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Everything posted by bassfighter

  1. SEPT 20-21 Sunday to 3:30am monday report Last night fishing was wierd, So few anglers and many fish jumping everywhere, but very few fish were caught or hitting. Few anglers on site means others were getting skunk days before. We tried everything using my roe bait combo and then spoon and then back to roe. Only until 3:00am, when I stored all of my equipment ready to packed it up, change to glow spoon, suddenly I had two hits casted from 2 different spot within a minute of each other. Probably the fish just turned on. I landed my only female fish for the evening, it was release. We fish from 9pm to 3:30am. My other buddy also caught his fish 10 minutes after I landed mine, due to his lack of confidence, excitement, fought way too hard trying to let the fish turn closer to shore with his 20 lb braided line, the line broke, losing his $4 spoon. I have been using 10lb mono all along with the proper drag set, and works just fine. I caught enough fish in my life not to get too panicky or excited, and let the stretch mono line do its job of absorbing the shock. I just have to re-tie everytime I landed a fish. Picture of the same fish from last night. http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/b.../fishing035.jpg http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/b.../fishing033.jpg
  2. A Response to Timmeh's question "Do people actually eat those brown boots or do most people just let them go? " Out of the 11 I landed, we took one home and split it among few families, the fish actually taste fine , nothing beats fresh fish, the color is somewhat pinkish when raw and turns more white when cook. The meat is not as delicious as Steeleheads, but still taste fine with butter salt and lemon or add some Terriaki Sauce. Many Anglers actually take them home, and won't release the female ones. I release two female, because I have enough eggs to last me for few years, and I use artificial lures most of the time even during winter months catching trouts. I was hoping to catch a jack or any fish under 15lber and so far no luck, the fish are too big to even fit my fridge. I normally ask a friend to clean the fish for me and just give me a small slice, I don't have to clean fish this way. I also normally lose my appetite when I have to clean the fish, and then cook it. The fish seemed to taste better when someone else cleans and cook it. Response to FearThe Mullet: You have not miss the run. You must be willing to put time and will eventually be lucky to hit the major run. Few of us are willing to lose sleep this time of the year just to enjoy fighting with these Salmon. We all got skunk many times just to make sure we don't miss a run. Based on my years of fishing Salmon experience, the weather should be cold when the Salmon actually start heading to the river system. The weather is not yet too cold as of now, especially the water temparature seemed to be warmer this year, the major run has not started. I remembered last year, by October, when the run seemed over and the crowd died out. By the last week of October 2008, it had a mini snowfall during that day, I took a chance to check out an area that evening, there were 2 other anglers that showed up, my instinct was right, Fresh Salmon came in, I landed 6 within 1.5 hours using crank bait. 2 days later, it was packed with anglers again, and no spot to fight with the crowd as always.
  3. Caught my 11th Salmon within the last 3 outings for the past 2 weeks, lucky to have hit an early Salmon run. I am still trying to recuperate from lack of sleep, but it was all worth it. A fishing ritual I must do this time of the year. http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/b.../fishing016.jpg http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/b.../fishing019.jpg http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/b.../fishing020.jpg http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/b.../fishing007.jpg http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/b.../fishing002.jpg http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/b.../fishing005.jpg The Salmon temp seemed to be warmer than the surface air temperature, which is normally the other way around. Only during my first Salmon outing, the Salmon fought real hard. On the last 2 outing, the fight was just mediocre. I was using 10lb mono and no problem landing them within 5-10 minutes. One of the photos show my 14 year old son complaining that the fish was a bit too heavy, he also landed his first 3 Salmon of his life, this is his second year trying. Lots of Salmon this year and not as crowded yet, saw a lot landed since we caught the early run. I added my home made oyster and garlic oil extract( bought from Dollarama) to my roe and marshmellow, it was quite potent. My friend was using my roe and marshmellow, was fishing beside me for 3 hours and no luck, until he decided to add some of my secret receipe, and made a believer out of him. I introduce a tennis buddy to this Salmon fishing sport on my last outing, he also caught and lost couple. Some anglers across us decide to cut his line when his line, with a fighting Salmon, went across and accidentally tangled other's line. We did call "Salmon coming across", but those guys were rude. Rain coming this week, this will be a major run.
  4. craig list has one for $25 per month outdoor at hamilton area. new market john 905-836-6321 20 or 25/month 905 473 5288 gord 25 per month pefferlaw
  5. Internet xplorer 7 or higher has some issues with some computer, all security related issues, I re-installed the internet xplorer 6 and it solved the problem. I still get all other update except to upgrade to IE 7, I turned it down.
