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Everything posted by yellowboat

  1. Better to have the licence and not get hassled it only $25 for 5 or 10 year and simple to get. http://www.mndm.gov.on.ca/MNDM/Default_e.asp Cliff thanks for the info they musta changed the rule since I obtained my licence
  2. Rock Hounding is illegal with out a prospectors licence.
  3. Boat or shore fishing, Balsam Lake has nice facilities ande both shore and Boat fishing opportunities.
  4. I'll take a black Impulse if they are still avalible.
  5. Wow if they can use tool then they should be unhooking themselves, not so smart IMHO.
  6. wooo hoo I'll have to PM you when I get home my PM doesn't seem to function at work.
  7. 6 and any length
  8. Just a guess 12 and 12"
  9. Don't wait til your down there to get you flies because you won't find any as there are only a few store in Cayo Largo, there was a fishing charter boat (was broke when we went down 2yrs ago) and the was a lodge type establishment there as well that a personal guides.
  10. The big round disk I would image that it is a Magnetic imaging device of some sorts. They were looking for a certain Magnetic signature that Kimberlite (Diamond indicator) gives off.
  11. Neet made it to level 6
  12. I'll be out too on Moira but not sure about the ice thickness.
  13. Good Job, it's been a little over a year for me best thing you can do for yourself. (Allen Carr worked for me)
  14. I'll second Ray Mears Bushcraft, I like the one where they were making a birch bark canoe from scatch.
  15. Glad I quit. mmmmmm
  16. Making one would be faster, that's what I did for my old portable.
  17. Nice fishes, get out the Fish Crisp mmmmmmmmmmm.
  18. Great concept, Beer and Worms. haha
  19. One of my favorites http://www.campbellkitchen.com/recipedetai...?recipeID=24099 mmmmmmmm.
  20. There is a bait shop in Madoc on the east side in a house ( detached garage) kinda hard to see. There is also one in Bancroft in the north end on the east side as well. If your going across 7 there is one on the south side east of Marmora (Chris's).
  21. Seen Bob Izumi using one on TV, same show they had the bearcat on.
  22. And I guess you don't noodle for them.
  23. I'll try that tonight looks good but can 7 year Havana club be subed for the tikillya.
  24. Actually we were drifting with the wind for pickeral and I only had 8 lbs test on the real.
  25. Well me and my GF went for one last fish until Ice up last weekend, we got skunked on Saturday and had to break the boat out of the 1/8th inch of ice on Sunday and for this we were rewarded or I should say I was rewarded with my second an PB musky 46 inches long. Sorry for the small pic can't figure out how to resize it.
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