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Everything posted by zamboniwaterboy

  1. Sorry for your loss!
  2. http://www.tacklemaker.com/home.html http://www.luremaking.com/catalogue/catalogue-index/catalogue-items/commercial_tackle_maker.htm http://www.poulsencascadetackle.com/pages/twis_tech.html http://lurecomponents.worthco.com/industrial-wire-former
  3. Did you stay at Castaway?
  4. J and J prop service on highway 6, near Hagersville does awesome work. Or Craig's Marine service in Wahnapitae, near Sudbury is another great guy.
  5. Irishfield, thanks for the offer. He is in Brantford a little far to drive.
  6. I stumbled upon this amazing event today while travelling the country with my wife visiting artists' studios. In the small town of Paris, Ontario was The Grand River Spey Clave education and show event. It was interesting, well run, and FREE! Mark your calenders for next year. May take up fly fishing yet. http://grandriverspey.ca/
  7. Hello A friend was complaining about the price of the 25w40 motor Mercury requires in their motors. He has a 3.oL four cylinder I/O. Is it necessary to run this oil or can he get away with a much cheaper 10w30? Thanks
  8. Spincast, washboard and a mirror...

  9. Castaway cottages, Dry Pine Bay.
  10. How was the trip to the French River? How was Castaway?

  11. Put back into production by Erie Dearie, I think. Several lure component distributors sell blanks.
  12. Silver leaf spoon
  13. Rock locations plus a few other things! Bay to right of Bailey Bridge, rock 46 03.985' 80 36.345' Dines Cottage - FISH! 46 03.380' 80 35.938' Dines Cottage, shoals 46 03.414' 80 35.849' Castaway Cottages 46 03.609' 80 35.665' Cottage with Sauna - FISH! 46 03.305' 80 35.587' Three Sisters, rock 46 03.041' 80 35.326' Meshaw Rock Pile 46 02.783' 80 34.301' Canoe pass entrance, large island, rock 46 02.221' 80 33.772' canoe pass entrance, left bay, log 46 02.298' 80 33.711' canoe pass entrance, left bay, log 46 02.314' 80 33.665' canoe pass entrance, left bay, log 46 02.309' 80 33.660' canoe pass entrance, left bay, log 46 02.296' 80 33.619' canoe pass entrance, left bay, log 46 02.193' 80 33.480' canoe pass exit, left bay, rock 46 02.306' 80 33.366' deer bay, fish 46 00.663' 80 32.578' rock island, fish 46 01.947' 80 31.919' rock island, fish and camp 46 02.138' 80 31.694' Sand Bar Deer Bay 46 00.573' 80 31.679' rock island, fish 46 02.056' 80 31.652' lost child bend, fish 46 01.342' 80 31.285' lost child bend, fish 46 01.285' 80 31.180' lost child bend, fish 46 01.477' 80 30.957' Peter Rock 46 02.144' 80 30.799' Bass Rock before Horseshoe 46 02.142' 80 30.799' 46 01.989' 80 30.259' Shoal marked rock left before Horeshoe 46 02.160' 80 30.377' shoal left horeshoe, rock, hazard! 46 02.069' 80 30.338' Walleye Rock left before Horseshoe 46 01.987' 80 30.335' shoal left before Horeshoe, middle river, fish 46 02.039' 80 30.077' to 46 02.036' 80 30.066' left before horseshoe entrance, log 46 02.253' 80 29.515' left before horseshoe entrance, log 46 02.264' 80 29.494' burnt island, rock 46 00.598' 80 29.443' left before horseshoe entrance, log 46 02.241' 80 29.432' gooseneck, fish 46 00.866' 80 29.256' across from burnt island, fish 46 00.601' 80 29.010' horseshoe islands 46 01.478' 80 28.937' Horseshoe between 1st and 2nd island 46 01.571' 80 28.936 horseshoe and pickerel river, rock 45 59.951' 80 28.733' horseshoe and pickerel river, rock 45 59.952' 80 28.713' cottage for sale, fish, proceed with caution 46 01.865' 80 28.404' entrance to cottage for sale, log 46 02.078' 80 28.280' Horseshoe, deep near shore lunch 46 00.932' 80 27.947' owl's head left shore, just past, rock, tight to shore 46 02.238' 80 25.952' Owl's Head just past, stay to right shore going up 46 02.232' 80 25.710' to 46 02.231' 80 25.690' cat lake, fish across river 46 02.232' 80 24.844' cat lake entrance 46 02.118' 80 24.706' just past bark bay, right side, rock 46 01.968' 80 21.362' Near Cross Island 46 02.062' 80 20.649' two mile bay, rock 46 01.594' 80 20.247' Near Cross Island 46 02.151' 80 20.166'
