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Everything posted by mattp33

  1. run the leads to a single battery, either 1 will do
  2. Just called BPS and got some new guy on the phone, says hes only been there a week. He told me that they have a box and they just mtch them up. Great idea on the extra key under the console, I will be sure to keep an extra on the boat as well as a compartment key. It is a merc so doens't sound like I will have much problems, anyone know roughly how much these things are?
  3. Really? Its got a big square base on it, I just thought it was something special. I will try some places in town. Thanks
  4. Last week I had almost lost my boat key, turns out I left it where i got gas but it got me thinking...I only have 1 key for this boat, if I loose it I could be in trouble. The boat is a Nitro bass boat and my question is where can I get 1 cut? Do new boats come with 2 keys? Do you guys have a spare for your boat? A buddy and I one time got to the lake after 2 hrs of driving and he had forgot his keys, he has an old boat and told me not to worry as he reached for a swiss army knife in his console. He pulled out the can opener tool and sure as crap it turn the ignition and the engine fired to life! lmao
  5. I did not check this, however the battery is brand new about 3 weeks ago. I will hook this direct to a known good battery and see if it changes.
  6. Where is Aikmans? Seems like it could be the issue. Thanks guys!!!
  7. The day after it first happened I washed it out and lubed it as per the directions. It is happening almost every time now, no beeps, it just clicks...almost like its trying to push it down again. If i press the up button repeatedly the bottom depth light turns off then the next press it goes up. Or i reset the master, I think i need a call into Minn Kota for this 1, it really baffles me I have a video but no clue how to get the vid on here yet, do i need to go through youtube?
  8. They just want you going to a 12v supply with a fuse. If you have a fuse block in your boat like mine you can run power to a fuse and ground to a central grounding block that most blocks have.
  9. I checked the ground to see if that was loose, seems tight. The depth indicator lights stay on so I know it got power.
  10. I just fished this river out of rice lake for the last 5 days, pretty slow but managed to pull a few good ones from the banks!
  11. haha good one! Welcome aboard
  12. not the good kind either!!!
  13. strange problem I am having with my Talon, sometimes when it gets deployed it doesnt want to come back up. I hit the button on both remotes and nothin...switch on the talon...nothin. It just clicks like it wants to do something but nothing happens. The strange part of this is, all I have to do is turn my master off then back on and it come back up when I press the button on the talon it self. Kinda annoying! Anyone ever had this happen? I have it wired to a 30amp (may be a 20 amp have to double check that) fuse under the console on the central fuse block. Fuse is still good never had to switch it, and was brand new 4 weeks ago when the talon was installed Any help would be great Thanks
  14. I think you will want to hook this to the single battery, I use the starting battery for mine.
  15. I can see it now!!! UFO sighting on lake simcoe, seen by hundreds. Goverment claims it is a downed weather balloon.... LMAO Thanks guys cant wait to get the rear deck done! Anyone ever seen a rear nav light stick thing with LED's?
  16. What a pig!!!
  17. Got a few of the deck lights on in hope of some night fishing next week, I love how its turning out
  18. I burn a lot of fuel on simcoe looking for those schools. Come fall they seem to tighten up and get a little more predictable in thier locations, I do more more looking than fishing on this lake. with little sucsess I may add lol
  19. I have never found an effective way to get this rig down to depths, Imay have to look into this inchi rig I have fished the wacky style on a drop shot, but the are hard to cast and twist the line badly
  20. That's a good idea. It may add just that little bit extra weight over the oring but not enough to hurt the action. I prefer to fish it weightless on a trokar wacky worm hook or gammy finesse wide gap. Does anyone here fish a wacky rig weighted? I always run a bullet weight in front of my Texas rig and I am usually fishing the Texas in deeper water. For me the wacky is more of a shallow water rig (3-10 fow) and usually throwing to targets. Texas rig for open water, long casting/dragging.
  21. Ahh I think your right, I bought 15 bags of them last year from ebay lol
  22. I have been fishing these for a while and I find that in clear water a natural color works best, grenns, browns. I'm stained water I like to go with solid black. My goto this year has been the yamamoto's rainbow trout(I thnk its called?), its green on 1 side and pink on the other. Yamamotos are the ONLY senko I use, I also use the o-ring but may try this heat-shrink now Good read Thanks
  23. I launch from Sibbald Point from time to time and fish that side. Good launch, only $20 includes parking. They have nice onsite bathrooms too
  24. Nice toads!!!
  25. Lmao. That's funny!!!! I think about bringing my Bose speaker in the boat but I am always so focused. Maybe I should make fishing a little more fun!!! Also I think my girlfriend bailed on me for tomorrow morning so it looks like I am solo again tomorrow. I will stay clear of any rocking out toons on the lake.
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