lunds of that nature. Mostly I find side consoles, but have hopes in a early 2000 model or 99 model tiller with a 40hp 4 stroke for 8-10grand. Lund or a Princecraft DLX series 16foot model.........those are my choices.....no Grumman again, no Sylvan, no Microcraft, no Legend, etc....... Thanks, Scott
  21. Kincardine gets them each spring the past few or more years......young males roaming down from the Pennisula....looking for females and new homes without adult males near by The Grennock Swamp(between Walkerton and Kincardine) is suppose to have a handfull since it's basically a long wooded corridor running from the pennisula way down south.....bears and big cats could live in it without people sightings..... from this bush they can make there way to a lot of Southern Ontario. I was suprised to hear that people even try hunting bears on the Pennisula.....I thought bear hunting was just more of sort of a Muskoka's north thing........
  22. Thanks guys.......It's just what I needed to hear. I've got a few hundred in CT gift cards so I will put it to good use........... Next will be a new battery I think since I don't store mine well in the winter......small apartment with poor storage space, means my batteries went into cold storage.... I just bought the Nautalis battery charger, so I'll see how they charge pretty soon..... Motor needs tune up, trailer bearing went and broke the hub, need a new fish finder, probably need new batteries.........Hope the Super 7 on Friday comes through.........
  23. Hey, My Lowarance is falling apart, with buttons falling out, thus not being able to use many functions. It's about 6years old. I'm thinking this boat I have now will only be with me for another year or 2. I need a new fish finder, and think a portable one would be a good option. I could use it ice fishing, in other boats, or maybe even on the bow of my friends large boats. Then with a newer larger boat for myself, I could maybe rig it up to be at the bow. I was thinking of the Hummingbird 565 portable from Crappie Tire. Does anybody have 2cents about this unit or any other portable units? Thanks!!!!
  24. My friend called this reel blue.......lol.........it's so white it's not funny......but there is a blue tint/shine over the white paint.........but it's not BLUE!
  25. Hey, I've got a 1995 25hp oil injected 3 cylinder Johnson tiller. It leaks a small amount of oil from the around the brass fitting just under the reservoir. I'd rather not pollute with the small oil leak running down(100ml/4months) the inside of the motor down the shaft into the water. How would I go about switching to stop using the oil injector? Do I just need to drain the reservoir and put a plug in it? Shoud I get the whole oil injector removed? Shoud I just run it dry and mix oil in my gas tank at 100:1? I've had it fixed my a local marina but all they did was shove the connections together better. It worked until I trailered the boat for 16hours, and fished with it for 7days. I don't have a good local marina to work on it. Most motors around here are for Lake Huron, so they don't see many like mine. I'm not about to drive it to the Kawartha's or up Nipissing way where they've probably dealt with this before. I've tried sending emails to the service departments at these locations, but never get any replys. One marina want's to fix the leak, but I've heard oil injectors can be a pain. I've had no problems with the injector, other then it leaks a little. If you don't totally trust your oil injector, should you still mix oil at 100:1 in the gas tank? Thanks for all your responses and help!
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