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Everything posted by majorlifts

  1. Back in 1993 I was fishin Bowmanville creek and I caught a massive salmon on a small red devil spoon about 75 yards down stream from the dam. I fought this fish for it seemed 15 to 20 min. The fish dragged me upstream, (I had light gear) and directly into the sanctuary of deep water. There was lots of witnesses watching the event, and just as I was releasing the salmon a CO tapped on my shoulder. (Now I saw this guy in my side vision watching, but only as I was fighting the fish in the sanctuary). He took all my gear and gave me 2 fines, 1: fishing in a sanctuary. 2: Snagging with a spoon. With all the witnesses including the guy who helped me release the fish, (that was well hooked in the mouth, by the way) I went to court, and explained how everything transpired and I didnt have to pay the fines and the CO had to return my gear. What also helped was a fish Ontario magazine article about fishing creeks with red devil spoons for salmon. That was what really helped me, so keeping all those old mags was not a waste of space after all. He admitted that he did not see me hook the fish and that he was just adding me to the list of many poachers he nailed that day upstream without licenses and people snagging fish. I told him I thought he was being a jerk not allowing me to explain, and he apologized. What a Jerk!
  2. If the motor runs good on the water and there are no leaks, you have a nice deep hull boat there. I know running a prop with chips can warp the rod and eventually wreck the performance but lets face it, this isnt a 20 thousand dollar boat. I dont know what everyone is talking about (so many great deals on boats out there) because when I was shopping most of the deals were 14 and 12 ft aluminum's for $1500 and there just were`nt that many. The motor I have has had chips in the prop for 10 years and the motor inside looks similar and I never dropped the thing in the water, but I have dropped it, thats probably what the bungy cord is all about. Boatman seems knowledgeable, I would hear what he has to say. PS: I like the deep hull, gotta have it for the big walleye chop.
  3. That place is Brown haven, fished there for years, and my fishin buddy ehg only ever caught one Atlantic there. But I tell ya the browns pile up. A blast indeed.
  4. Now this one I love. Please allow me to weigh in,.... in Kennesaw state it is the law, you must own a fire arm. Think about that for one minute, meditate. Okay, now do you think anyone would attempt to rob someone at gun point when they know 10 people behind them own guns. Do you think that 18 yr old boy, would attempt the gun point robbery with a fake gun, knowing full and well the owner has a real gun in reaching distance, perhaps on his hip......? I`m not sorry for saying it, I believe in the right to own and carry fire arms. But with that by law must come education, much like a drivers license, only the recipient would learn not only safety but the consequences of taking your firearm out of its holster and firing it. Guns will never go away, you and the army can never get rid of them, so why not arm the innocent citizens who are being attacked by gun toting criminals. Again the power is in the hands of the criminals, as it will always be. except for Kennesaw state. I have owned firearms, shot them, and was a very responsible owner, I understood the power they hold beyond the gunpowder. Thank you for allowing me to weigh in.
  5. I would like to get a new PFD suit. In fact I will look into craiglist, and buy n sell, but then I think I saw one for $200 at Tightlines in Pickering. BTW, Im not sure why Im always lippin the fish, I think if I have a good control of the head without hurtin the fish it makes for easy release. Oh and gloves are a necessity for that.
  6. OMG!!! The bouy oh boy, STOLEN!!!! Grrrrrrr, I loved that suit.
  7. Very true Burtess, best advice no doubt as it did get a little hairy there. All in all, it was an insane fishin day, totally worthy of its own fishing show. We could have well been slammin fish till dusk, but that just wasnt in the cards. Interestingly though, I find the best fishing is when the weather is not so generous. PS: Dont ever, and I mean EVER!!, do this unless you have a very good weather source that you understand and can follow with ease. Because Death is inevitable when the winds become to strong.
  8. Always nice to see fish come through the ice, good job.
  9. Well theres Leslie spit, (frozen), theres Toronto Harbor, mmmmm, not sure what else, and I have lived here quite a while. Most of the areas reached by TTC are either frozen or a long walk to get to. But hey dont give up. I used to drive my bicycle from finch and birchmount to the scarborough bluffs with a rod and williams spoon just to catch browns, I caught one off the rocks, but its dangerous this time of year cause the rocks are slippery. So if you go down there, good luck and be careful.
  10. That was a great day all the same, not sure the fish were feelin it. I was really expecting some Browns but I had an awesome day throwing the line out there in open water. NICE!!
  11. Recently saw this video that demonstrates improper usage of self defense devices.
  12. Oh man was it cold!! But I tell ya you have got to be the luckiest dog alive, that place was hammered and you still got that massive brown. Lucky duck you are.
  13. Bro that is awesome, sick vid to man. Loved it. Man when I logged on, this is the first thing I saw and I nearly had a turd. Nice work.
  14. Ya, I was looking at the winds today and was feeling a little greedy, wishing I could get out there again early this morning. But I think thats pushing it. Yesterday was just what I expected, Browns, double headers, and more browns. Man I love Fishing.
  15. Two females? were they full of row? shallow or deep? weight? just curious.
  16. Ya nice fish Mike, that made for an even better evening. By the way, nice glove! ha
  17. Hahahaaa, Get the net!!! Get the net!!! That was great, always a good laugh on that boat. Im going out to buy the shad this week end, come hell or high water I get a musky next week. Those Walleyes were a blast, because there's always the possibility of a monster.
  18. Buddy!!! nice pics!! I really like the brookies, man they`re sweet. The landscape shots are a real bonus too, thanks!
  19. Nice Job guys, I have saved some of those pics to my collection. some of those pics were well taken, and really show the beauty of the landscape. Man I love Ontario, looks like I better enjoy it now, soon it will be private property, like every other spot across this great land I used to enjoy.
  20. OMG!! That was some good fishin, and some great weather we had, all the conditions were perfect. We caught those muskies the same day. By the way I must have laughed for at least 20 min on the beautify feature.
  21. Now thats a sweet trip with all the trimmings. I dont thing there would have been anything else in the world you could have done to have a better time. the pictures are really nice,and the kids will have memories to share around the dinner table when they are our age. Way to go, really well done. Oh and ya, sweet pike!
  22. I agree, great stuff, looks as though a variation in strategies is in the forecast for ehg. I will opt for more patience, as I tend to think a 45 min wait on musky can push the limits of my urge to have a fish landed, but the climate on Pigeon has changed, and what used to take 10 min, now takes 45. Awesome post!!
  23. Thanks for the tip sinker, I will put your advise to work this weekend. lookin forward to hitting the eyes all day long.
  24. Thats awesome! I usually fish eyes and muskies in the fall and they are always caught deep, Im just curious, at what depth were you catching those fish? I find it difficult in the hotter weather to locate those eyes sometimes. Any advice?
  25. you lucky dog!! wish I was there. it always produces, I have never, and I mean never been skunked on that lake. looks like the proof is in the pictures. Nice!
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