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Everything posted by bassfighter

  1. I am a competitive tennis player, an avid angler and at times play golf . I developed Golf elbow 4 years ago from fishing and chucking lures on winter months. I was not sure how it happened, for I always chuck lures the whole year,and it happened one day, by 3 weeks, I could hardly cast anymore. It hurt a lot to a point that I have to find a cure before my spring tennis competition season starts. Golf elbow problem is very similar to Tennis elbow problem. Tennis elbow muscle problem is located outside of the outer elbow muscle, while Golf elbow problem is muscle problem is from the inside part of your elbow muscle. Office worker who are too dependent on computer also develop elbow muscle issue. The preventive Cure Aside from resting your arm, keeping the muscle ice up when aggravated and then applying heat to help it to relax. Your goal is to strengthen the other muscle that is beside the elbow muscle and create a different muscle memory for it, instead of the tennis or golf elbow being used whenever you get involved in any activities such as fishing, you want to train your arm and brain to automatically priorities in using the other muscle instead of the muscle closer to your elbow. 1. Rest your arm on your lap or on a table while watching TV. 2. Grab a tennis ball or a mini dumbell. 3. Squeeze the tennis ball or move the dumbell up and down with your wrist without lifting your arm off the table. Your goal is to focus using the other muscle of your arm. Once the other muscle gets tighten and trained to be used, keep on doing it every so often throughout the day. Your body will eventually be force to use those newly rejuvenated muscle instead of depening on the tennis or golf elbow muscle. 4. Apply heat to it as well to keep the elbow issue warm during winter months. 5. You will notice the big difference after a week. I got rid of my elbow problem within 3 weeks time. Never had it since. It is quite simple , yet many chose not to be discipline to workout the other muscle. For back problem, we need to work out our abdominal muscle. The abdominal muscle will be used instead of the back muscle during activities. To effectively enjoy the hike to the Niagara river whirlpool, we need to strengten our legs. Lots of fish there and yet many anglers are not willing to face the challenging hike during winter months. You got my drift!
  2. Thanks for the input guys. I know Iphone takes good quality picture, and some 5meg pixel Phone camera also does. I just do not want to pay for the price. I own two DSLR, Canon and Nikon, and they are amazing, just somewhat bulky, I will be hiking for shore fishing this winter and try to avoid carrying unnecessary stuff if I can help it. Conclusion: I just have to buy another smaller camera . Samsung is selling a 6 meg for $49. I read that the picture quality is decent for its price.
  3. My regular 640x480 camera on phone just could not take good picture especially on winter months due to lack of sunlight. This fish was caught on monday . just bad quality image from motorola phone. http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/b...bum/fishing.jpg http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/b...album/fish2.jpg Anyone has 2 meg of higher pixel camera on phone, that one could recommend? How are the image qualities? All my camera'S ARE DSLR AND TOO BULKY TO CARRY when hiking on creeks.
  4. Once you get stopped and interrogated once, it will happen almost again in the future or everytime. The border keeps a record of anyone they feel under suspicion, I know couple of guys who were stopped everytime they cross over the border, I think they have some minor record, either drinking and driving or other minor record. He was in fact an American, but married to a Canadian. I was stopped once after crossing the border, went to the whirlpool US side, came back in the afternoon ,and custom officer spent more than an hour checking our vehicle and our fishing stuff. They were asking us where is the fish that we caught, and we said we did not catch any. That was a waste of our time, and the attitude that they gave us. The best less suspicious way to travel to US is with a Family, they are less suspicious if one travels with own family with kids. Making few proper phone calls would clear other doubts. The goal is to face your worries now or you will eventually have to face it in the future. The border wants to have proof that those who traveled across have a clean record of coming back as well. I travel to the US quite so often, and they have a record of my travel, therefore ,it is a good thing to have history of clean travel record. I never violated or got suspisious of bringing unnecessary goods to US or to CA, and many time I traveled with my wife and kids. It was always smooth sailing for me when I cross the border, except for that one occasion . US has amazing shopping, and site to see, I would make an effort to try to get your potential priviledge back or at least enquire, rather than just wildly guessing out of fear. Your first trip should be with your family, if I were you. Good luck!
  5. Don't worry about hooking up with anyone, Johnny, you are always welcome to join us. You are a born angler, even without a boat, you will catch the fish, the vibes that comes out of your hand when you touch a rod just make the fish zoned to the end of your lure.
  6. Johnny is not giving up fishing? I heard he just bought his own private lake and does not need any boat from now on. Government only want to make sure the buyer will pay their share of taxes, and if no one complain that a boat was stolen and resold, they will register anything.
