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Everything posted by majorlifts

  1. Unfortunately this is the way of the new world, the old ways are gone, and the old ways of thinking have taken a back seat to development and big money. I`m sure when the Cree wrote that things weren`t as bad for them on their little pieces of land they were unjustifiably put on with clauses dating as far back as the late 1890`s that now have no power so big mining companies can go on the land and do as they please with out any recourse. Exactly whats happening with the Ardoch in Algonquin. What the papers tell you and whats really going on, is a whole different ball game. http://www.dominionpaper.ca/articles/1754 But then you are right, there are those who are just like the people they protest and they sometimes sell out for the cash.
  2. You`re right, I gotta calm the hell down. I get outa control sometimes. I need to get out on the lake and get my fix.
  3. Im only kiddin, really, I talk a lot of crap because its fun, I like the idea of throwin the old man in the water though, hahaaa, anyways I`m not that bad. But I have been told I have anger issues, aggressive behavior, and tendencies to rant on about the injustices in the world, and the fact that I have lifted weights now for the past 6 years gives me the strength to hurl large objects at my powerless victims, haaa. But with the years now moving on I have become more passive, and more forgiving, the more fishing I do the more passive I become, I enjoy the fishing so much that when I dont get to go I become sour. This time spent is really about reflection and pause for me, somewhat of a religious experience. But then I digress, I just dont like people who get away with treating people like dirt for nothing, thats just plain nonsense.
  4. You wanna go around finding excuses for people being idiots Just remember that when your driving down the highway and someone comes flying up on you at a 100 mph flashing his lights and flipping you the bird because you`re in his way and it turns out to be grampa in a $200,000 Porsche, Oh but he probably is on the way to his wife's funeral, or maybe she is in the hospital with cancer, I mean really let the poor old guy do his thing, hasnt he earned the right to be an idiot? NO! no one earns that right, dont you remember the golden rule? and besides since when does having problems issue you the right to be a total piece of crap and treat everyone who comes along like dirt. We all have problems we all have Horrid issues to deal with in one way or another. Lets stop giving idiots the power over us. Thats enough already.
  5. EXACTLY My sentiments, I am extremely tired of giving people the benefit of the doubt. Personally I have no problem with teens these days, I'm 40 years old and I have an 18 year old son and the people who don't like teens are the ones who fear them, Teens are people who need the older generation to listen to them, and that doesn`t mean "impose our will upon them", it means give them options to help them with their own ideas. Forget that old piece of dirt, however, if he happened to be old enough to be a WW II veteran ( which I highly doubt ) you should thank him first before you brake his rod and pushed him in the water. NO MERCY.
  6. Ehg had a cottage at Tall Cedars for over 25 years, him and I have fished that lake for close to 12 years now, and let me tell you just how this will destroy one of the greatest muskie runs ever. This is what happens when you put a price on things, when will they see that some things can not be sold. Build build build, when will it ever stop, is what we got not enough? Oh look, life, lets kill it! an old Cree saying goes, ONLY AFTER THE LAST TREE HAS BEEN CUT DOWN, ONLY AFTER THE LAST RIVER HAS BEEN POISONED, ONLY AFTER THE LAST FISH HAS BEEN CAUGHT, ONLY THEN, WILL YOU FIND THAT MONEY CANNOT BE EATEN. CREE
  7. Walleye would be a great start because I have more gear for that, but Bass will be opening up last Sat of June and Im sure theres Bass in that lake too. I tried trolling for eyes but that lake is crazy deep, in some spots its 120 ft deep.
  8. I heard reports that there are Trout AND Walleye, is this so, and how can that be. I have been fishing since I was a young boy and still have not learn to figure out the difference between Isotropic and mesotrophic. This would probably help huge. But its not a text book def, its the actual look of the lake to determine what kind it is that troubles me. Wow!! Fishing can be deep, (pardon the pun)
  9. I have been on this board for a long time and have not really posted for ages, however I have posted plenty of comments like "Nice One!" so my question is to all you great fisherman who have fished Muskoka Lake. Where the hell are all the dam fish!?! I was a guest there last Saturday and I tried almost every lure in my box/ bag and didnt even get a nibble. The area is by port Keeywaydin. Any tips for the next time I go up there would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Bumpity bump bump bump, because I love this post and enjoy looking at it.
