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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. He's getting lots of fish.... it's just planer boards that he's losing now !
  2. I'll keep an eye on it Dave. Gonna launch tomorrow in Penetang.. and hope to get out again on Monday so I'll check the ramp status over the weekend.
  3. Nice Will... especially that little cuddly bear !!
  4. I was half expecting a crack from a 30-06 from behind a bush somewhere.....
  5. I think Bay Port does have a ramp in there.. but not sure if they'll let transients use it. If they do... I know that their parking rate is $16.80 per day. their phone number is 527-7678 Barge has been dredging the sailboat docks for a couple weeks now... guess they moved out to the channel today and it now has a silt barrier across it... so you can't get out.
  6. Might have been a sign there this morning.... but they launched somehow. All that is there now are barricades on the two ramps and a little sign that says closed Nov 3rd, 2008. Curious where Dave launched yesterday...
  7. Gonna be three really ticked off lads at the end of the day when they find that they can't get back down the channel to load their boats onto their trailers that are sitting there! Guess they'll have to tie to a sailboat dock... jump the fence... take their vehicles to Penetang... get a taxi back... drive their boats in the dark all the way around to Penetang and load there... oh and pay $20 ! Changes my launch plans in the morning... but sure glad Leah reads the local paper that I throw in the recycle bin ! They're dredging the channel and looks like they just started on it... not sure how long it will be closed but anyone fishing the area needs to plan accordingly for launching.
  8. Dave did you launch at Pete Peterson??? Just asking because I wanna use it tomoorow and there's a thing in the paper that said it's closed as of Nov 3rd. Hope this just means they took the dock out.... and not that the dredging crew is now in the way of the launch.
  9. North?... you sure you didn't go east? lol And where exactly was this spot.... Good stuff Dave... I should have been out there as well instead of trying to go way North by air yesterday. The bay looked wonderful around 9:30 as I departed our field... this is looking West into Penetang Harbour.
  10. See what I can do Sturgman..... I usually track right over Garden Village but no big deal to be 4 or 5 miles off to the west on my way to Temagami. Doubt it will happen again this year..... today was probably the last attempt to go up. Looked like a great day but the fog Gods had other ideas. I wanted to get my stuff that I left behind at camp and then go fish a lake NE of Temagami for rainbows before coming back home late today. Instead I just burned 35 gallons of fuel...churned my stomach and left ruts in my soft grass runway that I now have to go out and roll out tomorrow.
  11. If I had of circled one more time I just might have.....as today was the closest I ever came to hurling in an airplane. Saying it was a tad turbulent up there today doesn't even come close.
  12. I saw where your crop grows though..... LOL
  13. Great stuff Brian!! Had a real nice doe run across in front of my airplane while taking off this morning! Almost had her drawn and quartered for you.... lol Didn't realized you were the camera man for the blair witch project !!! LMAO
  14. Figured I may as well do something while I waited for the fog to hopefully dissipate. I guess being stocked aerially... is a lot better than anally!
  15. I'd say "sharing expenses" is no different than any OFC'rs posting in Hook ups and going out. Lloyd's not charging his Guiding fees when he offers these trips up to fill the blank spots in his schedule.... so that he can keep his skills honed (and get some OFC'rs into fish that they would otherwise never see at the same time!)
  16. Could be anything with this baffed weather... I was getting eaten by black flies yesterday.
  17. I tried to get to camp today as I forgot some stuff... I was over it... but never saw it. Had to turn around and come back. Everything North of Sturgeon Falls socked in solid with fog. It's pretty... but it ain't fun...
  18. And when are you gonna paint that dang sign.... ....and can you keep the darn vehicles off your runway.... so that I can come in and drink your Vodka!!
  19. Looks a lot thicker there... just figured we have our arms about the same positon in each picture. My shoulders are about 22". From that you can probably get a ratio to come close. ..quick calcs from measuring the pictures has your fish at about 46" but that could be off an inch or two for sure.
  20. Nice fish Wendal!! Length is hard in a pic. Even the same fish from different angles and holds changes the length preception immensely. This one was exactly 48" without a tail pinch.
  21. Is how I did it when I had my Glastron... machined my own adapter and I still have it available for sale. Unfortunately mine was a solid insert that went in my seat post hole.. not like that one you have.
  22. Quit playing with the bait and get back to fishing Rizzo ! What a pig.... 8.75 to 9.25 lbs
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