  7. Pink colored lures is all I have been hearing that was effective color for cold water application lately. Isn't pink made up of Red and white? where red colors is the first color to disappear within 2 feet off the subject, while white is one of the best all around color. Combining the two color, Should pink somewhat disapear after certain distance as well? I am confuse! It can't be more visible than white alone?
  8. Some reporter intervieweds athletic kids from North America and from China during the recent Olympic event, many of China kids actually believe they can be Olympic Champion. I knew Couple of excellent Tennis local coach who was disappointed and not able to motivate their student to further excel at their present abilities. Just not enough drive to believe they can be in the top 10 in the world. My 12 year old son was trained by a Military styled Russian Swimming instructor. My son after few years of being trained, made it to the school swimming team, able to swim 35 laps with no problem, and can do butterfly stroke easily. While many kids complained to their parents that the Russian teacher was way too tough on them and parents end up yanking their kids out of the Russian teacher's class. All parents want our kids to excel, sometimes the proper envirnoment and training will bring out the best in a person.
  9. I just spoke to the Conservation officer on Friday to know more about the Thames reservoir. There are hardly any trout or Salmon in their river system. Grand river system have trout.
  10. We were fishing there last week and the locals told us that fish have gone back to the lake after the city release the dam water. There were still bass under a lb that we caught, but no more bigger fish. No one was fishing there as well, a good and bad sign. The water gotten shallower than normal as what we were told.
  11. I quit 25 years ago and also stop using drugs. Spiritual awakening is one reason I can stop cold turkey for good. My Grandfather and Uncle died from it! Lung cancer will not even exist if not for smoking. Find another friend who has also recently quit smoking, so you will get further support and work together towards a successful cigarete free life. Your system needs to be detox, so does your entire home, car , clothes, friends, etc.....You should reach a point that any reminder of fumes will bother your smoke free habits. Just mere wanting to quit is not enough, you need to find a reason more powerful that will transform your thinking that something more important supercedes the need to smoke. YOU NEED A PLAN! NOT JUST A GOAL/b] Example: Imagine if you were given a chance to changed your career into a professional hockey or a basketball player, who were paid millions, would you still be smoking? If you start hanging out with healthy sport minded people who are serious in wining sports event weekly, and you need to keep up to be accepted by the group, would that give you a good reason to quit smoking? Two other potential reason for successfuly quitting your addiction: 1. Someone else you owe your life to, you can't repay the person with your money or your hard work and wanted to please the person for owing the person your life. 2. I just saw on TV and some psychiatrist did some research, and state that a person will quit their bad habits if they are subjected to punishing pain after one decides to get back into it. The success rate of quiting bad habits are high for the pain of the punishment is more unbearable than the actual enjoyment of the habits itself. Many who got cancer always quit smoking in no time. Keep it up, one day at a time!
  12. If we compare the discipline standard of our north american affluent kids to those of these developing country's kid, look at how fit and strong these kids are compared to many of our younger generations today. The family future also relies on their kid's success, their government support the kids entire education and needs, while our Athletes at times are desperate in need for sponsors. What would our younger generation of the same age be doing these days. We supplied them with too many junk foods, video games, movies, internet, too much freedom that create disruption which cut down on their fitness time and social skill. Many of us from the old school grew up always involved in the outdoor, for staying home was boring then. One reason we are anglers today.
  13. Why our kids might have a hard time beating them! Is it worth it? http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=klj12Z_ARow
  14. It happened to many of us. Except................not in cold water! Now you can tell others you have the guts to plunge into cold water, just don't tell them it was an accident!
  15. THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT GUYS! Where were you hiding Patrick when I needed you to help me land these monster fish! I hardly have any picture of my catch because no one to hold the camera or take picture. I just do not want my camera to smell slimmy afterwards or take too long for the fish to be out of the water. I also lost one lure when my 10lb line broke right when I was about the grab the fish by its tail. I am also a steelheader and only use lures such as grubs, spoon, crank bait or spinners to catch my trout. One reason I have not used eggs nor any live bait for 5 years to catch any of my cold water fish. If you guys have the motivation to entice a Salmon or Trout to strict a lure. You have arrived! Nothing beats the feel of the a huge fish grabbing our lure, adding the confidence of controlling our lure at a slow speed without it getting snagged at the bottom of creeks and on rivers.
