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Everything posted by knotaclue

  1. Don't get me wrong.this new board is great,but for a guy like me. i had just figured out how the old one worked.
  2. keep us posted Sam, i'll be there for sure
  3. Do you think it would do any good to forward this to David Ramsay, Minister of Natural Resources, and ask him what he thinks about this ???????
  4. i read" it's to stay the way it is for now and i think there late on printing or something, it'l all come out in the wash soon i'm sure
  5. My wife cooks all weak long but on weakend i'm chief cook and bottle washer;and i get to do all the shopping.a wife and two teenage girls and they get me to do that,its ok cause then i get what food i want.
  6. i'm with you Tracker,fun to watch sometimes
  7. Maureen i'm with you, i can get them to pop up in a little box but i can't get them to show up in my post ps; sweet avatar misfish
  8. Nice fish guy's,looks like fun
  9. im in and can't wait
  10. Way i see it, thats what fishin buddys do.
  11. I'm glad you did well,theres always another day, we'll have to plan some ice trips this year even if it's half days ??
  12. Percher .how was your trip ? was this the one your going to take Mike on?
  13. what account did you use ???
  14. How long before you woke up ???
  15. chardonnay/ chocolate and roses oop's sorry wrong thread..
  16. Very nice, it's a fun time
  17. # 17 for me
  18. Pretty sure i saw a trap forsale in one of the mags,think it was bps
  19. I thought you just can't sell them.never said you can't use them,at least thats what i thought i read
  20. No not the 'TIN FOIL' hat
  21. i wish ,i was going to hit sturgeon yesterday for the closer but my buddy is leaving for Texas on friday morning,seems he want's to go see a couple of football games instead of fishing.BRING ON THE ICE .
  22. This little girl's name is "chase"
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