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Everything posted by majorlifts

  1. I suggest, copy, paste, print, and carry a copy of this letter, so the next time some person is belly aching, politely whip it out and feed it to him.
  2. Beaverton Is good, ice is thick, takes a while to get through it. I found I had great luck with a heavy Swedish pimple for deep moving water and a beautiful shiner attached, not those muddy looking minnows. In slow shallow water I used the blue fox ice spoon, its thin and light and a bit curvy, also tipped with a nice shiner. Then I got jiggy with it. I have caught nice eyes there. I believe, where to be is the tricky part. I have found ice fisherman to be a nice bunch, and very helpful, specially in those parts. So usually a kind," hello" or wave can get you some info on where to start.
  3. True Bill, very true.
  4. My buddy thought he had his camera stolen by my neighbor looked everywhere in my house for it thinking maybe he dropped it, coat pockets, outside on the ground, and still nowhere. turns up 2 months later in his freezer in a bag of fish that he had on him that night. Still works, sold it to me for a $100 bucks and bought a new on. BIZZARO.
  5. I like this topic and Im glad you brought it up. I am not that educated on the whys all the time, but I always seem to think the MNR has done their research and have come up with some tight math on the subject. But sometimes I feel they have just let it ride because it seems like the right thing to do seasonally. So I think you have a great point. The Canadian Fly Fisher mag Feb April 2007, letters to the editor. The Steve Arndt fisheries biologist comment on past issue of catch release and slot limits is very interesting. I am impatient when comes to getting my flies in the water, because I have to have sooo much patience when Im there. I do think they should really look at the system or body of water each season, and give us the math on the whys. That would probably help us all understand the sacrifice we make each season.
  6. Cool pics guys, That is kinda weird that fish just frozen there like that. My mother had a similar experience in BC but it was some guy under the ice who fell through and was taken by the current. Bizzaro stuff man. Looked fun anyways. I like the thrill of the hunt, trying to find those fish can sometimes be tough.
  7. Hey, mistyriver1, That is great, thats what I like as well about the shows, is meeting the tv personalities and talking about upcoming seasons of fishing. Sounds like a great time you had there. Find any new gadgets that impressed you?
  8. Well John bacon, I think that responding to your reply would only spark debate that is left for other boards like mother Jones and so forth. If you read my reply, with any educated guess you could see that I have read a book or two. I would pick up the book called silent coup, it would help you understand a bit more about corporate America that you seem to think you have the whip on. For more educational reading I would suggest Dr seuss, one fish two fish red fish blue fish. Because after all that is what we are all here to talk about n'est pas? With all due respect, flaming others doesnt work on this board, we are all fisherman and although we do not always agree on the same bait we all get along because of what we do agree on, fishing. Peace my fellow human.
  9. Its not what we expect for 12 bucks, its what they get that makes it good for us. Put on a good show, make it cheap for vendors, and get the word out to the personalities that it would be nice if they made an appearance (I remember meeting Bob Izumi, nice guy) . Bigger turn out means cheaper spots next year for vendors who will show up. Instead, greed takes precedent, vendors are charged way tooo much for floor space and No one wants to pay 12 bucks to walk in a store to buy fishing gear. With all due respect.
  10. That is a beautiful fish. Quinte is probably my favorite one stop shop for eyes all around. That pic should be in a magazine.
  11. Well we could go on and on but really whats the point. Like one very good doctor said "everyone lies". So in essence everyone is guilty of something. Unfortunately that is human nature. Thats why we have Police and crime units to investigate fraud and illegal activity. Those who do will have to pay, and those who dont will have to pay. Cigarettes are legal here in canada, and while not everyone smokes them many pay for the damage it does. So while one commits a crime against humanity legally, many commit them illegally. So the fine line continues to draw dialog from the masses and the sun continues to shine on all, bad and good.
  12. When I say download, I mean you can go to any site you wish, even rogers and pay next to nothing to have to see the movie you want, and I believe ipod has a site where you pay 99 cents a song. not bad really. Everyone wins see.
