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Everything posted by sauce

  1. If you're complaining about the cost of a 3 year lisence, I sure hope you aren't a golfer. I could play 2 rounds of golf for what I pay for 3 years of license fees. Hmm, I'll stick to the fishing.
  2. If you are new to trout fishing, here are a few things that will help. First, try to use finesse presentations. Light line, small hooks floats and weights. Next, remove unnecessary tackle, snaps, swivels etc. Less terminal tackle is better. Last, use the current to bring your presentation to the fish. Try to let your offering drift at the same speed as the current. Trout have excellent vision. So clear shallow streams can make it difficult for even 'experts' to catch fish. Try to fish early or late in the day when its clear. And if there's some rain, it should reduce the clarity of most rivers. That's a good time to fish trout. Just use bigger roe bags. Lots of other presentations work. Spinners spoons, rapalas. Just need to experiment.
  3. I don't think this is possible. In fact its an incorrect statement. A slip float can be used to suspend your bait at any depth in any depth of water. What I can see being a problem is if the depth varies. Say 10 ft deep close to shore, 20 ft halfway out, 30ft at your max casting range. In this case, its pretty much impossible to keep your bait suspended the same distance off bottom. That's why a floating jighead is probably your best bet. I wouldn't bother with the floating jigheads that you buy at tackle shops. Chances are they arent bouyant enough to keep a big minnow from swimming to bottom and hiding in weeds. Not only that, the hooks are usually fine wire and will straighten if you do manage to hook a big fish. Be creative. Find some foam and cut it into the shape of a small fish. Rig like this... Mainline, egg sinker, bead, swivel, leader with foam minnow threaded on, proper live bait hook for pike. Egg sinker size, foam minnow, leader length and minnow size will all need to be balanced to eachother to hold your bait where you want it. Obviously, the bigger the minnow you use, the bigger all the other items in this rig need to be. Good luck fishinguypat!
  4. Nice! Reminds me of how the river fishing has been in my "goto" fall section this year. The fish are there, I'm just not getting as much response to the baits that worked last year. To catch fish I've had to slow right down and really work areas for a long time to pluck fish out. Last year, I fished spots and pulled 3 or 4 fish over 16" in short order. Move to another spot and get a couple more. Maybe they were well fed this summer and the fall feedbag hasn't reached the desparation phase yet. It will, just need to keep fishing and be there when it happens.
  5. Not tryin to hijack, but I don't have a lot to offer. So I figure I'll try to generate some more discussion on a thread devoted to flies... anyone got any suggestions as to fly selection in a big river with stained water? The grand dowstream from caledonia in particular. As the season progresses the water will clear up. Fly selection will become much easier. For now though I'm thinkin big and gaudy, bright or dark, not neutral. Dead drifted, swung or even stripped in. Am I on the right track? The books all say yes. But the books haven't fly fished this part of the river.
  6. I've done a lot of trolling. And although its nice to know exact speed, I think intuition is a better indicator. Watch you lures boat side before letting them out. Most lures run best in ceertain speed ranges. Probably plus minus half mile and hour. If you think you're too fast or slow you could well be. Easy solution is to play with the throttle. Now if fish are only biting lures trolled at 2.17mph, then you have a problem. Try incorporating lazy turns, sharp turns, a speed burst or a stall while you troll. Straight lines are easy, but variety is a better way to nail down the hot zone.
  7. I have no idea who this "devious" guy is, but I fully respect his decision to keep quiet on the location. Those are some nice fish. I bet that if he had posted the location, someone else would give him a hard time about it. I'm super jealous of those 2 big ones. Awesome fish!
  8. Its really something to sit here and read all these different opinions. Blame it on the natives, blame it on the weather, blame the guys that keep every fish they catch. Bottom line is that playing the blame game does nothing. To me, the problem/ solution is very obvious. If fish aren't given a chance to spawn, the population will dwindle. Make sure every generation gets a chance to spawn. The big fish will be tough to find. But as long as there's young mature fish in the system, there will be babies. Get rid of the slot. Convince the people netting fish to use bigger mesh and allow smaller fish to live a year or two longer before being harvested. My two cents.
  9. I'm not a hunter but I like it. Very creative. Its a big kid fort!
  10. Don't forget to bring a dozen night crawlers. You can fish them with the same slipsinker rig. Its always a good idea to have a backup plan in case the fish aren't interested in your roe. Might want to use a bit bigger hook than what you'd use for roe. Another thing, don't get caught up in the whole floating roe bag trick. In a lake, there's not a lot of current. So naturally roe would sink to the bottom. The fish smell the roe and find it. Then they suck it in and at this point you should probably set the hook. Floaters are ok, but not a natural presentation. If they're picky, you might get more bites fishing right on bottom.
  11. I disagree with kinger. Xr8's are for small fish. Try Xr10 in perch or yellow perch. Haven't caught trout on one yet. But that's cuz I've never tried one in "trout" waters.