  11. This is a fantastic post! I like Bob, he is very professional and still very down to earth.
  12. I would rip the hearts out of these two and make them watch as I drink their blood. Trust me, you never wanna lay a hand on my little girl. Ther is a fine line between man and beast.
  13. IT OPENS SATURDAY!!!!!!!!! That is what the reg book say.
  14. I use line dressing on my Fly line, and it seems to take all the dirt off and leave the line supple and easier to cast. I would imagine you could use this for the same thing one reg fishing line.
  15. one word, ....SWEET!!
  16. The trout in my avatar was caught on a black woolly bugger. caught 2 more of em like that, and one on a spinner.
  17. My advice is, a dry hackle, brown with a bit of gold, smallest you got. Let your line down easy, don't let it smack the water, I learned I was spooking the trout very easily by whipping my line out and when it dropped it would smack the water a bit, don't let it. The science to fly fishing is complex and there are so many variables, but being focused and learning how to drop that fly is what takes you away, your mind is no longer thinking about work or home, time stands still. Then....... BANG!!! Top water action!! I must say however that EHG has a very good proven method of fishing with the #0 panther martins or mepps, because when they aint hittin the flies, they`re hit the spinners, but when they aint hittin the spinners they`re hittin the fly. Funny. BTW, EHG has a higher success rate with the spinners, its just a fact.
  18. How bout a garage sale? Lot of unemployed people in the Shwa now, they could use a good deal on a couch or something.
  19. Actually if you could eat these things I`d be down there with my bow havin a go at em.
  20. Headhunter, one word, WRONG. I have slept at the Leslie spit, I got married at the Leslie spit, I lost my virginity at the Leslie spit, I have fished Pike there for the last 12 years, and others will agree there is only one lagoon/bay where those birds have done damage and its been the same for the last 12 yrs I been goin there. So, it aint as bad everyone here has made out. BTW, just kidding bout losing my virginity still got it.
  21. I will have to agree with the Dr. By the way,Humans do more damage to our ecosystem than any other creature on earth, so should we start doing the honorable thing for the ecosystem and start sending people to the annihilation chambers in order to save the planet??...........Hmmm seems we had a guy try that in the 30`s, didnt turn out so well for him, and no argument here will ever solve the planets doom due to humanity, forget your Ivy league problem solving Ideas, and save them for the people who have never stepped out of a concrete building to see the forest beyond the trees. Just for info sake, the Leslie Spit is all a man made human dump. I take my boat down and all you see are Islands filled with concrete and bricks from old buildings, so all that Bird Guano grosses me out, but so does the garbage. The birds need a place to live, we destroy land to build and live and this has massive impact on our inviro. Ask the Algonquin tribe of natives that have been fighting a uranium mining company that has plans to destroy thousands of hectares of land for profits. This topic has wore itself out and is already a dead horse.
  22. I gotta secret spot, and Im dropin an egg suckin leach fly right bang in the middle of er. I love fly fishing in the opener, however, stealth and keen observation are keys to success. It is always good to respect others and their space, and do your best to not spook the fish for others by walking along the banks stomping your feet and peering over the banks at fish casting huge shadows, trudging downstream through the water like a water buffalo, and last but not least, letting your dogs jump in the water where everyone is fishing, even 30 meters away that spot will be killed for at least an hour. Let us seasoned fisherman/woman set a great example this opener, lets show them all how its done. Monkey see monkey do. Good Luck To Everyone!
  23. NICE!!! Sure wish I was catchin n eatin those. good post.
  24. Bold, very Bold. Its a little like pan handling, you sort of have to have no pride and not really care what others think, and they know they wont go to jail, so they take the risk. Bad behavior in my opinion.
  25. Okay, educate me, why no fish ladder? would`nt that be less intrusive. MNR? Building ladders at these dams, isn't that part of the whole reason we pay for the licensing? I`m just wondering. Seriously, I don't know much about all this, but would like to know more.
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