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Status Updates posted by Pikeslayer

  1. JEREMY84...Check your secret messages!!!

  2. Boooo :( Jusr cancelled afternoon charter for Sean & his team today. Winds 15-20 kts, waves .5-1 m and throw in potential thunder & lightning :( @ least I managed to cancel the $300 carding in time. Too sketchy, even on a 52' boat!!!

    1. misfish


      That thunder and lightening is here now Simon. Total down pour the last 1.5 hours. Lets hope for another 10 hours of it.

    2. misfish


      We need this rain. Sorry to hear you had to cancel.

  3. #£*¥!! Back on crutches in the home stretch of deck/carpet replacement :( Rosenfeld is on vacation until Monday & he owes me some warranty work from April knee surgery!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pikeslayer


      Thx Cliff. Brother Vince & SIL Troy (who inherits the boat ;) ) have got it covered :)

      Brian, yes I'm a lefty so you're on!! You're playing 2 rounds @ each of: http://lorabaygolf.com & http://georgianbayclub.com

      Sept 8th-11tj. Appreciate it )

    3. misfish


      Dang, to bad. Thats my next 4 lakes in 4 days.

    4. Freshtrax


      crap man give me a call if you need anything

  4. 8/10 on Lady O today, /emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" data-emoticon="1" srcset="/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20">

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. spincast


      sweet! So I guess you caught your age in lbs for the b-day!

    3. Pikeslayer


      B, bogeyed 18 for a solid 90 on a scorcher of a long day :)

      Rick, I think I was pretty close ;)

    4. misfish



  5. Thx for an epic day on the grand Albert:)

    1. HTHM


      As we say in Holland, Gragg Gedaan. (My pleasure)

    2. Pikeslayer
    3. spincast


      nice fish count, turtle soup not on the menu? I got a recipe somewhere....

  6. First spoken word from Sean since his accident (Feb 2013) today :). A clear, loud & defiant NO !! in response to therapist’s request to transfer him from chair to bed. HUGE MILESTONE & so dam proud of our son :) :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Joey


      Wow, that's such good news Simon :)

    3. irishfield
    4. Big Cliff

      Big Cliff

      Little steps, today a word it is progress!!!!

  7. First spoken word from Sean since his accident (Feb 2013) today . A clear, loud & defiant NO !! in response to therapist’s request to transfer him from chair to bed. HUGE MILESTONE & so very proud of our son  

  8. What a Richard!! Was there ever any doubt?

  9. Hope most of us sleep with a clear conscious tonight. A few should be be kept awake by shame :(

    1. Fisherman


      Snored like a chainsaw.

  10. Hope most of us sleep with a clear conscious tonight. A flew should be kept awake with shame :(

  11. Hope most of us sleep with a clear conscious tonight. A few may be kept awake by shame :(

  12. Off to cottage for an extended stay & family vaca. Looks like the stove will get fired up lay next Friday :)

  13. New PB on Lady O today !!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pikeslayer


      Big winds on the open water Brian. PB was 'most water/waves breaching the bow' !! :o

    3. Freshtrax


      Hey, the sylvan took it like a champ, any worse and it would have been real "interesting"

    4. spincast


      ya got a big wet one from your favourite girl? She's a rock in rough times, eh?

  14. Cottage ramps are in, MV1 delivered, pick up Sean & the nursies @ 0900. WE'S GOIN FISHIN!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. misfish





    3. spincast


      great news - enjoy!!

    4. HTHM


      THAT IS AWESOME!!!!If you wish share pics.

  15. Ramps are in, MV1 delivered, pick up Sean & the nursies @ 0900. WE'S GOIN FISHIN!!!!!

  16. Ramps are in, MV4 delivered, pick up Sean & the nursies @ 0900 & we's going fishin'

  17. AWESOME DAY 4 CATS ON THE GRAND. Big thx to FisherPete & LunkerHunter. WOW!!!!

    1. Fisherpete


      No, thank you Simon & Troy for your generous bid on this trip in the Fishing for Tyler auction! Glad the fish co-operated for us! I'll post a report for everyone to drool over when I get the pics from you fellas. And thank you also for bringing the tasty munchies!

    2. misfish


      No dought it was a great day. All great guys fishing together.

    3. spincast


      Nice going guys.


  18. Sean's got his first day pass & joining the family for dinner. We are so excited :) :) :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pikeslayer


      Thx guys. Was an awesome day & lots of laughs & smiles from Sean et al.

    3. asdve23rveavwa


      Good stuff Simon!!


    4. spincast
  19. Spent a frustrating hour tuning carb/gov on snowblower,. Finally dawned on me that I was tuning in full choke mode!!!! Hope Cliff doesn't see this ;)

    1. misfish


      Gues you were a sleep during the Cliff 101 EH? LOL

    2. Pikeslayer


      LOL. I was wide awake but probably not completely sober, sort of??

  20. When a tree falls in Streetsvile, it definitely makes a sound. Lots of falling limbs here :(

    1. Christopheraaron


      Tonnes here, had a giant juniper in our back that fell last night, one limb of a maple fell on the neighbours car too. Plus the fact that we're partially trapped by downed power lines.

  21. Who knew Canada Post makes Sunday home delivery???

    1. misfish


      Santa came early Simon?

    2. Pikeslayer


      Yep. Got Joey's rice paper prints. Very impressed :)

    3. irishfield


      I'd just be happy for delivery period! We have to chase everything to the drug store in this one horse town.. even though the post office is a block from the drug store. Makes a taxi co money though..moving packages every day.


  22. We rescued 4 guys out of Quinte today. VERY INTENSE. I'll post later

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stoty


      Were you with Sheldon or Scott? I was out there too, but we left before it happened.

    3. Pikeslayer


      On board with Scott.


    4. Stoty


      Scary stuff man! As soon as the snow started to fall, and the winds came in with it... we bailed pretty fast, as I know how quickly it can turn out there.

  23. 7/8 today on LO & OFC has a new Tyee Club member (he'll be posting a reort ar some point ;) )

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. misfish


      Oh wait,I was there too.LOL

    3. Pikeslayer


      It's all about the FW. Fish Whispering.

    4. spincast


      Thanks Simon - obviously the secret is to be in someone else's boat :)


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