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Everything posted by Photoz

  1. Thank you for the info . . . . . one of these days there are going to be quite a few people get a very unpleasant surprise when the white Ministry truck pulls up to the bridge! (Possibilities are pretty small, I haven't seen the Ministry ANYWHERE down there in about a year or more! Presently the trout aren't hitting AT ALL in the Ganny . . . . from 06:00 to 2:00 p. m. I saw 2 fish caught, my float went down ONCE . . . . missed him!
  2. I know there is usually a discussion about this once or twice a year, and I just go to my trusty regulations book and check. Plus I believe Ron put a Ministry sign up on the south sside of the trestle a couple years back. Well the sign is gone, and I don't have my trusty Rules & Regulations book now. Most of the locals are standing on the north side and casting into what I believe to be hallowed water, but they say it changed again this year. Even though the fishin' is LOUSY this year, I don't wish to get nailed for fishing in a sanctuary. Would someone who has a regulations book advise me on wgere the boundary id THIS year. Thank you kindly. Although I haven't seen a Ministry rep there in a couple years, the first cast I'd make on the north side, he'd likely choose to show up, and it WOULD be hallowed waters!
  3. I've spent about 4 days in the last 2 weeks washing Cleo's, Rapalas & roe in the Ganny. . . . haven't had a sniff of anything yet. I've been checkin' out the garbage cans in the fish cleanin' station after the boaters come in, the roe left in there is not nearly mature yet . . . . probably 4 - to 5 weeks before the females egg cache is gonna be ripe. Lotsa FREE roe being dumped from the cleaned fish . . . . . it's there for the taking . . . . you don't have to kill any fish to get it!
  4. P. S. Just for curiosity, if the Town of Port Hope can't 'diddle' with the fishing laws & regulations, how did the Town (or township) of Angus get away with charging $35.00 (??) for a 'special' licence to fish up there?. I believe that went right to the Supreme court, and the law was upheld, now you rarely hear a whimper from anybody about this? Is it pretty strictley inforced? What is the penalty . . . . fines . . . . confiscation of gear . . . . . ? Misfish . . . . you'd likely be very familiar with the fishing regulations over that way?
  5. T'anks for the 'heads up,' I used to sometimes, late at night,in mid to late August, go out on the pier and wash a few glo-in-the-dark Cleos . . . . these nice silvers are a far different fish than the ol' brown boots that run the gauntlet from the lake up to the ol' Biway Pool in September. I've smoked up my thumb more than once tryin' to slow a good one down, boy, those buggers have speed AND power! It's nice to see the 11:00 to 04:00 parking seriously enforced . . . . that'll put a stop to the cheapskate campers that park all along the river a week at a time! My main reason for even being around there in September . . . . . FREE ROE! Just hang around the cleaning station, most people who clean & carve up their fish rarely hang onto the roe . . . . it's free for the asking, and I don't have to kill a fish to get it! I just wonder what happened all the carp . . . . the Ganny was full of 'em in May, June & July . . . . made great fishin,' and there was no die-off out there that I heard of. They were there 3 years ago . . . . there's been hardly any since?
  6. I haven't been on the board much lately . . . . . if I remember correctly, the town fathers (and mothers I guess) of beautiful (glowing) Port Hope were just about to pass a bylaw outlawing the using of salmon or trout roe for fishing in the spring? I haven't seen anything in print since, and when I was down there last week, I asked some of the natives if the law had been passed . . . . NOT A SOUL KNEW ANYTHING ABOUT IT AT ALL? The only thing that has changed is there's enforcement of the parking bylaws . . . 11:00 p. m., to 04:00 . The carp seem to have all moved out, and there's gotta be goose & duck crap 3" deep all along the river. Does anyone know for certain what's goin' on with this bylaw . . . . has it been officially passed? Thanks. P. S. Down behind the factory, there's a big sign telling everybody to stay off the rocks & the pier!
  7. If you need something to practice on, those 'whistling trout' SHOULD be in the Beaver River in about a week. I was up Sunday, the river channel was still 75% frozen over and I could see a few people way y y y y y out on Simcoe . . . . . no signs of open water out there, but I'll bet the ice is gettin' pretty rotten by now . . . it would likely be a good idea wearing your 'water wings' if ya do venture out!
  8. Yeah h h h h . . . . . this is a real sore spot for me too . . . . I have to go to the hospital for treatment several times a year . . . . . I get there a half hour early, WAIT TO SEE THE DOCTOR FOR UP TO AN HOUR, then buy my van back at the parking garage for $24.00! There is a medical building next door (1333 Sheppard East) . . . . . they are just as bad. When I can, I take the TTC over & back . . . . . $2.00 each way is a lot better than $15.00 to $24.00 maximum parking! But if you are sick or are visiting as sick relative, you may not be able to go this route! When I was in last summer, I added up for 1 day, 5 visitors @ $15.00 or more . . . . these theives get no less than $75.00 . . . for a few hours parking! I think I should get a cut of that, eh? And yes, CBC Marketplace had a GR R R R E A T half hour show . . . . well worth going over to the CBC's site and have a boo!
  9. Beansie went into Peterborough Hospital last week . . . . 'minor surgery' he said. Anybody hear from him yet?
  10. Sending a game warden down to the trestle will get a few illegal anglers, but I think an even more important undertaking would be to have some one from the ministry in plain clothes checking out 3 or 4 trout spots and nail a few that are paying no attention to the NEW limit of 2 trout!! A picture does little good, nor does a phone call, they have to be caught in the act. There are some of these clowns who catch 2 for themselves, then 2 for their kids, or some fishing buddy. I saw a guy with his 2 kids last week, they were about 9 - 10 years old, and having a helluva good time tossing rocks in the water, while good ol' Dad warched the 3 rods that were set! Not much you can do about that . . . . I was hoping they'd get 2 fish on . . . . the kids were away down the beach skippin' rocks . . . . goodbye to 1 rod anyway!
