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Everything posted by mattp33

  1. I use 1 and have for a while. I dont even use the bungee cord anymore, haven't lost it yet. The other day I hit a huge bump and thought I lost it for sure but when I got to the lake it was still there. I was out with a guy the other day and he only uses the small bracket that takes pressure off the hydros and thats it. He said the transom saver can push the boat off the trailer and place a lot of strain the the straps. I use big boat straps so I guess i dont have that problem. He also said the torque of the big motor and the force of waves and rough water is far worse than the force on the transom when trailering. Anyone had 1 of these push a boat off a trailer
  2. Best money I ever spent on fishing!!!
  3. As always, all of these fish are still swimming today. Pratice catch and release!!!
  4. For a birthday this year I got to spend a half day on an awesome lake with the professor himself Erik Luzak. Erik is a tournement bass fisher and a pretty good 1 to boot and also runs a charter company called Bass Class. I didn't know much about this and just thought it was a fishing charter to catch some bass, it was much much more than that. Erik focused on teaching me some knew things, I told him early in the day that I have never caught a bass on a jig and I didn;t really know what a jig bite felt like. He promissed by the end of the day I would know and have more confidence in the jig bite. We started off in the morning by meeting at 9:40 am as he said the morning bite has been tough but they fire up on this particular lake as it starts to warm up. We were loaded and on the water by 10:05 am and we raced off in the 21' Ranger, I knew it was going to be a good day. Our first stop was a large grass flat and I started throwing a spinnerbait and Erik threw a shallow crank, very shallow. 2 out of 3 of his first casts we had 2 3lbs bass in the boat. (gotta feeling this will be a single sided day at this point) The whole time he is telling me why he started where he did and showed me on the graph and map why the bass were there. He says I am going to switch you rods and I want you to throw this shallow crank. As I was dong that he was rigging up some jigs on my rods. I procceded to land nothing but Pike for the next 30 mins, got a couple pretty good pike! They were very healthy and a really good fight, but not what we were looking for. Off to the next spot and the next couple hours we threw senkos around and that was when the bass fired up for me! Erik showed me a few tips and trick that I didn't know of with senkos and it paid off dividents. We landed a mixed bag of lm and sm over the next 3 hours that made my head spin, including a PB lm that that came in just under 6lbs I told Erik I wasnt a very good deep water fisher so he took me out to an off shore hump and we found this guy hanging out, I also got me first sm on a drop shot, turns out i was doing just about everything wrong with my drop shot setup. I feel like I know what i am doing with it now We finished off the day throwing jigs into trees and shoreline structure and ened off finishing with a double header 20 feet from the launch. It was the best day on the water I ever had and I learned more in 5 hours with Erik than I did in the last 5 years fishing alone. Anyone who wants to learn something new or just have a great day on the water look him up! He was profesional, polite and a blast to be around. I booked our next outing before leaving the launch lol Thanks and tight lines for ever!!!
  5. Thats a new Talon you got there, is it the 10 or 12 and how do you like it? I may upgrade my 8 footer to the 12
  6. Thanks for the info guys, he went, he saw, he turned down! I have a nitro bass boat and love the thing, no problems at all so I dont mind the name. Looks like he is going to go with the Targa (if he can find 1) we have both heard of far too many problems with the tundra hull. As for the engine on this boat my theory was confimed, its just an EPTLO engine with a horrible optimax sticker on it lol
  7. Or its not an opti at all? I have herd lots of negetive things about these boats while researching this afternoon, I think i will advise him to keep looking for a Targa. Must be a reason they dont make these anymore!
  8. A buddy of mine is going to look at this boat tonight and asked me what I thought, I wont have time to go with him but to me something doesn't seem right about the "optimax" The cowl looks a lot like my 2003 EPTLO, but also I think the EFI motor had a similar cowl on it? http://www.kijiji.ca/v-view-image.html?adId=1021125032&image=0&enableSearchNavigationFlag=true Look strange to anyone else? Any know a lot about thses Tundra's? He will be checking the hull for cracks as I heard that the hydo-formed tundras suffer from. Thanks in advance
  9. The new curado is amazing! I bought 4 of them cause I like them so much! It casts amazing and has a great drag system. I upgraded the bearing to orange seals and wow, what a reel! I compared it to the new chronarch and I was hard pressed to spend the extra $$$
  10. HDS 8 or 10 and an LSS2 module. hopefully gen 2 I'm being cheap I know! lol
  11. Thanks, I joined BBC today and been a bigfatbass member for a while. They had a bunch just the other day and I have been sending emails, all the sudden today they only have 2 listings. They must have cleaned up the site last night lol
  12. American? Anyone buy or sell on this?
  13. I have been looking for a Lowrance HDS used for a while now and they are so damn hard to find. I missed out on a good deal here and now I am kicking myslef for it. Anyone have a line on anything? I am sure they have to be out there with all the new stuff comoing into the market, where are the bass boat guys that are upgrading?
  14. Good karma...Good fish
  15. Love my terrova. It's on a 18' bass boat, enough power to knock you overboard if I'm careful
  16. Had an awesome day with mikeh from the board. Vic harbour was awesome to launch despite some loading trouble (I think the trailer must have been on an angle ). Better get there early to park tho, not a lot of parking that I could see. Didn't get huge numbers but got a few and missed a few. mikeh even pulled his spinner bait away from a large musky not even seeing it. You need some polarized prescription glasses my friend lol Got some pics I will upload latter Cheers
  17. This is what I am talking about, its just too far around the bay for me coming from Orangeville
  18. Thanks guys, I would like to launch at vic harbour but I heard water levels may be a little low this time of year. I'm launching a 18' fiber bass boat, and I'm kinda attached to it lol
  19. Targeting bass strictly catch and release as always
  20. Want to fish g-bay on Tuesday but I have never been there. What is my best option for someplace to launch. I was thinking about midland, seems they have a free launch. Does anyone know if they have a dock there? Launching solo sucks. I was also thinking about launching somewhere in waubaushene , looks like they have a marina there with a dock. I'm looking for bass so what ever is closer to bronze back country is fine my me. I got an open seat in the boat too if anyone has time off on Tuesday morning
  21. Rust-oleum never wet...this shuff is so cool. I want to do my cover and carpets in this stuff. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DZrjXSsfxMQ
  22. Wow, what am awesome day on sparrow. We fought fish everywhere. We fished the islands on the wind blown side and smashed bass all day. Chatter baits with me secret trailer were the ticket today, got a bunch up the river on wacky rig as well. Finished off the day with a bigeye on a crawler harness at the mouth of the river just for kicks. All fish were returned. Oh and if anyone gets a big musky or pike with a chatter bait hanging from it the bait is my dads lol Something hit it as soon as it hit the water and just peeled off line until the 15lbs floro leader snapped! Great Lake!!!
  23. Your prob right, I'm screwed either way lol North 400 is a nicer drive for me...
  24. What do you guys think is my best option for tomorrow with this heavy west wind, scugog or sparrow? I gotta get out somewhere this weekend and this wind is keeping me off simcoe I don't know scugog all that well and it's really shallow...last time out to sparrow only got dinks. Oh and bass are the target Thanks
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