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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Still the safest way to travel Nancy ! Now getting to the airport... I can't help you with!
  2. I'm a just behind the wing sitter on commercial flights. Makes for a quick run when the fuselage breaks apart forward of the wing attach ...... And Twilight... everyone knows that the best place to be in a crash is inside the "black box". It's always found intact.....
  3. Ryan... the first place I noticed this "colour dot" on the top was your ice jigs! LOL I'll let someone else play the "black" game... while I try out all the other pretty colours!
  4. Whoops is right... next time maybe he'll back it up to the thrust barrier instead of nosing it up it!
  5. I'm gonna call your boss..... Great stuff Cliff.. beats driving downtown for sure!
  6. Into it ! or shall I say against it. "With" the wind is generally a no no....unless it's light.
  7. Gonna be tricky since you don't know which way they'll depart into the wind... so your house could be on one side or the other! I like to sit right behind the wing...so I can watch it's magnifigance in flexiblity during turbulence... and point it out to "non" fliers! LOL
  8. Oh.. one of those... I don't "do" things that beat the air into submission vs flying ! LOL
  9. Crosswind is an issue when you fly ANY aircraft.. big or small they all have a limit. The great thing about my personal airplane.. once I reach the limit I can usually land across the runway directly onto the ramp into the wind!
  10. Remind me to never PM you a fishing spot Stoty !
  11. I didn't know Walmart gave out Candy to kids...
  12. He knew Shawn... all the way down final approach he knew and had it under control... just got a little extra umph from the wind under the right wing at the wrong time. It's what keeps it interesting and your skills honed. He had it staying on centerline and generally that's a good indicator it will work out fine. If they all went on straight and with a thump...pilots would get pretty complacent. Depending how hard a thump that is......" Was that a landing... or were we shot down?" He would have been read a bigger "riot act" for getting there and then choosing an alternate and burning a 10 or 20 grand more worth of fuel + all demm passengers ticked off they missed their connecting flight or where their cars are parked!. He landed it just fine on the second attempt.
  13. You're like me Terry... I do enjoy kayaking/canoing..... from the dock when all the gals go buy from the canoe camp.. or when Leah goes for a paddle in her 'kini ! Seriously though... there seems to be a fair number of 'yak fisherpeople here... you never know.
  14. He was givin'r all she had captain.... No landing lights were harmed in the making of this landing.... Rule #1 in aviation... never try to salvage a bad landing approach... go around and see if you can bend it right the second time!
  15. Kinda limits your choice in beer... doesn't it ! Glass I've always undertood... but cans at least rust away vs plastic never decomposing. Ideally everything comes back out.. that goes in, but we know that doesn't happen with a good number of canoers/campers.
  16. Poor fella just been castrated?
  17. Many said the same thing about Mr. Bombardier as well... And the amphi-car... my buddies got three of them. Think he got the entire production run ! LOL
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