  6. Buy a skeg protector attachment, ebay offers the best price. If you fish shallows often, you will never regret putting a skeg protector. There are many models, some add some drag, you have to decide either sacrifce drag of your prop. My engine hits somethign at lest 3 times a year even if I am very careful, but the skeg protector has saved me from any damage to my skeg and prop
  7. Walmart at Porter Road across the border sells them. One line takes at least 2-3 weeks for you to get them. Even first time applicants
  8. I just found this link by accident, and some local NY anglers are concern about this non residence license increase as well. They are concern about their Canadian neighbor or those out of state, Why should they? why can't they say negative things as well? The Main issue here is the huge percentage increase . The final amount is secondary..... http://www.outdoors911.com/reports/showthread.php?t=7779
  9. Sounds like some of you guys either discriminate the americans, don't fish the NY side, or some just had a bad day and do not have positive things to say. I am sending this info to those who buy the NY license and concern of the huge increase. If this email does not concern you, just by pass it! I pay for the NY license every year for $40 and if the increase is close to double the original price at $70, of course we would try our best to support the person who petitoned, hoping something positive might happen. WOULD IT HURT ANYONE TO SIGN UP TO PREVENT THE INCREASE, IF SOME PEOPLE NEED SOME SUPPORT? WHich is more helpful to a neighbor, criticize it , or support others?
  10. For those who fish across the border. Sign this petition , hoping to stop the increase in NY license. NY license will go up to $70 next year. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/licence-increase-unfair Joshua
  11. I own a Magellan crossover and looking for ontario lake map that covers the kawarthas lake as well Anyone have any clue of this map...................... Magellan Mapsend BlueNav XL Chart - Lake Ontario? It claimed it covers Covers, but no other infor: All of Lake Ontario Trent Severn Waterway Rideau Waterway to Ottowa Finger Lakes michigan. Magellan promotes Mapsend or blue Nav on their product , any preference on these two brand name?
  12. Sorry to hear of your investment portfolio. Many are in the same boat as you do, and do not know what to do. Most investors are watching the market for trends. So far, there is no obvious indication of either direction. No one can pedict the future or we would be rich. The market might not have bottomed out as many would agree due to too many bad news. RRSP season is down the corner, it might go back up a little bit, many will have to contribute to their investment portfolio, but due to signs of more potential negative news happening, the market might go back down again, there are people who will cash in and cash out as we speak. Even GIC interest is worth pennies as of now, Lock it for the 6 months short term, if you cannot handle more risk and stress about investing, and watch the market closely for uptrends. The price of the oil sector is reasonably low right now, it will definetly go back up in a year or two, but due to volatility, it might go back down to under $40 per barrels again. No one can predict this. Those who have extra money to invest might agree that price of Oil is reasonable to buy with the current price and trends. If the price drops below $35 mark, the whole market might get worse. By February, we are waiting for the auto industry to submit a report to show a strategy that can save the industry, if they can't find a solution, they have to return the money they borrowed , the market will surely be affected by their decision. If there is a more positive solution, our north american stock market is on its way up , and some of us might already miss out. Those who are inside traders can get news before everyone dose, are the ones that benefit from the stock market, the rest of us are just pawns. Another way of being positive is, you still got some money, those who do not have money to invest might also have nothing to worry about. Life will never be perfect regardless! There is a saying: If we can still sleep after we have lost our investment/money, than we have the proper gambling type of personality! For some people, burying it on the ground as of this stage might be the right thing to do. No risk might mean no worry at times! However, no risk also means no gain!
  13. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! CLICK THIS ECARD http://www.fishingecards.com/index.php?cat...;card=xmas_pike
  14. I will start: To stay positive: I thank God for my wife and two teenage kids, who are hardly complainers, live a simple unmaterialistic life, and have done well in school, free from any mischief . I have not been involved in the stock market investment since I lost major investment in 1999. Less money these days means less investment worries! I am also thankful that I am healthy to be able to enjoy the sport of fishing. My wife and I have been married for 17 years and we hardly argues much these days, and got used to each other's lifestyle, I guess. I know quite a few single people out there who wish they have a spouse or girlfirend to spend time with this holiday. Negative aspect of my life: My art/picture frame business has been very slow this year, just barely paying my expenses most of the time, it is further hurt by the economic turmoil in the last 2 months, and might turn for the worse in 2009. I also know that my minimal RRSP investment has gone southbound, like most RRSP’s. What can I do? Pull it out before it get worse? Fishing has somewhat helped me alleviate some of my life concern this year, I am thankful that I created a job for myself that always kept me preoccupied, though it has not been profitable this year, I still feel a sense of accomplishment from being productive, and indirectly help the economy. My fishing is just not too bad and not too good this year, I blame it on rainy and windy condition. I am only able to fish ones a week on average. Able to catch fish but not generate good income to treat my self, life is never perfect, how can one complain? I heard of many who are on stress for they had extra money to invest in the stockmarket and still losing as we speak. Christmas for me is a time for sharing and remembering our love ones. Through our forefather's Judeo Christian influence, Christmas for me means that God, through Jesus Christ, was born to be a human, to live a life that we all can try to immolate, he has to eventually die and rose from the dead, for the purpose of taking over the penalty of our wrong doings(sins), so those who acknowledge this selfless sacrificial act, have the opportunity to get back to a relationship with our loving God. One majoe reason, we all celebrate this Christmas season, either we believe in this cause or not. For those who might lose their job: We have to be thankful to our canadian social system due to Unemployment insurance or welfare system agencies still have the money to support those who are in need. In other developing countries, once they get laid off, their futures are bleak. I saw a fellow standing on a stop sign on the major street, begging for money, on a cold evening, How did that person got into such a predicament? What happened to him that cause him to be on the street? Where are his relatives? His mother? Who failed? Him or our system? Was it his destiny to be there and we are where we should be? I know of another friend who lost his job, lost his wife from divorce, and having 3 out of 5 of his disfunctional teenage kids on depression pills, all happened in 2008. After 4 years of trying to save his marriage, he lost the case, and even have to pay for lawyer's fee on both side. OUCH! He is not even rich! We trully should count our blessings or the positive things of our lives this Christmas season, in spite of too many negative news bombarding us from all corners.
