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Bob Devine

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Everything posted by Bob Devine

  1. Congrats to Brandon who fished today and almost had a "TRIFECTA" 3 yes 3-50 inchers today. I dont want to spoil his day and let him tell you the details. Brandon remember to block the secret background!!
  2. Sorry Brandon, Mike did not get your name. The bottom 2 pictures were taken by Brandon Broderick Photography. As always he does great work, thanks again.
  3. Nice fish Carl. St. Clair has been on fire for bass and muskies recently. With both numbers and size it is an awesome place to fish. Most outdoors people have left the fishing and picked up the hunting gear, leaving the lake with plenty of open water opportunties.
  4. I'm with you on this one Outlaw. Yes we have seen pictures of big fish with big fish in their mouths but realistically like people you don't go to the all you can eat buffet everyday, but you do have to eat.
  5. Thanks, I hope we can fit in our schedules.
  6. I guide on the lake from a Ranger 621 up to 3 people all tackle included. I cast, jig and troll. There is picture of one fast last week when I filmed with Jim Saric of Musky Hunter in the contest-announcement page here at OFC. Thanks,
  7. I just did this trip and enjoyed the US ride much better. Drove from Windsor to Calgary thru Mi, Wis, Minn ND and Montana, then back across the prairies to Windsor. Fuel wasn't a concern but I know it was cheaper in the US. Good roads on both sides of the borders.
  8. These motors are great for what they are designed to do. I had an 80lb on a 621 Ranger with no problems and never ran out of power. These motors work great for a stealth approach to walleye fishing. It has a small dimmer type switch that controls the speed to minor increments.
  9. I have an idea of of where a combo like that is on the bottom of Lake St. Clair... whoops! I GPSd the area but no luck yet.
  10. This past wknd saw the 19th annual walleye derby in the walleye capital of Canada-Colchester Ont. Despite a little wind and waves the fishing was still very good. This yr is the first time in my 12 yrs of fishing this event not have a 30" walleye come to the scales. My team consisted of a father and son from London, Bill and Zac and a tournament part Mark Lemke. We boated about 30 walleyes releasing the larger ones 5-7lbers and keeping the 3-4lbers. We did keep a 29.25" walleye that we felt would be a top ten fish and fortunatley for us we placed 3rd. The derby is the second weekend of June and has numerous door prizes with the top fish winning $1500 for a $20 entry. This is the largest single one day derby in Ont drawing well over 300 entries each yr. http://derby.hcslions.com/
  11. Good stuff Ben !
  12. Try a google search, they are 2 different species. http://www.iisgcp.org/exoticsp/white_perch.htm
  13. You don't know walleyeJack. As sportsfishermen WE take less than 3 percent of the total allowable catch. Some guys catch them and others don't, some days you do well and other days you don't. Reasons for decline in walleye numbers are really determined by spawning success and the weather during that spawning season on Lake Erie. Commercial fishermen will do more damage than any angler who catches his 6 fish limit. The 6 fish per person and total allowable catch by commercial fishermen are set by OMNR with data to justify these numbers. Walleye The Lake Erie Committee recommended a binational TAC for walleye in 2011 of 2.919 million fish, compared to the TAC of 2.200 million fish in 2010. Actual walleye harvest in 2010 was approximately 2.0 million fish, or 91% of the TAC. The Committee's Walleye Task Group—comprising scientists and field biologists—reported that walleye recruitment in recent years has been moderate, particularly the 2007 year class. Fish from the 2007 year class and the exceptional 2003 hatch remain the major contributors to the fishery. The increased TAC recommendation for 2011 reflects the committee's consensus that walleye status in Lake Erie appears better than previously forecasted. The TAC is recommended by the Lake Erie Committee and is allocated to Ohio, Michigan and Ontario by an area-based sharing formula of walleye habitat within each jurisdiction in the western and central basins of the lake. Under a 2011 TAC of 2.919 million fish, Ohio will be entitled to 1.492 million fish, Ontario 1.257 million fish, and Michigan 0.170 million fish. The walleye fisheries of eastern Lake Erie