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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Watch where you put your money ! *Update on Banking crisis... News from Japan* Following the problems in the sub-prime lending market in America and the run on HBOS in the UK, uncertainty has now hit Japan . In the last 7 hours Origami Bank has folded, Sumo Bank has gone belly up and Bonsai Bank announced plans to cut some of its branches. Yesterday, it was announced that Karaoke Bank is up for sale and will likely go for a song, while today shares in Kamikaze Bank were suspended after they nose-dived. Samurai Bank is soldiering on following sharp cutbacks, Ninja Bank is reported to have taken a hit, but they remain in the black. Furthermore, 500 staff at Karate Bank got the chop and analysts report that there is something fishy going on at Sushi Bank where it is feared that staff may get a raw deal
  2. I'm with Mikey... seems any pics hosted on myfishingpics.com don't show for me on OFC...while everything else shows up fine.
  3. Yah..but it's the right hand turns that make it exciting Billy Bob! Our bird is just going in the oven....
  4. Lake Trout. Be sure to read the reg Exemptions completely before heading out on it to be sure you're not in the sanctuaries
  5. I think he's looking for the salmon run but lucked out with gals in bikinis instead Brian !
  6. MFCM - My F'n Computer Malfunctioned......
  7. Great stuff folks!!! Maybe Carole needs to tone down that bright red polish... maybe scaring them off !
  8. Good to hear you had a good day with Lloyd! Sure couldn't beat the weather today!! Looks like Lloyd made a VERY nice vessel upgrade as well!!!!!!
  9. Yep... makes ya wonder eh. Starving students that can barely feed themselves..... All materials bought out of their pockets... all food as well and the prof's expected booze to! Great to teach them to break the liquor laws too.. LOL
  10. Note the A channel guy getting a tad ticked with me... I think I strolled into his shot at least 4 times!
  11. Spent all yesterday afternoon on the side of the Rideau River.. between the Parkway and Bronson and forgot to take a rod! Had to go to Ottawa to see our Daughter's and her 3rd year classmates Architecture Pavilion (and to bring her home for TGiving). They had to build a structure to a certain theme and also feed themselves and 2 or 3 Professor guests in the evening. Late into the afternoon every group was franticly constructing, with some not getting completely done before the "feeding/grading" time of 6:30PM. At about 5:30 our daughters group (the shot of the 7 of them sitting), after a few weeks of pretty much sleepless days was kicking back relaxing (and having a beer of course)...while I'd say 7 out of the 10 groups were still not ready. All involved with all 10 of the structures should be proud of their hard work and making the night a huge success. Pics in no certain order.
  12. Great to see that some days you're, just, "human" Mike! lol One fish and a beautiful day to share with us. THANKS!
  13. Cheers to the Blowes family! I'm just a stones throw away ya know Brian...and keep in mind as well that you can Fall hunt turkeys for the first time in History.. starting Tuesday (and I'm not talking the politicians!)!
  14. Early version of WATFIV Roy...LOL... I still have my books, tapes and punch cards.
  15. With your luck it's the big winner from the festival and too late to collect!
  16. LOL Terry... just pullin your chain Bud. I just got back from Ottawa at 4:30PM ! Still ticked with myself though, that I never thought to take a fishing rod with me and then we spent all Friday afternoon on the side of the Rideau River and I could have fished the whole stretch below the Bronson St Bridge from shore. Some beautiful colours in the trees that line GBay right now for sure.
  17. Headhunter usually takes care of the traffic barricades for the Queen and University corners!
  18. Hey... you do that again without calling me and I'm gonna get them to tow your truck and trailer bud!
  19. Thanks guys.. hitting the road in 10 minutes
  20. He was doing so well and fitting right in with his fishing threads too.... Lol
  21. If you wanted to get into gold.. you should have done it 3 years ago when it was $290 an ounce. I'm still kickin my ass on that one...
  22. Okay Thanks Mike. Figure I'm already blowin $300 for gas for two trips to Ottawa and back so she gets a good home cooked meal... a few little hooks won't increase the overal cost by much of a percentage! LOL
  23. Thanks! Not too far from the University either!
  24. I'm thinking of investing in Life and PD policies on Musky guides... before the mob takes the whole thing over. Can't do any worse than my RSP's and mutuals that are down 27 % since last October.
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