  14. Hello If you are staying at Castaway ask Willy nicely for info and follow what he says! Mr. Hass, fellow that sells bait just west of Loons, is very knowledgeable too. The bay just east of Castaway holds walleye, the shores are loaded with pike and bass. 3 weeks ago silver surface lures fished over 10-14' of water worked very well. Stand bye lure is a Mepps Black Fury #5 with yellow dots, get it down into the 8-10' foot mark. Anchor the off the dock at Meshaw Falls, between the point and the telephone pool, drift a wporm on a Lindy rid, a minnow on a white or chart jig head, drop shotting works well to. Go to Stoney Rapids set up in the north back eddy in about 13' of water and do the same as above. Both ares produce bass, walleye, pike, musky, and catfish. Musky can be found around the rocks, 3 sisters, just east of Castaway, the rock islands past Canoe Pass, the entrance to Horseshoe Bay. The spots are numerous. Take a spare prop! Take gas cans and fill up in Alban or Noelville, the French River Supply post is a little more expensive but is convenient. There are soo many places to fish! White, black, silver and chart are good colours! Good luck! NOTE! DO NOT GO THROUGH CANOE PASS, the water is low and you will find the bottom. If heading up river go around Four Mile Island. Michael
  15. Boat recycling. This is the most responsible disposal I have heard of. Can't hurt giving him a call. http://www.sandycovemarine.com/Page.aspx/pageId/30181/Sandy-Cove-Marine-Recyclers.aspx
  16. Hello, I am in need of repairs to my convertible top, and I need a new Trailer-able cover. I am looking for some recommendations on a reputable person in the Brantford area. Thank you!
  17. Rich, that is a deal! You may need to bring some tools of the trade! Or we could double boat it! Off to the French on Sat for a week.
  18. Looks like you had a successful day! Janson managed to get the first, the biggest and the most perch by far. I think he out-fished me 3:1. Did not get into any Walleye. Had a great day after a nice 50th b-day party!
  19. If you are still there, try trolling worm harnesses as follows: chartreuse blades with white beads or white blades with chart beads, using a 1.5oz bottom bouncer in about 16' of water parallel to weed lines. GO SLOW!!!!!!
  20. I leave stuff locked under it all the time. Will carry 1600lb on top if you get the HD! Lots of options. I like mine with the Line-x spray! Solid, convenient, water tight, easy to install and uninstall. Great at the drive in, just put the chairs on top and look over everyone else!
  21. Rick Nice fish! They are all that big out there. Next time you go down instead of Burwell go a little further west to Port Bruce and give Greg at North Erie Marina a try. He and his staff are truly awesome...$10 launch and the get wet not you, $5/scoop of minnows for mega sized perch, usually get 3 dozen minnows/scoop. Have not been down there yet. Maybe 2nd week of August! http://www.weblocal.ca/north-erie-marina-trailer-park-ltd-aylmer-on.html Michael
  22. I have this on my 2010 Ford F150 Supercrew and I love it! Only disappointment is how low the high cab guard is. Contact the manufacturer directly! I normally talk to Mike. If you have a business address to have it shipped to you will save a lot! LOVE IT! http://diamondbackcovers.com/
  23. http://www.luremaking.com/catalogue/download/canguide-web.pdf
  24. http://www.csipaint.com/products/uv-fishing-lure-paint/uv-fishing-lure-paint.asp http://www.luremakin...last_liquid.htm Easy to apply, other options are available from this provider.
  25. Have not tried these ones but the ones I have made have had good results on the French River at night.
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