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About mukluk

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    Claremont Ontario

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  1. Congratulations in order for sure. I hope this really takes off in sales for you as well as the pleasure of creating the flies.
  2. I was up perch fishing last Wednesday on Lake Simcoe and there were approx. 350 to 400 cormorants just south of the sand islands. Would be nice to see those numbers drop too around 2 for the sake of the fishery and the environment.
  3. Ice out is usually around April 27. each year.
  4. Like when the dentist says "your teeth are ok; but your gums have to come out" So confused at times what to believe. Hard to decide at times whether "to go for a sh#t or wind my watch."
  5. Better get use of this nit-picking way of making extra revenue. Gonna see a lot of this as soon as the government finds a cure for covie and starts to make up the billions of lost revenue spent.
  6. Good memories had by all Rustic. I can relate to that when Dad would take my brother and I boating on Sturgeon Lake back in the early 1950's. He ran the old 16 ft. cedar strip boat and 25 hp. Johnson up on what was a nice swimming area. I began skipping stones across the water when I reached down for a white one. Turned out to be an arrow head; same as yours. Keeping it for my grand daughter when she gets a little older. The dog looks wasted for sure.
  7. I have to agree Cliff. I'm 74 years of age as well. Maybe I could do the breast stroke with her to keep me on top of the water should the boat capsize.
  8. Who needs a floatation vest. Just hold hands with her if the boat capsizes.
  9. So I'm at the boat ramp and I slip and fall into my boat breaking my leg and dislocating whatever. I manage to call for help. Two paramedics; 8 volunteer firefighters show as well as one police officer. It takes at least 6 of those front line workers to get my sorry ass out of the boat and back to the waiting ambulance. All the while working at 2ft. or less from one another. Arrive at the hospital tying up even more front line workers ( x-ray technitions , specialists and nurses etc) all the while possibly putting myself and others at risk of contracting covid-19. Plus after the lengthy hospital stay and return visits. Ya I know; I could break my leg going to the grocery store. I believe the idea is to put less strain on front line workers as much as possible by keeping people at home until we can get a handle on this enemy. We are at war.
  10. Thanks for the report turtle.
  11. The Honda oil contains the special additives needed for the "wet clutch" on their atv's. I quit smoking 32 years ago and managed to save enough money to purchase the best name brand oil for my Honda 2001 foreman 450 over the years. Peace of mind in the long run. Honda oil. Have to agree; a rip off on the prices; but break downs are even worse. Read on another site: If it doesn't say "JASO-MA" on the container somewhere; then it's not for wet clutches.
  12. I can see a slab grabber with a red bead hanging down; just below his left ear.
  13. (1)........Yes Motor boats are allowed There is even a launch on Moores. (2)........No Cannot drive your boat between lakes. There is a roller system built under the bridge at #35 highway. Used for cartopper boats and canoes for easier navigating between the two lakes.
  14. Gotta love ole Hank Snow while cooking up yer mess. Can only imagine what it would be like to get hit between the eyes with one of them squid there bye.. Fishfarmer is having the time of his life catching those whities. What it's all about.
  15. For the sake of our beautiful shorelines and fish stocks; I hope this goes through.
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