  13. Ok I have a small family, so when we hit the cinema it costs 13 bucks a ticket thats about 60 somthin with tax not including pop and snacks. If the movie I watch is total crap, which has been the case many times, I feel burned. So now I watch the preview on the apple movie trailer site. Then I download the movie, which in many cases is not good quality, and if I feel its worth watching on the big screen, they have no probs getting my money. Same with music. Put out good stuff people are willing to pay to see. They always say13 million at the box office lower than expected, they never say 13 million people burned at the box office. Critics are payed to give good ratings that is fact backed by the star and those quotes written in by the so called nytimes and so forth, are also put in by the movie companies, also fact. So whos robbing who??? I can tell ya.
  14. My advice is, drop Rogers they are scam, and they have a way of recording and striping you of content downloaded. Its called digital rights management. They have made a pact willingly with the authorities to give out any information about you and the content you download, because it works in their favor. So beware of bit torrents bought or own by large corps, or ones that merge with large corps. Dont use them period. We should send an email to Rogers and other large corporations threatening them to pay their deferred taxes that we end up paying. Maybe Bank of Montreal would like an email from us telling them to pay their deferred taxes, considering they profited billions last year. Make them feel guilty for all the social programs our kids miss out on because they wont pay their taxes. They want it all, they would take our blood if they could suck it out of our veins without getting caught. Greedy scum bags!! We pay for the web service!! We pay for the lap tops or PCs!! We pay for the software!! We pay for the dvds and the cds. We even make donations to web sites that we enjoy and wish to keep around. DO NOT TELL US WHAT TO DO WITH OUR PRIVATE USE OF THESE FACILITIES.
  15. So, you know about the Reach. Hhmmmm.....Well , you know you'r gonna get some eyes for sure. So, I only got a few words, bring a big net, and take lots of pics for us guys stuck at home..ie, ehg and I.....(stolen boat).
  16. I have a good fishing buddy Ive fished with for 10 years or so now, but Spiel would be the ofner to fly fish with. Seems like a well rounded guy with plenty of experience. See you on the rocky saugeen some day Spiel. Judging by his post, I think a guy that wants to fish with everyone doesnt have to many hang ups or ego problems.
  17. I am freekin pumped for ICE!!!! I cant wait for ice on Quinte. Thanks guys, nice pictures.
  18. True enough clampet. I figure, if they steal it, and they are willing to risk getting caught, go through the stress of knowing any lake they visit we could be there fishing, good on em. But at the same time, I remember the last bunch of teens that stole a small boat from the pickering harbour, their bodies were never found. I just hope this isnt one of those cases. couple a yahoos on a weekend bender ending up at the bottom of lake ontario in our boat is not my Idea of justice for a stolen boat. I would not feel very good after that.
  19. You know, thats all I seem to use. Its like a lure ya just cant put down even when they stop hittin. You think ok ok maybe just maybe this next cast is gonna be the one. 3 hrs later. I just love wooly buggers for steel head. See I usualy put my fly gear away for the winter. I havnt realy been around enough fly fisherman in Ontario to know the full benifit of fishing in the winter. However I enjoy fishing in the cold weather so maybe I have a lot to learn. thanks
  20. WOW!!! that truly is a nice steel head my friend. That must have been a real fun catch. Im curious what type of fly you use for this time of year.
  21. Well the bizzar thing is, is that the bottom was coated with black filler to plug the leaks. It didnt work to well but there are these big black cross marks on the bottom you cant miss em. Pickering would be the place it dissapeared to. Dont ask me how I know. but if you see someones van or truck flying by with a boat fitting that description, thats her.
  22. WoW!!!! That was a great time. I didnt think it was possible but we got er done. I cant believe the amount of white bass we caught, and I tell ya, because of the climate change we have seen some pretty wild changes in the fishing. For instance, we would go and catch browns from dust till dawn, no eyes and maybe a few white bass. Now, BAMM!!! eyes like crazy, and no browns. Crazy changes. We also have had similar changes on other lakes as well.
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