  15. Statistics shows that Men do not openly share our concern to one another, Can some of us break this myth? More bad news are surrounding us every day, our jobs and future seemed so uncertain these days. Very few of us can escape the result of the downturn in economy, and there seemed to be no end to its bottoming out. Can government bail out strategy really save the economy? OFC board has been very beneficial in bringing all of us together for the purpose of enjoying the fishing sport. Can this board also help us support those who are in need of encouragement at this time of the year? Christmas season is always a time to share with our love ones, but not all have families and friends to share their time with, or issues of concern. May Christmas season help us reflect and focus on what is of priorities in life. How to stay positive during this holiday season regardless of the economic uncertainties? How many of us are worried about the future? Our career? How many of us have lost our jobs, RRSP investment, our property value, or lost on the stock investment? How can we board members support each other in a time like this? What are the positive thing we can be thankful for or focus on to help us overcome our worries in a time of uncertainties? What can we do to alleviate our stress, aside from aiming to do better in fishing? How many of us could be alone out there this holiday season? What does Christmas season meant for most of you? Are there people we need to work out our differences before the year ends? Any success and failures to share in 2008?
  16. It is wonderful to hear the passion, dedication, and hard work that you guys put into this hobby/sport. I also believe that it takes the right type of in born personality, right influence, up bringing and right environment that has also helped us reach a level of our accomplishment. This OFC board has brought many of us together for the single reason, to share our enjoyment and challenges on this fishing sport, through sharing and working together, the sport have brought out the best in each and every one of us. It is my prayer for this Christmas that our fishing resources will never dwindle down in the near future, I wish we all continue to strive to improve another notch, and our passion for the sport never cease, to know when to conserve our limited resources for the enjoyment of the next generation. Passion + Hard work + Some Talent + Willing to take risk + some luck = Success!
  17. In today's fishing condition where more fishing pressure exist. Are you successful with your results because of experience, having some good teacher, or inborn talent? or your success is based on your hard work in putting time into this hobby, and self experimentation? Or are you always a lucky person in fishing? Caught the fish at the right place, time and moments?
  18. Try Craiglist or Kajiji.ca Buy those used 2-3 year older though bulkier 46 or more inch HD CRT TV for $500, they will last you for a long time with no maintenance. They are very durable, and can compete in picture quality versus many flat HD LCD model today. You need to maintain todays HD LCD TV, not HD CRT model. Why sell technology that needs maintainance? Buy a used Japanese branded 5.1 surround sound for $50, those big bulkier stereo are better made than those mini ones of today sold by walmart. The older ones have not only power but low noise distortion, now buy some older bigger speakers with decent thickness on wooden box. Big decent ones for the two main front, cheaper smaller ones for the center and rear channel. Two main front ones are the most important. Important to get the low frequency of a larger sub woofer. (star trek TV series has a low hummm depicting the starship enterprise constant movement in space which only a large sub woofer can produce).Buy those older big 10-12" cone subwofer for $75 under coffee table model, it can produce enough vibration and travel on ground below our normal hearing level even at minimal 5 watts input. Small coned subwoofer with small box cannot produce the vibration low enough that resonates like earth quake vibration. The thicker the box material , the lower the sound, plastic made material will not produce low enough frequency. You want vibration not sound. New technology are not always as good as slightly older ones. Why is our cellular phone getting big again? Why do we take out the carpet, install hard wood floors and then put another smaller rug/carpet on top? Why are we putting fibreglass material on rod (ugly stick) when Graphite is more superior overall. Tennis and golf industry had stayed away from fiberglass tech for years. Those small mini unit speakers cannot compete against anything that is big, speakers need to have enough thickness of wood to absorb vibration, except the high pitch ones, for the rear, which you do not necessarily need any bulky stuff. I spent $15 center channel speaker. Having a good sound does not mean we need to blast the power output of the stereo, a good speaker can do what it should do even at 5 watts input, the speaker cone will resonate. Room needs to be balance as well meaning enclose, sound needs to bounce on walls.
