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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Mike you make it look too easy .Do you ever get dirty at all .You are the super clean fisherman.WTG
  2. WTG Shawn Beauty fish man .You have me revved up now won't be long I will be arriving Wednesday.Amazing how many trees have leaves remainaing on the trees at this time of year. MTP
  3. Dad's first ever Walleye may 2006
  4. Thats why your tired you got Mono
  5. Please don't let Glenn Drive in Quinte if it snows the road to Tim Horton's would be in jeopardy. Lew I have one question where are the police when folks are speeding when it snows. Its time for a reduced speed limit in risky winter conditions
  6. Funny not to see the Turkeys on your lawn.Sure looks like you had a better day than us cause we were all working. If Lew is happy he sure looks frosty.What no pics of the captain maybe you had a bad case of bed head Nice pics Wayne although I like my tiller you must enjoy the full protection of the roof and windshield.
  7. Welcome once you figure out the pic thing fire away.Well to the most active site I have ever seen
  8. Roe Roe your B........... WTG
  9. There about even now but the van keeps depreciating and the boat hasn't lost any cause I keep adding things to her.I could probably get the same as I paid for her.
  10. 7 for me but who's counting but me. I have just updated the potluck folks so please confirm your specialty dish.
  11. Yes Cliff that does sound like a great deal not to pass up.I have seen the ice rider suits they appear to be good quality. I myself have the mustang Bomber Jacket which I find warm.No hood though.First time I went to the BOQ in November I had the bomber jacket with a good pair of snow pants every time I bent over I got the wind up my back. I purchased the mustang Integrity and I am very pleased with it .Just don't make the mistake I made and buy a YELLOW SUIT because many OFC ER'S have names for me in my suit lol .All I wear underneath is a good pair of pants and a fleece pullover with a hood. The hood alone is super warm.Oh and farting in a one piece is second to none warms up in an instant right out the back of your neck. Save your money until next year Percher is lending you some suits so why don't you wait and buy what you need later.I can lend you the bomber jacket if you want. Good luck on your purchase
  12. Ah no need to worry just call in the ARMY like you usually do
  13. There is Roy then how come the redneck never has a report with some nudity and Dore?????????????
  14. Can always count on you to take nice pics.When do you have to go back to the UK and will you be back next year? MTP
  15. There is no Wall-Ice in Alabama and if there is its probably frozen and imported I can only live where there is a fresh supply of Dore.
  16. Brandon you should quit that job you hate and start a career in photography.Nice shots
  17. Absolutely priceless
  18. OK smartie pants I read it too quickly glad someone is attentive
  19. Well what a way to end the season Keram 4 ski's in one outing Nice shots thanks for sharing .Can we expect another report next week or are you officially done
  20. Moemoe I use worm harnesses in the spring and summer in Quinte but come November the walleye want to eat alot and the worm harness is less appealing.I use crank bait muskie lures 7 inches long .In November they want a meal not a snack.Worm harnesses have not worked for me in November. Hope to see ya there in November.Mike
  21. Well I didn't get to read your story Don.We got skunked yesterday but we are all happy to be on the water and freeze our butts off. My son Ryan in front ,Glennk's son Andrew and Glennk who I am bringing to Quinte with me.My ugly puss is behind the camera. MTP
  22. Well said Wayne and Lew I really enjoyed your story.You got love the internet though without it you have not gotten that far and would have never found your friend. I was adopted and because of the internet I was able to find my biological mother in 1998.She now lives in Barrie Ontario and we keep in touch. Thanks Lew great read.MTP
  23. Oh the dreaded prop shaft I bent that out of shape twice in the summer of 2001 .First time cost me $500.00 for a new propshaft and prop that was welded .I knew right away when I changed the prop it was very unbalanced just like a tire that is unbalanced on a car. The 2nd time was the same but not as costly again unblanced so sounds like you got off easy.I have learned alot since then I talk to locals when venturing into a new lake and if I can I buy a map of the lake. Good Luck
  24. The wife and I have said that if we ever leave Quebec we would move to Kingston or Brockville Ontario.Much smaller populations than Montreal and Toronto.Yes after all those years the hussle and bussle of the big city is getting to me.Not far from the Bay of Quinte and the 1000 islands. One Day
  25. I know a guy in Alabama who resorts to this method once he has driven all over Alabama lokking for shiners that are no where to be found
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