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Everything posted by SmokestackLightnin

  1. I did the online renewal even before my notice came from the MNR. My 3 year fishing and small game arrived in the mail the first of December.
  2. So far it's a wise choice not to feed this year, but that could change. The other concern with feeding by a residence is they will return which may be bad news for you or your neighbours who may have a vegetable garden.
  3. Although the hooking technique is a little more humane than how a sucker minnow would be hooked.
  4. It's a joke and it's kinda funny, see for yourself: https://www.causewaybaitandtackle.com/popuplargeimage.asp?strImage=1830.jpg&strImageType=product&strPageTitle=St. Croix Poodle Poster There is a space in the link so you may have to copy and paste it into a browser.
  5. My 11-year old son has been down since last Thursday. Fever comes and goes. Aches and pains come and go. A cough and sore throat have been consistent. Hopefully it will pass soon, he's a trooper.
  6. What Bernie said.....the trailer has value but that's it.
  7. I have a Mustang Integrity one piece suit. You are correct that the one-piece not allowing water to your body quicker. It's about personal comfort and warmth. Try them on and see what works best for you. Some like the convenience of being able to take the jacket off in a warm hut. I do a lot of fishing in the open and the one-piece for me keeps the heat in nicely. Although, with new materials and new designs these days I can't see there being much of a difference in cold weather performance between the two.
  8. You bought your wife a snowblower? Enjoy the doghouse:
  9. Found it: http://news.ontario.ca/rev/en/2010/12/extension-of-deadline-for-provincial-land-tax-payments.html Thanks grt1 for bringing this forward.
  10. My cottage is in an unorganized township and I also received my final tax bill December 2nd with the same 2 due dates. Is there a link online for a press release or provides this information?
  11. I have a 6-year old Labradoodle and she is the biggest pain in the butt when fishing. About 2 years ago while fishing on Lake Temagami I thought maybe I should just put a fish in the livewell and let her watch it. So a dink smallmouth goes into the well and she is content laying on the back casting deck watching this fish in the well. The next thing I know she back at the front of the boat with me and this time she's really content because she's holding the fish in her mouth. The other crazy habit that she has is taking chickens for a run around my property. I live on a farm just north of Barrie and when we first bought we thought it would nice to have a half dozen or so laying hens. We had typical 'Green Acres" like visions of hens walking around the barn clucking away and fresh eggs for breakfast. Apparentely chickens and bird dogs don't mix....who knew? The first time it happened I hear my son who was 6 at the time freaking out by the barn, I was in my office which looks the opposite way. The next thing I see is this chocalate Labradoodle running by my window with an excited Brown Leghorn in her mouth. 3 circles around the property and that chicken was ready for the soup pot and I was on my way to build a fenced in run around the chicken coop we just put up.
  12. It seems I can't post in the News section so I am posting here: http://www.thestar.c...auga-mayor?bn=1 Cudos to the CO: A Chicago-area man posing as an angler from Mississauga has been fined $5,000 for fishing illegally in northwestern Ontario this past summer. Apparently, not knowing the identity of Mayor Hazel McCallion – an avid angler herself – proved his undoing. Tim Neidenbach, a Ministry of Natural Resources conservation officer, approached the man on Lack Seul, near Ear Falls on Aug. 20, and asked the man for his fishing licence. The man handed over an Ontario resident's Outdoors Card and fishing tag. He said he lived in Mississauga and cited that city as his hometown on the licence. When the astute officer called his bluff, asking him to identify the mayor of Mississauga, he couldn't answer. It proved to him that the man was not from Mississauga. He didn't even know the mayor was an avid angler. The man proved to be from Illinois and had been fishing illegally in Ontario waters since 1993. Justice of the Peace Robert McNally heard the case in the Ontario Court of Justice, Kenora, on Nov. 9. Wojciech Rzepka was fined $3,300 for three counts of possessing a bogus fishing licence. He was also fined $850 for fishing without a licence and $850 for making a false statement. "I think he plans to pay the fine because he wants to come back up here to fish," Neidenbach told the Canadian Press.
  13. It depends on the township. My cottage is in an unorganized township and the rules around structures and buildings are a lot different then those townships that are organized. There should be info available online regarding the regulations, and if not, a quick call to the building department should get you your answers.
  14. Lew: This should help, it tells you which ones are fully closed, which ones are open with limitations and which ones are fully open: http://www.mto.gov.o...d-answers.shtml
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