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Everything posted by crossover

  1. Yes lol, pike aren't the pickiest eaters. I'll pick up some of my favourite colours and post a report during ice out.
  2. Does anyone have any experience with these lures? I need to stock up for some ice out GTA pike and was thinking of getting the most bang for my buck. Plus the damage is much lower when losing the lures. Hooks are obviously of cheap quality but you can easily change them. http://www.basspro.c...10225045/129563 http://www.basspro.c.../10225056/85456 http://www.basspro.c...10225050/120234 http://www.basspro.c.../10225063/83316 Also on the topic of cheaper baits, can anyone recommend cheap inline spinners? I love mepps but they're a bit pricey.
  3. Don't go with Bell or Rogers, especially after the whole UBB fiasco. You can get cheaper prices with equal service with other carriers like Koodo, Virgin, President's Choice, etc. Plus you don't need to pay no "activation fee" or get involved in a contract that will cost $300 to terminate. I've also noticed that the higher end phones with B&R are only available discounted to those that get the rip off $60 smartphone plans. This should show you what a joke those companies are: http://www.vancouversun.com/business/Rogers+uses+charter+claim+fight+truth+advertising/6057561/story.html
  4. I used to have Wind, but the service was mediocre. It was fine downtown but here in Etobicoke it varied. I couldn't send text messages from my own apartment. I'm with Koodo now, they're on the Bell/Telus Network but have better prices than the big 3. And better selection of phones IMO.
  5. you guys have any experience throwing on the heaviest weight so the bait stays still?
  6. I'm new to steelheading this year and was out today. I was fishing a deep and slow hole but before the river bends there is a deep and very fast hole. I heard something big splash there so I tried to fish it but I didn't really know how. Do you keep your float in place, or do you slowly lower your rod tip to create an artificial drift, or do you pray and let your float drift for 1.5 seconds before the pool ends? Any input would be appreciated.
  7. Seeing as how I don't have a car, I would really like to try the eastern tribs for steelhead. I've also seen a report on here before about some resort on Richter Lake, the walleye fishing looked fantastic.
  8. Misunderstood has two o's. ps I was just kidding.
  9. It's, not its.
  10. I really do not want to in this section has been everyone's underwear, but for the players, we can spend 10 seconds before we, check your spelling or syntax? I do not want to pick up picky, but later, I've seen some terrible spelling and grammar of some of the folks posting and frankly, it left the reader the impression that a "Oh!" ? Readers of your articles, we can only equivalent to who you are and what you say, depending on your type of content. If you type / spell serious, it is our impression that the reader will have you as a person. Use the "word" spell check, it is very simple, just cut and paste into Word, check it. Then, cut and paste into OFC your back ... Tada, you're done! This is not very pretty, but it is what it is! Thank you folks! HH
  11. Thanks Roy The ROM book is a great book. I ordered all 4 a few days ago.
  12. Yes I know how to use google, that's how I got the picture. I meant a physical copy.
  13. Looks like this.
  14. I think you go it. They put up a good fight for their size, I'll take a few next time and see how the pike like them.
  15. I caught several of these in one section of the Bonnechere River (I've been meaning to post a report, some of the best bass fishing I've encountered). Just note that it was silver, the camera flash gave it a golden colour.
  16. It's a little book that shows all the distinguishing features of the different minnows of Ontario.
  17. He's in academia, he won't lose his job, he'll just need to focus his research on something else in order to get grant money. But I disagree with your post because you're not looking at the big picture. Firstly, there is what the article mentions about this fish being a food source, and if its decline contributes to the decline of salmon, you're hurting the fishing industry. Of course the demise of the Nook wouldn't have a disastrous impact, which brings me to my second point. The restoration efforts wouldn't be used just to aid this fish, they would aim to conserve whole ecosystems as fish friendly pipes and better farming practices would benefit all the organisms. If he caught small salmonids in the same streams as the nook, then it means a decline in water quality would directly affect those fish. Lastly, other minnows that inhabit other streams are likely very similar to the nook, and with increasing human impact on these small streams, it'll have a devastating effect on the larger fish and surrounding ecosystems.
  18. Do you remember the name of the place?
  19. Why yes it was... made the mistake of heading up with my dad and betting they'd be open, unfortunately not and none of the locals knew of another store. Proline in Toronto was open but their minnows aren't too strong.
  20. I know of Rack n Reels, but if for whatever reason it is closed down, are there any other bait stores nearby that carry minnows?
  21. Hell yeah. I heard that they might be splitting the 5th (and final) season over two years, which would suck.
  22. My friend gave me a lot of skein today, and after a failed cure it is now in the freezer. I do not have a car so I won't be out too often chasing salmon and steelhead. Anyone have success using leftover skein for other fish? I know a good carp spot, but its infested with gobies, would carp eat the fancy caviar and gobies leave it alone? Also, would bottom fishing with it by river mouths give me any chance of landing any kind of trout?
  23. i fish hookless, 100% less damage
  24. i actually have caught atlantic salmon there, here is a picture:
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