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Everything posted by Jacob

  1. Walcome to the board!
  2. Great fish! Welcome to OFC, you found a great site
  3. Another question, on the sign going down to the creek it also says no organic bait would Gulp Alive be considered organic bait?
  4. Great report, nice fish
  5. Looks like a splake to me
  6. Great looking fish
  7. Congrats on your first steelhead
  8. Great report, sounds like fun
  9. Done.. Great story
  10. Pike on the fly Carp on the fly 6+ bass To do more small stream fishing for brookies And to get on the water as much as I can and have fun
  11. My dad, grandad and brother and I went today and I thought it was great but we didn't go last year. I got a nice deal on a nice rod and reel combo and some trigger X stuff. The walk from the fishing to the other stuff is long. And there was almost no fly fishing section like 5 or 10 venders, but I did get a good deal on come Orvis super strong tippet.
  12. nice fish Great pics
  13. I think that my dad and I are going to get there on Fri. What's with the $19 to get in come on, and parking is going to be crazy to.
  14. Nice fish!!!
  15. nice job
  16. Carp, catfish and suckers, "garbage fish" as most people would call them. I like to use boilies for carp, worms for suckers and suckers for catfish
  17. Nice fish
  18. Nice
  19. thank's, I thought it was the 30th if I didn't read this I would have missed a week of trout fishing I can't wait
  20. It's farly lite but more expensive than the ugly stick.
  21. great report Nice fish
  22. nice fish
  23. I have the Redhead neoprean stocking foot waders and they are great waders for the price. I would go with stocking foot if I was you and don't cheap out on the boots. Because boot foot waders tend to get leaks at the boot seam.
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