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Everything posted by robertag

  1. Mardi Gras in New Orleans.....Dirty dozen brass band I love Jazz
  2. What about tourists from out of the province/country? You would either have to force them to have a licence or leave it as it is where everyone who rents a boat doesn't need one. Otherwise, it would be a legal nightmare.
  3. I wouldn't expect it to but, if you are changing from a 2G (GSM) to a 3G (UMTS) phone, you will most likely notice an improvement in signal strength & call quality. Reception has a lot more to do with the strength of the signal coming from the nearest tower. Cell sites in rural areas usually have a much larger coverage area due to the fact that there is less interference from buildings, etc... However, local terrain, trees, etc... will affect reception. If you need to know in advance, call or e-mail Rogers customer service and they should be able to give you an idea of the coverage where you are planning to travel. Also remember that most network improvements and coverage augmentations will usually be done on 3G as opposed to 2G since just about every new phone on the market today is 3G (and 4G). Hope this helps.
  4. robertag


    Cool. I really like the first shot.
  5. The star shots are really great. Nice work.
  6. That last one is a beauty.
  7. A few shots from my few days on the French. More here, if anyone's interested: http://www.flickr.co...57624077455149/ Please share you're comments. Thanks Rob ">">"> ">
  8. Bass Pro shop in Vaughan carries them...at least they did last time I was there a few weeks ago.
  9. Could you not simply attach a 2X6 to the wall of the house with Tapcon screws? Much easier. That's what I did for my fence.
  10. Can't help you find one, but I can tell you you'll have a heck of a time getting it in the ground. I put 5 4X4 in last year. To "hammer" them in I ended-up having to buy one more, remove the spike part, turn the rest over onto a short 4X4 to use as a cap so that I could use a sledge hammer on it. Without the cap, the 4X4 shattered before the thing was even half way down. Even with all that, it took over 30 minutes per spike.
  11. Assuming you're talking about Little lake in Barrie... I've been there many times. Never seen a walleye come out of there.
  12. I was there May 24 weekend (actually, Lochaven Lodge, across from Wolesley bay). No one did well at the lodge where I was staying. The weather was hot (30c) and sunny most of the weekend. There was also very little in the way of submerged weeds. The only descent fist of the 3 days was a 36" pike I caught on the first day, which was overcast and cooler. That fish was hugging a tree stump in about 10 FOW. Caught on a #5 Mepps aglia long. A few pike were actually caught in about 20-25 feet of water, directly below the dock at the lodge. No one caught any walleye either while I was there. Hopefully, things have improved by now. Good luck.
  13. Hope he brought a change of pants!
  14. Yeah, I couldn't decide which order to put the letters in.
  15. HOLY CARP ! $6,800 for a fishing rod!
  16. Makes sense, I have them as well, but my pergola is stained cedar and they only use existing holes.
  17. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. I live about 5 minutes from BPS. So I don't go crazy every time I set foot in there, knowing I can go back anytime... and I do!
  18. Ditto. Leaving tomorrow morning. Won't get much sleep tonight.
  19. Upper French, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
  20. If you want proof it's true, visit any Chinese grocery store in or around Toronto.
  21. Very informative. Thanks.
  22. Dan, give me a shout if you run into any problems with your pergola. I build this one a few years ago:
  23. At least you won't have to worry about traffic!
  24. It also depends on what's causing the finish for peel off in the first place. If it's caused by water getting underneath through cracks, scratches, etc... then the epoxy will definitely help. But, if the finish is simply not bonding to the wood to start with because of poor prep, no primer or other reasons, then the epoxy may simply delay the inevitable.
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