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Everything posted by sconceptor

  1. Who here attaches directly to the eye of a crankbait? Typically I'm fishing for walleye and or pike, so I want a leader. I usually attach a wire leader to my line and then the snap goes into the split ring. I've seen one fisherman attach a wire leader directly to a crankbait, and I"m not sure how he did it? Maybe he had a crimper and those slips/sleeves to run the wire though. I'm not sure I'd trust crimping a leader, but I guess that's how most of my leaders are made anyways..... Crimping the sleeves on must have pretty awesome strength qualities. You'd think the odd sleeve would slip off and lose the lure if snagged or fish if it's big. I think I'd prefer leaders with twists/knots. I also have seen some articles on removing split rings if you do use snaps. Put the snap directly to the eye of the lure, helps keep a better lure action. I guess having one point where the lure swivels at line/leader contact is best. If you put the snap onto the split ring, there's two points of contact and a weaker lure action. Do I have that theory correct? Any thoughts guys???
  2. I've heard a few stories about Don, and he's nothing but class!!!!!! Talk to the kids and parents, signs lots of autographs, does lots of events, has a charity in the name of his wife, etc............He's a beauty!!!!
  3. My name is Scott and I have the same shoulder bag too.......sweet..... Too bad I'm not closer to better rivers right now.....I went to the Maitland and nothing happening yet.......walked 21 to the train bridge and up the other side, ony 2 fish, talked to about 10guys.....Too high and fast.....lots of fish upstream, and I'll be in Montreal when the fishing is going to be at it's best.......GO HABS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. it's open from hwy 21 bridge to the lake......these sweet new regs forgot to include the year round fishing opportunities in our area.........they grouped them into lake huron regs, but didn't publish that......... they now include the old areas, like the maitland hwy 21 to lake, nine mile 100yards upstream of the lake to the lake(there should be a few lines or signs posted, but it's basically one pool from where it enters the lake), penetangore, main street kincardine bridge to the lake, saugeen is the old bridge abudments to the lake, sauble is just upstream of the s bend to the lake, or a few hundred yards(edge of the park) down from the dam to the lake. ......all the same as previous years, they just didn't include statements about this in the new regs
  5. Saugeen would a good river along Huron...........has a very large section of deep water from the rapids to the pier. Then you can venture out over the sand and rock shoals out from the pier(north side of the pier is good). Even around the graveyard hole, you could paddle up and down, drifting it pretty good(probably pissing off a lot of shore fisherman......). I wouldn't think Maitland would be very easy, with how shallow it gets upstream from the old rail bridge, unless you like to paddle on rocks or get out and walk upstream. Everybody could be bumping into each other from the section downstream of the bridge to the end of the piers.
  6. What is the best way to filet a whitefish? I tried doing it like I do a walleye, and running the knife down the spine, and over the ribs, but it didn't work too well. The meat was terrible soft and mushy. On my second fish, I gutted it and then removed the filets, more like cleaning a salmon or trout. I then tried to then remove the bones from the filet, but it was tough! The lateral bones were hard to get out of the soft flesh, and the taking the ribs off leaves basically left nothing but a 2" strip from the top of the spine down to the top of the lateral bone. There's not much of a tail section to get a good chunk of meat off either. It was my first time trying to clean whitefish, and found it very tough! Any help would be appreciated! I should've paid the hut rental guys a few dollars to show me how to clean the 2 we kept from the 8 we caught yesterday.
  7. That pic of the Walmart hard box........that's what I'm talking about, but maybe a little larger. Look at the sweet top! The most used crankbaits can go in those ones on either side of the top, the best spinner baits have a nice home, there's some room for big gear. Then it still has the slide out boxes, that can be switched with what I've got going on in my soft sides. I agree, it's mostly good for fishing from a boat, but then the soft bags are basically best for a lot of walking. I'll still use a mid sized soft bag for plastics and their hooks/jigs. However, I think my main crankbaits will come fishing with me in a hard box. The back up lures can sit in the cabin in soft bags.
