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Everything posted by mercman

  1. http://www.ehow.com/how_4522215_clean-waders.html This may give you some pointers Wayne. I would maybe not use water repellent that uses petroleum products just in case it reacts with the rubber and dries it out.
  2. 1944 That was a bad year......lets get it into at least the disco years today folks !!!!!
  3. Nite you 2.Kiss a fish for me this weekend and take loads of photos
  4. thats the one keep ur eyes open for the OPP.Ya dont wanna get caught withe the contraband nudge nudge wink wink i pay 25 for rockmans and importA at Kaugnawaga
  5. Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory Indian Reserve between shannonville and deseronto off york road
  6. So now we know what the problem is, now whats your solution
  7. Maybe jfisher has some info that might benefit some of us who are paying way too much for hydro.I really dont think he joined OFC to solicit customers.Sounds more to me like he feels he can help out with info that we may not be aware of. So lets here some more Mr.Fisher.How can we reduce our hydro bills.Why do YOU think Mr Irishfield and many more of us, are paying such a high bill for our electricity compared to just a few years ago.
  8. excellent points Wayne.Its time the Gov and the big corps stop thinking about us like naive,brainless,idiots and start seeing us as inteligent money smart consumers.
  9. last year i paid 1900 electricity for the year.My house was built in 1941, so since i bought in 99 i have reinsulated the whole place, changed all the windows and ext doors,caulked, re ventilated the roof, changed all my lites to compact floresent and installed a gas fireplace.Changed all my appliances for energy star rated.last year i didnt even start my electric basedboards on the main floor.cost me less than 600 on propane to heat all winter. I keep the temp at 23 c, Quebec Hydro is still relatively cheap, but i'm always looking to save somewhere.Those big screen HD tvs we all have suck up the electricity even when they are off.if you have it set to instant on, its like a 250 watt bulb burning 24/7. Thats the only way to lower your hydro bill, cause they will always find a way to justify an increase. what really burns my is when they sell it to our neighbors for les than they charge us.
  10. Dude !!!! Keep on posting those pics !!! And welcome to our humble abode.
  11. ya mean like this http://www.youtube.c...h?v=X4NKYn4A3mg am i bad. Keep your chin up mike. NOT FOR YOUNG EARS
  12. Perfect timing !!! Got home after reading this and my WFN Ambassador kit was waiting for me. T worst too small though. Sure hope i can 10% off something too !!!!
  13. My dad used to make a recipe for minced meat.He would use venison and moose meat mixed this with various dried fruits nuts and raisons,nutmeg etc.Baked in a piecrust and served with icecream
  14. excellent news.Prayer and good karma really works miracles.
  15. Nice job Mike.Let the orders start rolling in. Good luck.
  16. Nice Ski !!!!cant wait to post my first. Maybe Santa will bring me some muskie gear for christmas.
  17. Hit the nail right on the head !!!! Sounds exactly like a guy i talked to at sail last week.Didn't have a clue how to answer some of my questions.
  18. GOOD LUCK MIKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. The only word i can come up with is SPECTACULAR !! Thanks for the trip down your memory lane. Paul
  20. 365 !!! Can you imagine if we could vote politically like this !!!! Then they would be scared
  21. Wiat till she starts hoggin the bed !!!At least its not a Lab.If i egt up for a pee in the nite, i have to fight with her to give me room to get back in bed !!!
  22. Just wondering if someone might have an update on Kelvins wife.I was thinking about them today.
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