  11. I purchased a Vexilar SE in 2006, used it about 2 years, it was the difference between getting fish & NOT getting fish. The the FL 20 'Pro Pack' made its debut in 2008, it had several more purty l'il lights & lines . . . . it must REALLY be good, I sold my barely used FL8SE to a good friend, and went for the fancier (looking) one. After using it a few times, I felt like trading Big Cliff for my old one back. There's not a thing WRONG with it, except the lines showing different depths confiuse th' 'ell outta me. If you DID decide to go for a Vexilar, an F8SE is all you need. I got about a dozen lakers, crusing anywhere between 40' & 80' down, that I'd never have known were there! As for the battery, I could 'squeek' about 2 - 7 hour shifts out in -15 weather before I had to charge it. When I saw your post, I pulled the Vex outta my clothes closet, and checked the batteries. The one I had hooked up since last March was still over half charged & the spare was just under about a third. Get yourself a decent flasher, Vexilar or Marcum, you'll very quickly wonder how you ever managed without one! The fish don't have a chance when ya go huntin' 'em with a flasher
  12. The difference between a 4-wheel drive & a 2-wheel drive . . . . . the 4-wheeler will get you a half mile further into the bush before you get stuck!
  13. I DID mention the smelts I would be using would be store-bought, and the question was "Would they be legal to use . . . . thank you?
  14. I've heard that Rockey's Bait & Tackle in Orillia is the designated Okuma dealer for Central Ontario . . . . This might be a good number to call for information . . . . apparently he's pretty decent to deal with? 705-325-3526.
  15. Last year I was fishing in Simcoe, and the scoop of minnows (shiners) Harry gave me were way y y y to many. The 2 dozen or more I had left I just dumped in the long grass near shore. When I went back the next day (it was quite chilly) there were my dead minnows. I chopped a few in half . .. . they were taken just as enthusiastically as the day before when they were live. Ding, on goes the lightbulb? I've cleaned lotsa perch with the remains of smelts in their gullet, they take dead shiners . . . . I figure live smelts would likely be good bait for perch, which I believe would not be legal? But . . . . if I went to my local grocery store and bought FROZEN ones, and kept the receipt . . . . would this be legal? Anybody else ever try frozen smelts? Did you catch whatever fish tou were targeting?
  16. I just have to make one trip during the height of the salmon run to either Port Hope or Port Credit, go to the fish cleaning station. and grab 2 skeins out of the trash barrel, take 'em home treat 'em & freeze 'em up. There must be literally TONS of the salmon roe just tossed in the garbage, and it's so much easier than having to compete with the great unwashed, flossing or even (gasp) snagging one of those ol' brown boots. Try it . . . you'll like it!
  17. Trying one more bump . . . . .
  18. Not even close.
  19. I'm not sure if this would be the proper way to dispose of an inexpensive 'found' rod & reel, but I guess it's worth a try. This aforementioned 'combo' is likely under $100.00, which was 'donated' to the salmon Gods in the last week or 2 . . . . somebody learned the hard way why you NEVER lay a rod & reel down, and take your eyes off it. If YOU lost it, just tell me what make & model it was, and in what stretch of the Ganny you lost it, I'll try to arrange getting it back to you. I'll give it about a week, if no owner shows up, I know someone who would gladly accept it.
  20. What a TERRIBLE let-down . . . . things were going so well, then you get slapped with it again. I went 4 years between bouts, (I'm now cancer-free for almost 9 years) and by that time I'd let my guard down a bit too! She so young, and so upbeat, I just KNOW whatever it turns out to be, she's gonna beat it!! The very best to you and your family, you deserve better!
  21. Thank you very much, everyone who took the time to give me tips & advice, this is a virtual gold mine of tips. It's nice to know about sound systems . . . . I've always loved the 'home-theatre' style of sound, but these days I appreciate the TV's with good crisp colours. Unfortunately my tinitus has really screwed my hearing . . . . it sounds like I'm listening to everything from under a waterfall! In order to hear the TV, WITHOUT deafening the neighbours, I gotta crank the base right out, and put the treble about half way . . . . . a TERRIBLE waste of good sound on a great Tv, but I'm well past my 'best before' date. On Sunday I decided to get a new camera, a Nikon Coolpix P510 (24mm - 1000mm / 42X) If I can learn to use it, THEN I'll buy a new TV. At the 1000mm end, I can count nose-hairs at 500'!
  22. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAWWWWWWW . . . . I'm on my way!
  23. That sounds like a helluva TV, (TC-P655T50) but I paid just over 5 thou for the 36" flat-screen Sony XBR 13 years ago . . . from what I've heard over the past few years, parts become UNavailable after about 5 years, I don't wish to take a chance on a $3000.00+ 'throw-away' TV that MIGHT (or might not) outlive me. It would likely take me a year just to figure out how to turn it on! So far Panasonic & Samsung seem to be most favoured here. And L G too . .. . I've never heard of L G , how long have they been around?
  24. I didn't word that properly . . . . I KNOW the TV doesn't record anything, but I was wondering if these new fangled TV's needed a new fangled recorder? It would seem that my present DVD recorder will suffice. I'm not much into movies, and what I record from the TV isn't all that impressive? But thanks for the input, I know that question, the way I put it, sounded kinda dopey! (Heh . . heh!)
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