  12. I'm not aware of the fine print involved with the protection fee. But I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with rescuing people that are trapped inside. Fire rescue crew would have likely made an attempt to remove victims from the burning trailer and then let it burn. They do not stand by when lives are at risk. Never. A rescue attempt is made even when the chances of removing a survivor are low. Don't harp on the people that risk their lives to protect ours. No one was injured. No one died.
  13. Its definitely a sad story. I'm sure this doesn't happen often. Especially when people hear about instances like this one. Don't want to pay for protection? Then you'd better be ready to find a new home IF something like this happens. Just imagine how many people would stop paying the protection fee if they found out that their neighbors didn't but were protected anyways. Its a moral dilema for everyone. I'm sure the firefighters on scene all wanted to do something. But you can't blame them for standing by and keeping the situation controlled. Its not like they sat at the hall and played cards waiting for a call that a second (protected) trailer was burning.
  14. Good luck with the replica. 13.50 an inch... it's not gonna be cheap. For that kinda money you'd better be satisfied.
  15. I'm not sure which river you fish. But I know that on my local rivers, fishing pressure can stop fish from biting. Maybe the area you are fishing only has a small population of fish. Maybe people aren't releasing the fish they catch, and there are no new fish moving in. I know of a few spots that used to be awesome for big fish. Too many people found out, and now the fish don't have a chance to grow big. People start keeping more smaller fish which really hurts the population. Maybe the fish have moved. Time to try a new spot. Artificial lures all have a time and a place but there's no one presentation that will always catch fish. Live bait catches fish eventually if they're there. They have to eat sooner or later, you just might have to wait till next summer to catch fish at your spot again.
  16. I don't know about you, but when I'm wading I never feel like I'm in any danger. Even when the river is up. Why? Because its rare for me to go more than knee deep. It kinda bugs me when I see guys up to their waist standing in prime fish holding water. But I guess if you got chest waders you might as well go as deep as possible right?
  17. Puslinch from shore is not really worth it IMO. Like mentioned above, try the Grand. Lots of access points. Lots of fish. All the rain we got brought the level up but didn't do too much to visibility. Just a bit stained. One nice thing about all that rain, it washed out a lot of the weeds that had collected along the shorelines.
  18. If you deep hook a fish, try to keep it in the water until you are 100% ready to attempt unhooking it. Have forceps, needle nose pliers, or even better a hook disgorger ready for action. I have yet to come across a deep hooked fish that I couldn't unhook with a disgorger. Pliers and forceps work, but a disgorger pretty much turns the hook back out the way it came in. OOS or not, a deep hooked fish has a much better chance of survival if you keep handling to a minimum and get the hook out quickly.
  19. A little humor, a few grains of salt and everyone can get along.
  20. By "trigger" do you mean baitcast? Either way, if you are serious about fishing you should give purchases like this a lot of thought. Know exactly what you want and wait till you can afford something of high quality that will last you a long time. I bought a half decent reel last summer on an impulse. Its toast now and I'm out $100 that I could've put towards a good reel. All I had to do was wait a couple weeks till I could afford an extra $50. I can't speak for rapala rods or reels. But I do know that they make some great fishing lures. Don't be fooled by reels with high numbers of bearings. 10 cheap bearings don't hold a candle to 4 high quality ones. Why does shimano have a 4 bearing baitcast reel that retails for $500? BPS displays daiwa's $500 reel right next to it. Don't quote me on this but I believe it has 7 bearings. Daiwa makes good reels with good bearings, but shimano uses better bearings. Rapala? If you're looking for a combo that will last, save up until you can afford to splurge.
  21. Personal attack? Wow, I really should have read that thread. There must have been some good insults thrown around. Just remember people... everyone is entitled to their own opinion. And its rare for everyone to agree. No matter how right you think you are, someone will disagree. But in the end, it doesn't matter what other people think of your opinion. Imagine how boring life would be if we all got along and there was no such thing as opinions? I'm sure glad I don't have any guns to register.
  22. You'll be happy to hear that it ain't over. One of my favorite spots on the grand is just starting to turn on. And its going to stay on till the season closes. Started a bit later this year than last. The key is finding deeper water. The deeper the better. Find the deepest in a section and that's where the big ones should congregate. No fish in the hole you're fishing then try another one. Its a pattern that repeats every year. Suspending jerk baits fished with long pauses. Does anyone know why a certain dam on the Grand becomes a sanctuary after sept 30? Well its not because of trout.
  23. Ask the town of oakville why you aren't allowed to fish from shore there. I think its because they see the mess in petro park and don't want it happening elsewhere. That's a good enough reason in my books. As for the sanctuary, not sure of the reason for opening that section up. But we are now allowed to fish for trout and salmon from lake o all the way up to 407 till dec 31.
  24. You are not allowed to fish in a sanctuary. So please stop refering to that stretch of the creek as a sanctuary. It used to be a sanctuary. Shore access is non existant. It can be fished from a boat, inner tube, kayak or canoe. Build a raft huck finn style and giver.
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