  19. Have yet to meet someone who have not done well with Paul! Anyone out there who love fishing , good at it and made it into a career? That is called Serious Fishing.
  20. That is a salmon pretending to be a trout. So he can flirt with all other female trout. What a size! Great catch!
  21. Monday : Dec 8 Wind condition: 10km Temp: -8 degrees by 6:30am. Cloudy. Very cold Water clarity : under 1 ft visibility Lure used: Pink Grub on 3/8 oz jig head line: 8 lb mono. Fish caught: 5lb rainbow trout. Fish from 6:30am-4:00pm. A hard fishing day My buddy and I both caught fish with this set up. Pink grub, half of a storm pink worm. I colored my jig head with Florou colored paint on jig head, the buddy just used normal colored ones. We were not sure if this set up will work, but the pink color was the most visible color on stained water, we did fool the fish! I got lucky and caught it on my second cast. I would not have stick to this set up too long, and then the other guy asked me for some of it and he also caught one not too long. Now, I am convinced pink worm does work. http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/b...jigheadpink.jpg Trout picture was not too good, I was alone and have to do this quick. http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/b...bum/rainbow.jpg The other angler also landed his catch using roe.
  22. Any one tried using a lure retriever? Is it as easy to use as explained by the instruction. Do they work on rocky bottom and tree stomp? Have you ever lost the retriever itself after trying to retreive your lure? I want to use it when a pricey minnow plug or spoon get stuck. I don't really care about getting a jig head stuck.
  23. To Forrest: The diver was able to get up to 6 feet, it got snagged 10 feet where I was standing.
  24. I met and went fishing once this year with the owner of that store. He did not do too well that day, though my 13 year old son and I did so well. Yet this fellow never complained, just a great company, had a giving personality, was so supportive to my son the whole time. We are always in touch as friends since that day, he is stuck at the store and could not go out enough to fish more often so he could serve the fishing community. We did discuss about others complaining about the price he sells his minnow. He mentioned that there are always a shortage of them, and he has to sell enough to make a decent profit to pay for his expenses. I don't use minnow or live bait, hardly fish that direction, those who need them might have to pay extra more for the convenience. Conducting his kind of business is not easy too! Do we want to wake up early every day to serve our customer by 5 or 6:00am on a chilly day? I certainly can't do it even if there is money to be made. I can wake up early once a week to go to fish on my day off, but to wake up early to work, it is not for everyone. Imagine him being in the business where many are having a nice time catching fish and he can't even do it too often? If you believe he sells stuff too pricey, talk to Vallerio, tell him you want to be a repeat customer, chances are he might give you some price break, I believe he wants your repeat business. Some items he might have paid too much for it due to lack of volume discount, I spoke to him about the issue, and he said he will try his best to price match them if he needs to just break even, and constantly try to be competitive as much as he can. I like to go to Bass pro shop just to take a look, it is an impressive store, many of their price are way out of line. I believe Vallerio's shop will have to compete at this time of the year. Invite him out fishing! Once you get to know this guy, you might be more than surprise how generous this fellow really is as a person contrary to what others might chose to believe. He is a businessman to make a profit to pay for his expense, but he also has a heart if needed be just to be apeace with everyone. my 2 cents!
  25. All image were of the same Lake Trout using my nikon DSL camera. http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/b...um/DSCN0463.jpg http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/b...um/DSCN0462.jpg http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/b...um/DSCN0461.jpg Wind condition: 30Km SW . Temp: + 3 degrees Water clarity: +3 ft visibility Lure used: Cotton Cordel Diver plug. Chartreuse colored. It also got snagged and I lost the lure( ouch!) after few more attempt. Also tried grubs but no luck afterwards; Fish caught: 8-10lb Lake trout. It was release after picture taken. I Fish from 9:30am -2:00pm. The whole place was slippery from previous night rain. Got there at 9:30am. Caught the fish after my third cast. The Trout hardly fought. I was a touch too late in showing up, hard to be motivated to wake up early, when my other fishing buddy called in sick, and was not able to make it today. Fish got less active(not jumping anymore) by 10:00am. I spoke to other anglers and we all agree that fishing is better before 10:00am. I will be there early next week.
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