  8. Who prefers what? A few years ago, I switched up to using soft sided tackle bags instead of hard plastic boxes. I'm getting pretty sick of the lack of stability in the soft sided bags, and trying to jam in the insert boxes and such. I think I'm going to pick up a nice new hard plastic box. I like the new features they've got. I like the new compartments. I like the top tray that has quick access for you best and most used gear. I like the 4 or 5 insertable plastic boxes, just like the soft bags. I like the small compartments for hooks, jigs, swivels, weights, etc. I like the big spaces for the pliers, measuring tape, etc. They are not as bad as the old big plastic boxes with folding trays! They now seem to be better than the soft sided bags. I think it's time to buy a nice big one! I need to win a lottery or find a sweet sugar momma to support me!!!!
  9. Do you think really stinky spawn is still good for steelheading? I don't mean, a slight off odour. I mean, almost need to wear a gas mask to tie the spawn sacs! The smell is worse than the worst used babies daiper! To quote "Anchorman"...."it smells like bigfoot's dick". Hahaha I don't like to keep mature females, just for eggs, so I buy my spawn. I'd prefer to only keep one or two small fish per year. I like to buy in bulk, and sometimes it doesn't last too long. Also, some store's curing process smells odd too(too chemically, too cured, etc). I don't think these smells are much of a concern.....but how about that really funky, nasty, smell they get when they're past their due? I wish I had more time to test my stinky spawn this past winter and thaw we just had! Maybe I'll still be using the stinky stuff in the spring, though.
  10. Thanks for the replies guys! I typically don't like much breaking on my reels. However, I do fishin in rather foul weather, cold(steelhead in the winter), and windy(gust of 50km/hr along a river bank). 60-70km gusts are too much!!! My thumb isn't perfect in these less than ideal conditions. It's not perfect in good conditions either, but I'm not a pro. Adjusting the fall rate, just doesn't cut it sometimes. Now with those external adjustments, I think it would be sweet, to be able to quickly go from a low amount of breakiing, to a heavier setting due to wind or cold. No taking apart the reel. Less wasted time trying to find a good setting or warming up the thumb. I just got out my 2007 Master Fishing BPS catalogue and looked at the reel comparisons. I don't mind the 200-250US$ range. I might switch up from my Shimano brand on this, and go with a Diawa Zillion or a Quantum Tour Edtion PT. I think I'll go blazin fast 7.0.1 too. I'll have my own comparison of what I like in a few years! So when I'm old and grey like a lot of you, I can talk with more experience.........hopefully a few thousand trophy fish photos too.
  11. Hey, I'm looking forward to purchasing a new casting reel to use for steelhead in the fall/winter and bass/eyes in the summer/fall. I'm probably going to trade in my little used Abu Eon, at the BassPro Shop Spring Fishing Classic. What types of breaking systems do you hardcore casters like? I'm looking to spend a few hundred dollars. I'm thinking of an external breaking system this time. Any thoughts???? Shimano users, Quantum users, Abu Revo users,, Diawa users? I typically like Shimano gear, but am not a fan in the internal centrifugal breaking system. I don't like having to adjust the breaks by opening up the reel. Sometimes it'd be nice to just turn a dial to make a quick adjustment! I don't like the pins and the red plastic pieces. I own a Chornach and a Curado. My Curado has needed a new spoil, since a pin in the breaking system would frequently fall out, screwing up the reel. I guess the plastic was cracked around the pin, and Shimano's service center didn't notice. After the first repair, where they only put in a new pin and gave me a few new red plastic break pieces, the pin fell out again. I then noticed the crack and decided a new spoil was how to fix it. I just decided to buy a new spoil, instead of sending it back for a repair and to complain. I should've complained since they've got deep pockets and I've read there were a few issues with the Curado's the year I bought mine. The digital Shimano sounds awesome, but I'm not sure about spending that type of money. Thanks for all the input!!!!
