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Everything posted by crossover

  1. hey, so I was under the assumption that the alarm would come with some sort of stick that you would screw on, but I was wrong. Given that I don't want to pay $7 shipping again, is there a store in toronto that carries one of these bank sticks? <br><br>http://newworldcarp.com/osc/new-world-carp-bank-stick-5090cm-p-173.html <br><br>Something like that.<br><br>Also, for some reason the battery cover is missing?<br>
  2. It's always booked for the long weekend so it must be good. I went there for a day about 3 years ago and there was a health advisory about the water. It's not as sandy as Long Point, and if you just want to relax I'd suggest Long Point.
  3. Which bite indicator would you recommend from New World Carp? More interested in the ones <$20. And what is the difference between # bites? http://newworldcarp.com/osc/alarms-and-indicators-c-44.html?zenid=0329185c1f58a25a874bcf802c472614
  4. How about the carp on pigeon lake?
  5. Reserved a spot on Emily PP. The only thing I didn't like about Golden beach was: " We are happy to take requests on sites but unfortunately unable to guarantee a site until arrival."
  6. It's an inflatable kayak, almost resembling a mini raft. It's called a Musquash, although I can't find any pictures of it online since it was a model that apparently came with planes. I'll definitely post pics after the trip. Thanks for the tip! How far is the water from the trailer site?
  7. Thanks, I'll look into Emily.
  8. Really though, any campground with access to walleye at a max of 2 hours from Toronto is fair game.
  9. So, we always did our camping in May at Serpent Mounds Park, but it's closed for renovations this year. Does anyone know another park? We have a small trailer, and I would like to try my luck at walleye this year, so a park in a general location where I can find walleye not too far (I will be kayaking) would be great.
  10. Does the stick-o come close in terms of performance? They're much cheaper.
  11. Looking to get into fly fishing this spring. Can anyone recommend a book, but preferably a video? I've read online about one day courses that teach you the basics, but I'd rather try it myself first.
  12. what the hell, why does this kind of offensive material get posted in the title?
  13. I went with the Panasonic Lumix TS2, free shipping from Canada Computers, was $289.99 before taxes. IMO it takes good macro shots. Here are three scuds in my aquarium gravel:
  14. Found this on another forum: So anyone know where one can buy juvenile blue gill?
  15. I also find that when blue gills lose their colour, they look a lot like piranhas.
  16. Thanks for the replies guys, a couple of things: I've heard that transporting live sport fish is illegal. How about when someone takes one of those cages where they keep their limit, and put it in the back of the car without killing the fish? Technically these fish are still live, and a couple would be able to make it if you were to release them in another, nearby water body. @fishnwire: I've seen videos on youtube of people hand feeding blue gill, those guys are crazy. Maybe keeping a species only tank would stress the fish out less, and they might be more active. I'm thinking of perhaps trying with local chub/sucker, seeing if they'll survive in the water parameters, and then moving up. And I've also checked out kjiji last night, tons of great deals. I wonder if these fish would eat the shrimp from my shrimp tank.
  17. Soon I'll be getting a larger aquarium, probably a 55 gallon. I've always been fascinated with the fish species in Ontario, and was wondering if it was legal to keep them in an aquarium? Bluegill have beautiful colouring, but I was thinking more of raising a bullhead (you can catch huge amounts of tiny ones at centennial, so many dead ones lying around from pissed off carp fishermen), but according to aquariumwiki it needs atleast a 90 gallon.
  18. Be wary when buying electronics on the other side of the border. Warranties tend to be region specific, for example say you buy a TV in the US, if it breaks down while you're in Canada and the warranty is only valid in the US. You can send it in to the American Sony but they won't ship outside the US.
  19. 50 years from now the climate will be to effed up to make a thread like this
  20. What's the stuff in the back? Mushrooms stuffed with mushrooms?
  21. If only I had so much money. But if anyone is willing, I could hold one on OFC and have a $20 timmies gift card as a prize.
  22. I don't want to get on anyone's bad side, but isn't it a bit hypocritical to be complaining of other people cheating while you're just one upping this essay without (well a good chunk of you) reading it? IMO the essay contest should be meritocratic and not on who posts on a website with a larger userbase.
  23. http://ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=45523&vpn=3508B005&manufacture=Canon&promoid=1267 D10 is on sale for $98 off. I love NCIX, always have some sale going on specifically when I'm looking for a product. Bought a pair of Koss Portapros for $30 off. Anyways, just a heads up to those who are interested in a cam, I'm still going for the TS2, which is about $14 more expensive, but the D10 is too bulky.
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