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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. WTG Cliff nice fish I have only ever caught them on a worm last 10 pounder was caught on a Lindy Rig with a juicy night crawler.Ya come to think of it we haven't seen Bly's face in a pic for a while now you just jinxed yourself.Maybe you'll be netting for her soon. Nice carp there ugly but they give us a great battle. WTG Cliff nice netting job BLY MTP
  2. Ya Don I can pull that with my 210hp Honda Odessey van but I don't have 4 wheel drive lauching that with FrontWD would be hell a little fishing gear and you will be over your tow limit.Stopping would be hell without breaks. Do these trailers come with breaks? I pull a 2600lbs tent trailer with my van it must be close to my 3500lb limit once she is loaded with stuff .Nice feature is it has brakes.A boat trailer like that must need to have breaks right? MTP
  3. Well Wayne after dropping one of my anologue camera's in the water falls in NorthBay another analogue camera lost in Cuba I decided to modify my current Camera to go around my neck in touchy wet situations.Sorry to here about your Canon and I know you liked that camera so much. I am looking forward to the anologue Pics.Look on the bright side the Digitals are getting cheaper. MTP
  4. Beauty report MR Eh always great to see a father and son Duo fishing together.My Dad missed our Quinte trip this year he had a bad case of shingles. priceless pics.Love the shot of the 27inch eye. That was a great report.Thanks MTP
  5. Thats what I like about Quinte you catch as many fish as the fisherman up north and on the May long weekend I did not see one Mosquito.No black flies not aaaaaaa bug. Good Luck to you fishing for gators.Have a good 9 days. Enjoy the Parmesan black flies on your pasta.Keep them away from the beer MTP
  6. Don looks like a solid boat for the great lakes but I think you'll have to ditch the Rav 4 and return to an F-150 maybe F-250.I think that salmon fishing on Lake O gave you the bug. MTP
  7. Paul
  8. Ya we want to see picks of the new boat.Its OK if you got skunked we just want a vacation report with detailed pics. Your computer internet speed is almost as fast as the new boat so have you got something to show us???We're waiting MTP
  9. Emile with all your success out there I can't understand why your often Solo out there you usually are on the fish. WTG nice spring salmon
  10. Glenn he was way too small to be putting my thumb in its mouth.So its safe to say its a white perch. For now on I will have all white bass and white perch say ahhhhhhhhhh with one of those fat popsicle sticks from the doctor .I will then proceed to feel the inside of its mouth.Thanks GCD I will let you know when I catch one.By the way Serge caught that thing not me. MTP
  11. Tom my boat is a Lund SSV 18.5ft long with a 50hp Honda 4 stroke with power trim and flat floor inserts my kicker motor is a 2 stroke Yamaha 8hp I connect both motors with a steering bar when trolling ,I troll with the 8hp and steer with the 50hp.It is a very stable boat. Coming back from Hay Bay on the weekend there were 3 foot swells I had it going full throttler trimmed up and over the waves she rides like a cadillac.I like my big tinny.
  12. No the fish(white bass) went back into the big Pond I just like the taste of perch and Walleye.
  13. Blackfish the guy your talking about his name is James he came fishing with us for the day he was staying in Belleville and his mom is in a nursing home.James came to visit us on his motorcycle did you see him with a helmut? Small world.Mike the Pike
  14. Great shots Paul you really know how to use a camera.At least you didn't get a skunking. MTP
  15. Thanks Joe for sharing that.I understood every word said.I love being bilingual. MTP
  16. Mike we were catching them in 8 to 23 feet of water. MTP.
  17. Bernie I caught some nice perch with your Jigs no eyes though what I like about your jigs is they don't get stuck in the rocks. Thanks again.Mike
  18. Great report Mike ,nice cottage looks like a peace of heaven. Nice boat its amazing how much stuff you can get into a Lund SSV. Thanks for that amazing report. MTP
  19. Thanks GCD it took me 3 and half hours to make my recent Quinte report. I also enjoy the other reports that many put in huge amounts of time to post. GCD you are a good redneck gentleman. MTP
  20. Great report nice pic of the sunset.MTP
  21. Nice to see the whole family fishing together Cliff your youngest daughter looks like she just loves fishing. Thanks for sharing.MTP
  22. Nice report Dan thats one frosty boat you got there. \When its cold there are no bugs and one can always dress for the cold. MTP
  23. WTG Bernie good to see you could finally get out.MTP
  24. Nice Gator Cliff .The one I caught in Quinte put up a great fight for its size peeling line several times. MTP
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