  12. You've got my boat! What do you think of the tiller lund with a 40hp 4 stroke? Do you now wish you were to upgrade to a 50 or 60hp? Where'd you buy it, what time of year, at a show, any discounts on it? I haven't bought a new boat, but I'd like either a Lund tiller(too many models to pick from), or Crestliner 1650 FishHawk tiller or Princecraft Pro1650T. I hope I can round up 15-20grand for it, in the next few years!
  13. Yeah, golf is pretty cheap up here, and lots of decent courses! Between Clinton and Goderich is a nice 18 holer, Sunset north of Goderich is a nice old narrow, tree lined 18, Ainsdale south of Kincardine is a wide open 18, and BlackHorse near Kinloss, west of Kincardine is a very nice newer 18. Best is the oldest course in the county.....the Lurgan Beach/Point Clark soil green course..... Cobble Beach just north of Owen Sound is the nicest toughest course around! It'd be harder than that cheesy little course that just held the Canadian Open!!! July is was only 60$ for 18 and a cart after 4pm, when it was 110$ from 9am till noon. I"m not sure if the deal goes on into August....got to check the website.
  14. Maitland River is pretty wicked. Drive around and find bridges where you can park and gain access to the river. Look out for private property. Wingham has a dam, that's pretty simple to fish around. If you're up closer to Kincardine, Pine River isn't too bad. The mouth of the river is suppose to be decent. I've heard of locals who find the sand/rock edges in like 10fow and do well for smallies. They use small aluminum boats or dingies or canoes for that stuff. Point Clark has a huge shoal that probably holds lots of bass. The shoal is the reason why there's the lighthouse there, and it extends way out into the lake. Point Clark and Pine River are very close together and it's a nice little cottage community/subdivision. The best river in the area is the Saugeen, but it's a good hour and a half or more drive from Goderich.
  15. I've heard some horror stories about Gloomis steelhead rods and repairs. I'm sure for both companies there's many satisfied and unsatisfied customers. I do believe in going with a dealer you feel comfortable with. My local shop isn't very good for service, but they don't do as much business as the city shops. My local store makes you mall them back and deal with the companies. I like my K/W shop! I've had a few repairs done there, and rods sent away. They've always been good. It's 2hours away for me, but that's what is normal for living in rural south western ontario. I won't go save a few bucks on a rod at BPS either, as I doubt their service is as good, and it's a 3hour drive. I do spend thousands at both BPS and small shops! I just like that fact that the KW store, takes the rod, sends it off, no questions asked, and gets it fixed or replaced. One new rod was broken just before a week long trip, and they replaced it with a different rod of the same cost. They knew they'd be able to get a new rod back for the broken one, and sell it again. I know you can catch hundreds of walleye with even a hand line, on lots of northern lakes.......but nothing beats a good rod. Match it with a good reel and good line. Then being able to feel all the bottom or shake of the lure and fish, is great! I'll probably head down to K/W in a month and pick up a few rods. I'll work some OT first, so I've got some extra flow to pay for these. $500 for a couple of good rods and then I'll be craving a centre pin set up for the fall!!!!! Bottom bouncing for steelhead was great last year, but I crave a good centre pin, so I can float fish like a champ with the rest of them along the rivers. Spending money on fishing never ends!?!?!? A thousand or more a year on gear, fishing trips and maybe 10grand for a better boat in a few years! I can't wait to win the lottery, or find a rich women to support me!!!!!
  16. What are some of the best fishing equipment review websites? My friend checks out some frequently, but I can never remember the website name and my searches never locate anything good.