  16. DON"T GIVE UP ON SALMON FISHING YET! Landed this Salmon two days ago, monday morning, a poor image angle, I have to hold the bloody fish on one hand and took the picture with the other hand. http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/b...um/IMG_9824.jpg To my luck and surprise, quite a few fresh Salmon came into the local tribe since the mini snow falls on Oct 21. I was at the right time and place with the right minnow plug lure. They were not too keen on glow cleo this time. Only caught one with a glow cleo, but they attacked the Dollarama minnow lures. Others were using Rapala chertreuse colored plug and do well likewise. Went on 4 occasion, stayed mostly for 1-2 hours, left by 8:00pm to avoid the aggravaton from the crowd and landed 7 out of 12 since last Wednesday. My best day was on Wednesday of Oct 22, landed 3 for 7 in 1 1/2 hours when the place was still quiet, lost one spoon and two lures that evening while using only 10 lb line, I ran out of lures to use, was shaking from excitement after the 5th fishfight. Tons of people were fishing after the news spread around, many were snagging them. Hard to find a decent fishable spot now. I went again this morning for couple of hours, the fish were not too active this time, Lost 2 with mediocre hook set, fought for 20 seconds, made one leap and lure came off. Not sure if it was the weather that turned off the fish or they were just about had it, fish might be too focus on spawning. I also saw Coho and Brown swimming in the area, but have not seen nor heard one caught so far.
  17. MIssisipi lake? Is that US? AMericans always seemed to have more fish. The water also got calm afterwards from your picutre, fish seemed to be more active during the fall if the water got calm. What was the water temp that day? I have not given up on bass fishing either, and will attempt for it one or two more time.
  18. Tibbs, I pressume the lure resembles A fly. I thought steehead will only consume them during spring, roe or minnow are mostly consumed during winter. Please explain its application or reason on steelhead taking your lures during winter months. Are there underwater flies during winter months? Thanks.
  19. Grass is never greener on the other side. I was communicating with some BC anger site and hope to move there due to the size of their walleye and trout, until they were envious of our bass fishing.
  20. Why not hit two birds with one stone. Buy both for auto and marine/outdoor application. Buy a Lowrance XOG or Magellan 2500T (crossover. ) only two models are available as of now. I bought an older magellan refurbish model, the 2200T at ebay for $55($20 shipping, and uprgade it to the Crossover for another $50. I just need the option of buying the Navigation map in the future. The new crossover or XOg was selling for around $170 on ebay.
  21. Kelfun and victor, You are right about the convergence, it is the weight that I am not fond off, or else, it is a good rod. the rod is not just a touch heavy, I can't feel light lures as well. Every lure used should be at least 1 oz.
  22. Water has been warm, therefore Salmon has been finicky everywhere. So far still bass and pike condition.
  23. Buy a Talking auto/marine GPS. Only two options out in the market Magellan crossover or lowrance XOG I bought the Magellan 2200T GPS at ebay for $55, upgrade latest map and convert it to Crossover(2500T) model cost another $50. I just need to buy the Navigation map for whatever lake I wanted, which cost around $200. It uses SD card and you can download latest Point of interest from GPSpassion.com. IT is also waterproof I can used it during weekdays on road and use the marine or outdoord during weekends. NO other more efficient/inexpensive way for now.
  24. Got some info of Trent, and analyze the area/ Nver fiohs it before, and I realized it is a long river. Due to the strong wind condition. I might try fishng on shore. Got some info from previous posting. thanks. Thanks
  25. Response to WILD's inquiry on the Shimano Convergence, I find it a little bit too heavy if one wanted to chug spoon for more than two hours. I bought it for the lifetime warranty factor. I bought the 2008 model and it was on sale at Lebarons or Bass pro for $72, 2009 model will cost close to $90. The Rod will not break as a selling tool advantage. If I have a choice of returning it, I would. I own two other 12 foot rod and they were way lighter and I can chug spoon with them for 5 hours with no problem. However after three years and catching decent number of Salmon and trout, they tend to break, but were still fixable with some patches on them. Fighting with Salmon is a plus using the convergence . Using it for float fishing would not be too advisable, the rod is too stiff and heavy. No need to use this heavy rod to fight with trout either. Lighter rod gives us more feel. I was aiming for trout two weeks ago and accidentally landed a 3-4lb large mouth bass. I hardly felt the fish fight due to its stiffness. I landed the fish but was not thrilled for most of my bass rod were light and I can feel the fish fighting with me. Using this Convergence, being a stiffer rod, on fast Current would also be advantageous. I bought A 9' Berkley Cherrywood model rod from Le barons for $19 last year. Convert some of the guide for Spinning reel application. I rank it my best steelhead rod so far, enough backbone to crank with spoon and can float fish with it as well. Very thin in its shaft, quite light, but can take up to 14 lb line. Le Barons still have them today but for the price of $45 and the guide is all very small, for trolling application they say. I also used this for Salmon at times, but will have to be extra careful for fear of breaking the rod. The question is ....What is more important, the feel of your lure or landing the fish or life time warranty? I just wish there is a perfect rod for different application.
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