remain outside the quota management area and harvest limits in that area are established by Ontario, Pennsylvania, and New York. Said Committee Chair Don Einhouse, "The Lake Erie Committee is aware that the 2011 TAC recommendation, while an increase from last year, is still lower than TACs of five to ten years ago and substantially lower from TACs of the 1980s and 1990s. Abundance of walleye in Lake Erie today is estimated to be 21.2 million fish, compared to highs of between 70 and 80 million fish in the past." Einhouse added: "The committee remains committed to promoting sustainable walleye fisheries while allowing for the careful allocation of the fish based on annual biological assessments, modeling, and deliberation among the jurisdictions, with continued input from our valued stakeholders." Lake Erie Committee The Lake Erie Committee comprises fishery managers from Michigan, New York, Ohio, Ontario and Pennsylvania. The committee's work is facilitated by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, a Canadian and U.S. agency on the Great Lakes. Each year the committee recommends a total allowable catch for walleye and yellow perch. Total allowable catch represents the number or weight of fish that can be caught by sport and commercial fishers without putting the stocks at risk. The individual agencies implement the recommended total allowable catch. For more information, visit the Lake Erie Committee online at www.glfc.org/lec.
  14. That is why they were on the floor, I lost count DOH!
  15. Lake Erie is going strong in the western basin from Colchester to Leamington with many anglers catch a 6 fish limit. For many a few miles from either marina has kept them busy with not only walleyes but catfish, silver bass, yellow perch, sheephead and white perch. For many the tried and true crawler harness has been working the best. With the flash and thump of the blade and the taste of a live crawler not many walleyes can resist a meal like that. I have been fishing shallow 15-25 fow with some good sized fish thrown in too. For me the hot blade has been the Northland Baitfish image white perch in a #5 Colorado blade.
  16. Here is a link from Pats blog regarding our time on the water: http://outdoorcanada.ca/11211/blogs/field-findings/from-whopper-walleyes-to-tiny-trout
  17. That is about a 7 lb walleye.
  18. Lake Erie from Colchester to Leamington is starting to heat up with limits coming in from the weekend. I fished 2 different areas and depths each day with excellenet results. Sat we fished 15-18 fow and Sun 20-23 fow, we even got a bonus steelhead each day. Sunday I had the good fortune of fishing with Patrick Walsh, editor of Outdoor Canada magazine. This was his first time fishing the area- guess what he's coming back!
  19. SKINNY "What do I win?" lol
  20. The shorelines were loaded yesterday with anglers catching lots of silver bass. Minnows and speaders or pickeral rigs were doing most of the damage. With all the action from silvers, sheepshead and smallmouth bass the walleye action was slow on the river but heating up on Lake Erie from Colchester to Leamington.
  21. Salt water-local guide was probably Mike Bertleson from Huntsville. As for the bait not sure.
  22. Some silvers have started to show up. Water temp is about 50 in most areas. Look at mid late May to early June for hot action. In yrs past the 24 wknd has seen some great numbers. Sorry for not getting back to you sooner.
  23. Some silvers have started to show up. Water temp is about 50 in most areas. Look at mid late May to early June for hot action. In yrs past the 24 wknd has seen some great numbers. Sorry for not getting back to you sooner.
  24. Actually 20 lol walleyes a 4 man Michigan limit. Too late for the fat part!
  25. Well the Detroit River is starting to heat up and limits of walleyes are coming to the boats. Depsite the wind, rain and waves the walleye fishing is picking up after a slow start mainly because of the weather. N and E winds have kept the Ont side of the DR muddy and little to no fishing has taken place on our side this spring. Walleyes are being caught be jiggers using 1/2-3/4 oz jigs, most using chartruese with a variety of plastic minnows or worms (Gulp and FINS) seem to be favourites around here. Most of the action is happening in the mid river section across from Lasalle Ont. Anglers are fishing channel edges in 12-30 fow keeping their baits as vertical as possible. Here are a few from today.
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