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Everything posted by zamboniwaterboy

  1. Aniceguy has almost everything. While the motor is running, spray engine fog into the carbs until the engine stalls. With the muffs on run some antifreeze through the engine if you want to be really diligent.
  2. http://www.diamondbackcovers.com/ I have one on my 2010 F150 supercrew, and I love it. You can carry 1600lbs on top. It is meant to carry Quads. Contact the company direct as it is a lot cheaper to go thought them than it is to go through Ontario reps. They often have demos or seconds in stock. Take to Linex or other spray on bed applicator and have them spray it the same colour as your truck. It takes a 10 year old about 20 minutes to install. Michael
  3. This guy makes his own plastic molds. AlumiliteCorporation Luremaking.com Janns Netcraft lurepartsonline.com www.tacklemaking.com Go for all of the wishlist items!
  4. http://www.quadivator.com/snowblower.html http://atvsnowblowers.com/ What about a quad mounted blower?
  5. All the energy audit guys charge the same. Call Reliance I think they do it. The link following will give you the contact number of pros that are very reasonable, very professional, and well worth the $! http://www.canpages.ca/page/ON/brantford/attic-full-insulation/5046116.html
  6. Hello. I have been using the Starbrite fuel additive for about a year now and just read the description and it not only takes car of the ethanol problems but water, is a stabilizer, and a lubricator, etc. I am pleased with the product and will only use it as my fuel treatment. Dollar per unit cost it is cheaper too. http://www.starbrite.com/sproductdetail.cfm?ID=1537 Michael
  7. That is really nice of you!
  8. http://www.makelure.com/products.cfm This is a supplier of the components needed to cast a lure.
  9. How about making an exact copy or 12 of this same lure? On youtube type in "larry dahlberg lure making", he has awesome videos.
  10. Any closed end self sealing pop rivet will work. Carefully drill out the old rivet, wipe down with acetone, put a drop of 3M marine grade silicone around the hole, insert the rivet, keep it square, and squeeze, and put another drop of the silicone over the rivet. This is the best repair. http://www.hansonrivet.com/w22.htm Michael
  11. Miracon Just keep on posting your pics. If you are proud of your accomplishments brag! As far as the pike posted at the top great catch and the pic looks awesome!
  12. Way to go guys! We will make you into Lake Erie converts yet! Mike
  13. Looks like you had a great time!
  14. You can purchase this map at Cedar Lodge on the Pickerel river.
  15. http://www.fedpubs.com/mpchrt/maps/french_river.htm
  16. http://www.stanleyboats.ca/camp.html http://www.theironworker.com/kempboats.html These guys make a great boat here in ontario.
  17. Instead of K&N, check out ARAID for the filter and throttle body spacer. Diamond Back truck covers!
  18. Friends of mine take fish to the states al he time. Just have to follow the regs in regard to transportation of fish.
  19. Just came across this brand and it looks interesting. A bit bigger than you are looking for. http://www.duckworthboats.com/model-pro_7_series.html
  20. J and J may be able to fix your old prop. They are amazing. If it is the same guy he used to be near the French river, so lots of practice and he saved us several times. Michael
  21. Keith These ones look interesting. http://www.marinetechproducts.com/pages/ElectroSteer/ http://www.marinetechproducts.com/pages/TrollMasterHome
  22. A friend of mine runs charters in Ohio, and he swears by using headphones with random music on to help stop people from getting seasick. Better luck next time.
  23. Thank you. I will keep looking. It is just going to be a pain reinforcing the deck. I did find some bow rail brackets that will finish off the rail when I cut it.
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