  17. Any comments on either brand of high end rods? I'm looking at adding a couple high end rods to match to a few stradics. My first choices are St.Croix Legend Tourny rods, one walleye series 6'6 jig'n'rig all round eye slaying machine, and one 6'8 bass series finese rod for senkos, tubes, and soft baits. Each is about 220$. G.Loomis has a those bronzeback rods and walleye rods, but I think they're a light more expensive. G.Loomis does have a few regular brands, GLX, etc., that are about 200$, and seem pretty wicked. Who prefers what brand? Can you go wrong with either?
  18. There's some bass fishing off Point Clark, which is just south of Kincardine and has a boat launch. There's a massive shoal that goes way out in the lake, and a small river mouth just a little north. I hear guys find the sand/rock edges in 10-20-fow and do well for smallies. To the north, the nuclear plant is were to go. You'll get many species included bass and walleye. There's two launches, one at Bay Du Dore and one in Inverhuron Provincal Park. For pike, I think the fishing lslands about 1.5hours north, near Oliphant, use to be okay for them. The area isn't really know for those species!!!!! However, Ontario Out of Doors did have Bay Du Dore as one of the best smallmouth locations about 20years ago before water levels went down and zebre mussells cleaned up the water. Who knows, with the salmon fishery going to hell, maybe shoreline fishing, and shoal fishing for bass will pick up?
  19. Saugeen Rules!!!!!! All those fish picks from Lake Ontario tribs were beginning to piss of the West Coast of Ontario. Now our big rivers are fishable, we can share some success. The past two days I've gone 5for5 for steel, 4 x 2-3lb silver snot rockets and 1 x 6lb drop back hen, plus 2 suckers. I won't be fishing the weekends as the crowds are worse, so I get my time on the river when I work nights, and go out mid week. That's the worst dam! I wish the fish ladders were better, so more fish could get up it. At least Darryl Cronzy has helped to start up a trout stocking program on the river and the Kincardine hatchery as already taken some eggs and sperm to get the stocking program going! Going to make it into one of the best trout rivers on the East Coast of North America we hope!!!! Good fishing forum is GreyBruceOutdoors.com lots of Huron and GeoBay rivers on it!
  20. Good to know guys, Thanks!!! Wish they'd print the new regs for this year. I've done a few posts on this before, viewed it almost daily at work for the past 4years I think. Born and raised in Kincardine. Currently work in the area too. Fish all species and am most fond of musky, pike, walleye, steelhead, salmon and bass. Can't choice a true favourite as it changes from week to week. PBs are 31.5 ince walleye from a lake in Quebec and a 41inche Pike from a lake talk about on this forum from time to time. Musky is only 42inches, but from the Saugeen River, which is more special than a Kawartha musky. Bass, I'm not yet to break 20inches(stuck on a few 19inch smallies) plan on breakin it this year. Steelhead is only 8lbs, but I finally did good on the big rivers in my area this year, about 20 for 40 over 8-10days in the fall. Salmon was pushing 30lbs, back in the days when Lake Huron Salmon were big and the fall runs were wild. I own a kayak for fishing, and a 14.5ft grummen matched with a 25hp Johnson 3 cylinder. I own thousands in gear and baits. I own a few higher end rods and reels(chornarchs, cardiffs, stadric, stradic mg, st.croix rods)I prefer Shimano over anything......thus Sconcept.
  21. I know the Bass Season says it opens the last Saturday on June, but this year it's the 30th. That means only one day of Bass fishing in June, which blows. It'd be nice if they moved it to the 2nd last sat. of the month this year! In other years, when the last saturday is the end of the month, do they adjust the seasons? It'd be nice to start to fish bass on the 23rd, which is pretty close to a normal season. I'm not sure, but I recall Salmon season, which ends on the last saturday of the September. When it would fall on the last day of the month, they would move the season, to close on the 2nd last Saturday of the month. Reason, why I ask, is sometimes Bass Season is open the week before the Canada Long Weekend. Lots of people start camping for that mid week, and bass would be open to fish for. However, it would appear that this year, everybody is going to have to wait till the Saturday to fish them. Mid week, will only be pike, walleye, and panfish.
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