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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Nice Brian JohnF's mojo was strong in you. I got a slight chuckle out of the image of you slideing down that hill, and skipping accross that stream on your butt.
  2. Great work Jacques I like the idea of using a swivel between the leader and the main line.I used a tiny swivel on my baitcaster setup at the end of last season,and it did wonders keeping my mainline twist free. It didnt seem to bother the fish at all.
  3. As long as you got out there, thats all that counts. Not to mention the biology lesson you gave your boys
  4. I guess we are all gettin ole. I went ice fishing last saturday. Opened the truck door and stepped onto the ice, and fell flat on my keister The right but cheek looks like i got kicked by a mule, and both knees are still sore. Who's a thunk ice was so slippery
  5. That is a wonderful specimen Brian.I am so happy you let us see it.Please be careful out there.
  6. RIP Tony I still have waves of emotion pass over me when i think about it. Unbelievable and sad. Paul
  7. Hummmm. The Fishing/hunting show is 23-26 here in Montreal.Maybe i should check that out I just love new tackle Thanks Darren.
  8. Right now its a 6.5ft Quantum PT with a Citica E. 20lb power pro. Extremely sensitive rod, bulletproof reel. Working on my new favorite, when i find the right rod for my Curado 300.Any Suggestions?
  9. Thanks Jacques.I had a blast, but not enought to get me out there on a regular basis.Next time will be in a nice big shack, with a wood stove and comfortable chairs
  10. I was geting a real good laff out of this thread, until i realized, I was sitting here saying, i do that to! to every other post.
  11. you devil !!!!! Better than Lew plucking his nose hairs. I swear, thats what i saw when i first read it Roy Brain Bleach please
  12. And i thought I was a sissy !!!!!! Wimp
  13. Dont know why mine didnt like the new braid i picked up for her reel...... She said ''Theres more to life than fishing'' I said '' Well......................No''
  14. Good to see ya Sinclair!!!!
  15. If this is allowed, where will it stop? Say good bye to privacy as we know it.Arent there laws in the charter of rights that would need to be ammended to allow this type of surveillance? I dont think it should just a question of signing off on a new Bill.It would mean re writing the whole charter of rights.
  16. Well, you had a wonderful day with your ''cute as a button'' Son, and good friends. Fish are a bonus.I guess thats why they call it fishing, not catching
  17. Congrats on that PB !! Sure is a beauty. Quinte is on my short term bucket list.
  18. Alex, your dad thought the world of you.When we spoke last, i commented on the video taken at the G2G, and i could hear the pride in his voice as he spoke. I lost my Dad a number of years back.He was alot like yours, avid Angler and a great outdoorsman. I feel him with me also, especially when i fish.he loved fishing with a passion, and we spent many hours on the water together. Be strong for your mom, but allow yourself to grieve, and know that you will never walk alone in this world as long as you keep his memory alive. Paul
  19. I have to admit though, at no point did i feel ''Unsafe''. Both Mike and Trevor fish this spot daily, and i know that Mike would not have put me in any real danger.Noisy ice is good ice, quiet ice is dangerous. I learned that on the weekend
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