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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Holy crap man !!!!!!!! That musta been a reaalllllly touchy situation for ya
  2. Dan !!!!!!!! Thanks for that review. Oh i miss the soft water .Looks like a real blast. And ya look just fine in those pics, for one of us crsuty ole anglers (JK) Paul
  3. Good thread Mike. I agree with you 100 percent. I dont fish hard water, but i love to see the fish pics and storeys anyways. I try my darndest to at least give a , on these posts for sure. I do however get absorbed in some of the really interesting NF threads too, and what i like most are the ones where i learn new techniques and tricks and new products. Thanks for having the guts to post the subject. Paul
  4. My God !!! Like i said before, humans are the most unpredictable animals on the planet. My heart goes out to the victims........A Sad day indeed
  5. I hear ya Wayne.Maybe next year, cause believe it or not, i finally convinced the better half to let me get a bigger boat Won't go into the deails as to the "bargain" i had to make with her, but lets put it this way,sweety pie and honey bunny are newly memorized words for me to learn . Thats ok though, she really is both of those and more
  6. ok man............spill the beans !!!! You cant seriously leave me with that floating around in my imagination
  7. thanks Ron, like i need another OBSESSION.
  8. I'm just sitting here, having a coffee, and staring at my boat in the yard, all covered up and cold. I think i'm gonna make some tackle today, and change the line on my reels. What do you guys do to keep busy in the winter.Cant keep staring at my boat, i'm getting nose prints all over my patio door.
  9. what a beautiful place.great pics Dave. Paul
  10. He had really interesting info on the 911 incident.Witnesses claiming hearing 3 different explosions before the plains hit the towers And the metal leftover being scrapped and recycled so fast after the cleanup. Before forensics had a chance to analyze it. Makes you wonder.
  11. I like that he asks all the questions that no one else has the "boyz" to ask.Great show
  12. if its free, its gotta be good
  13. You're so not Queer skeets !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Skeets..............i'd pay a weeks wages to see you sliding into an isetta with all yer geer
  15. Man: 'Evening, squire! Squire: (stiffly) Good evening. Man: Is, uh,... Is your wife a goer, eh? Know whatahmean, know whatahmean, nudge nudge, know whatahmean, say no more? Squire: I, uh, I beg your pardon? Man: Your, uh, your wife, does she go, eh, does she go, eh? Squire: (flustered) Well, she sometimes 'goes', yes. Man: Aaaaaaaah bet she does, I bet she does, say no more, say no more, know whatahmean, nudge nudge? Squire: (confused) I'm afraid I don't quite follow you. Man: Follow me. Follow me. That's good, that's good! A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat! Squire: Are you, uh,... are you selling something? Man: SELLING! Very good, very good! Ay? Ay? Ay? (pause) Oooh! Ya wicked Ay! Wicked Ay! Oooh hooh! Say No MORE! Squire: Well, I, uh.... Man: Is, your uh, is your wife a sport, ay? Squire: Um, she likes sport, yes! Man: I bet she does, I bet she does! Squire: As a matter of fact she's very fond of cricket. Man: 'Oo isn't? Likes games, eh? Knew she would. Likes games, eh? She's been around a bit, been around? Squire: She has traveled, yes. She's from Scarsdale. (pause) Man: SAY NO MORE!! Scarsdale, saynomore, saynomore, saynomore, squire! Squire: I wasn't going to! Man: Oh! Well, never mind. Dib dib? Is your uh, is your wife interested in... photography, ay? 'Photographs, ay', he asked him knowlingly? Squire: Photography? Man: Snap snap, grin grin, wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more? Squire: Holiday snaps, eh? Man: They could be, they could be taken on holiday. Candid, you know, CANDID photography? Squire: No, no I'm afraid we don't have a camera. Man: Oh. (leeringly) Still, mooooooh, ay? Mwoohohohohoo, ay? Hohohohohoho, ay? Squire: Look... are you insinuating something? Man: Oh, no, no, no... yes. Squire: Well? Man: Well, you're a man of the world, squire. Squire: Yes... Man: I mean, you've been around a bit, you know, like, you've, uh... You've 'done it'... Squire: What do you mean? Man: Well, I mean like,... you've SLEPT, with a lady... Squire: Yes... Man: What's it like?
  16. Congrats !!!!!! i bet he only drove it to bingo on sundays!!!!(just kiddin )
  17. BBC Interviewer: The activity you see behind me is part of the preparations for the new Naval Expedition to Lake Pahoe. The man in charge of this expedition is Vice Admiral Sir John Cunningham. Sir, John, hello there. Vice-Admiral Sir John Cunningham: Ah, hello. Well, first of all I'd like to apologize for the behaviour of certain of my colleagues you may have seen earlier, but they are from broken homes, circus families and so on and they are in no way representative of the new modern improved British Navy. They are a small vociferous minority... and may I take this opportunity of emphasizing that there is no cannibalism in the British Navy. Absolutely none, and when I say none, I mean there is a certain amount, more than we are prepared to admit, but all new ratings are warned that if they wake up in the morning and find tooth marks at all anywhere on their bodies, they're to tell me immediately so that I can immediately take every measure to hush the whole thing up. And, finally, necrophilia is *right out*.
  18. As an admiral who came up through the ranks more times than you've had hot dinners, I wish to join my husband O.W.A. Giveaway in condemning this shoddy misrepresentation of our modern navy. The British Navy is one of the finest and most attractive and butchest fighting forces in the world. I love those white flared trousers and the feel of rough blue serge on those pert little buttocks... Presenter.. I'm afraid we are unable to show you any more of that letter
  19. Dear Sir, I am glad to hear that your studio audience disapproves of the last skit as strongly as I. As a naval officer I abhor the implication that the Royal Navy is a haven for cannibalism. It is well known that we now have the problem relatively under control, and that it is the RAF who now suffer the largest casualties in this area. And what do you think the Argylls ate in Aden. Arabs? Yours etc. Captain B.J. Smethwick in a white wine sauce with shallots, mushrooms and garlic.
  20. Dear Sir, I am glad to hear that your studio audience disapproves of the last skit as strongly as I. As a naval officer I abhor the implication that the Royal Navy is a haven for cannibalism. It is well known that we now have the problem relatively under control, and that it is the RAF who now suffer the largest casualties in this area. And what do you think the Argylls ate in Aden. Arabs? Yours etc. Captain B.J. Smethwick in a white wine sauce with shallots, mushrooms and garlic.
  21. they were comic geniuses.... Knights of Camelot: [singing] We're knights of the Round Table, we dance whene'er we're able. We do routines and chorus scenes with footwork impec-cable, We dine well here in Camelot, we eat ham and jam and Spam a lot. / We're knights of the Round Table, our shows are for-mi-dable. But many times we're given rhymes that are quite un-sing-able, We're opera mad in Camelot, we sing from the diaphragm a lot. / In war we're tough and able, Quite in-de-fa-ti-gable. Between our quests we sequin vests and impersonate Clark Gable / It's a busy life in Camelot Knights of Camelot: I have to push the pram a lot.
  22. i still say, it never happened.Sounds too, whats the word, Invented.Just my intuition though.
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