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Everything posted by crossover

  1. Changing lures is pretty quick with a wire leader. Anyways I've had luck so far on a #5 mepps, red blackfury and firetiger aglia.
  2. I had a lot of luck on Six mile, but not by the park.
  3. Had my experience catching my first urban pike. Arrived at my spot at 3:30 pm, and it was fish on at 3:50. Didn't really put up a fight, but it had my knees trembling, probably because I didn't expect to catch a fish like this with the CN Tower in sight. Didn't have my measuring tape with me but it's no a PB or anything. Shortly after I had snagged my favourite coloured lure. Stayed for about 3 hours. While I didn't catch anything else, I had seen 3 more pike (one which followed), a HUGE carp, probably pushing 25 pounds, and either a bass or bowfin. Also I was surpised to see these ducks, only seen them in Europe: All in all it was a nice warm day to be out. Only saw one other fisherman.
  4. I was expecting people to bash salmon fishing, but it went better than expected.
  5. why a baby seal?
  6. Lol, from that overstockbait site:
  7. I placed an order on some spoons and spinners yesterday on the Le Baron website. On the plus side, their prices are pretty good, and have a huge selection. On the downside, it's a pain in the ass needing to fill out all the information for each item rather than an "add to cart" feature, especially since my computer doesn't load pdf files online. They also don't give you shipping estimates up front, and I didn't get a confirmation email, leaving me in the dark. If all goes well I'll have no problem ordering again, but they need to improve their online shopping.
  8. Through some googling I found this site. Since it's Canadian you don't need to deal with all the extra fees.
  9. I'd like to know too. The aforementioned places don't carry HJs and seperate Mepps.
  10. 1/8 - 1/2 oz, meaning any size will do. Will probably go for a couple of 12s and 14s (I'm buying online since cheaper, don't have a car lol)
  11. I'm definitely getting more mepps spinners. I caught one a few days ago on a #3, but felt that it was too light to cast out far enough.
  12. What size Husky Jerk is good for pike? I'm shore fishing so I need something a bit heavy to cast out further. The sizes are 8, 10, 12, and 14.
  13. One salmon should last you a while. Read up on the guide to eating sport fish and it will tell you which parts to cut out. A recent Marketplace episode showed that 2/3 of the chickens they tested (over 100 different brands) had salmonella on them, and even worse, the top brands like Maple Leaf and President's Choice had salmonella that was resistant to 7 and 8 (respectively) different antibiotics, so eating one fish should be the least of your worries.
  14. It interrupted Celebrity Apprentice
  15. I'm an xbox gamer turned pc, and what you are saying is heresy.
  16. Lol, why would you keep a fish that looks like it's been turned inside out?
  17. The PS3 is definitely more powerful (except the 360 has more RAM), but not by much, and it doesn't really matter since multiplatform games are optimized to run on the weakest system.
  18. I've had really good success on Rock Lake a few years back. It has great shore fishing. There's a river with no current that connects it to another lake, and from a canoe you have tons of opportunity.
  19. Glorious PC Gaming Master Race<br>
  20. Thanks for the tip, we may as well try there before and after the Islands.
  21. I'll be going next week, and want to try out my new gear from NWC. In what general area should I be trying? I'll post a report following the outing, sometime during this week.
  22. I don't was Jill representing this nation, he looks like a nut job.
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