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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Thanks guys! PET scan from last week shows there isn't cancer anywhere else in her body, thank God for that, however in addition to the already known right pelvic bone it is also on the edges of her hip socket. Surgery now appears to be a definite vs the maybes we got before. When is unknown.. mid way thru or at the end of chemo and then the high possibilty of radiation treatments. She's come close.. but so far she hasn't been sick. I left at noon or so today and left Leah behind. Was a tough thing to do and actually start the truck..... I then get home to a postal cards in the mail box... down to the outlet and it's the shampoo I ordered from Long Island NY and the conditoner from California that may help her keep her hair. Drive all the way back to TO into rush hour, drop the package, and all the way back home. She's hoping she can go to work Monday or Tuesday, but seeing what I've seen for the last 4 days... I don't see it happening.
  2. 3 pairs left in the Barrie store. Tomorrow I modify mine for an opener spring....
  3. Did you want me to check on her Marty??? I'd be game Mike.. but I'm HOPING that we'll still be at the camp and enjoying the back lakes around there at that time.
  4. Those windmills are pretty inefficient on them perfect fishing days Brian ( no wind!). They're also a health issue both for those on the ground around them and for me trying to time my flight between the blades when scud running in bad weather!! Them buggers are over 400 feet high...
  5. Thanks Guys.. Joe/Phil.. next chemo is Dec 13th and it goes for the whole week, provided she passes her blood test at 8am and her counts are okay. So we'll be looking for an outing or three I'm sure that week. Not sure what's happening tomorrow other than I am going home for sure. I have to get a customers wings back on and airplane finished for Saturday. Leah's either staying behind or Jen is coming home with us. "Chemo brain" is a terrible thing..and she can't be left alone.
  6. Man Geoff.. we've gotta get you up ice fishing!!
  7. It was actually $2697.97 for one needle with 6mg of this stuff in it !! There is also a $1000 version that is similar but not as good.. and it requires 10 needles to administer vs the single one Jen got. This drug helps fight infection that may be caused by chemo reactions and cell breakdown. I guess if you can't afford it or don't have insurance coverage then OHIP thinks multiple visits to Emerg are more cost effective! She had a rough rough night.. but worked her way thru it mentally without being sick. Better today.. and we've got her back to her apartment as of 5pm, but I think the Mack truck ran her down somewhere along College St as she's out like a light.
  8. You just missed the best deal I'd seen in a long time.. right here on OFC!! Next up I'd be on Teamemptypockets 2004 that's in the classifieds.
  9. Turns out it's a needle.. and I paid for that first $2800 today, that amongst other things made reality sink in really fast. A LONG day for all involved, hitting the hosptial at 8am, with Jennifer having 4 different chemo's pushed in approximately a 1 hour period early this afternoon thru her portacath port. Can't imagine the feeling on the other side of that chemo.. but she was a trooper. Bravest 90 lbs I've ever seen...
  10. Whole thing sounds like my laneway on a daily basis...
  11. Anyone else think O'Banion has a lost twin brother?? Nice trip lads!
  12. His diver probably had it stuck on his suit from the last trip Dan !!
  13. There is no registry for it Andy.. TTBOMK they can't look it up. Wanna buy a card?
  14. I hear yah Terry and know why you packed up early! You ran out of depends .. oh had to be home before dark..... that's it!! lol
  15. Only fitting that GB gets that video back up in this post... Just so much suspicion and question in the Muskie world... it's just another fish!
  16. come on.. where's day three.. iced up boat.. many fish.. home early.. DANG.. I could have been home and back to TO you guys packed up so early!!
  17. Maybe Brian.. if not I'd hate to put him on the spot but chrisk could probably help you out. Beef goes days bleeding out without hitting a meat locker.. as does many a moose hunt animal hauled from way up North.
  18. I'm sure there is someone close that hunts that would help you out. Call the local CO.. get a clearance #/document and throw it in the back of the caravan.
  19. Same as hitting one on the road.. you can usually keep it if you want it. Wouldn't hurt to call.. meat isn't going bad in this weather if it's still there.
  20. Both pitch and diameter change things significantly. I don't know the numbers for a boat.. but on an airplane an inch of pitch usually changes rpm by 150 and a half inch of diameter does the same. Jamie if you wanna make a run to Midland with your boat.. I'll pull it off and let you try my prop!
  21. Should have called the MNR and claimed the beast.. 200 lbs of free meat!
  22. Jamie... there is a 225 Opti on a Ranger at the lake.. it's running the identical prop that is on my 275 verado.. but I'm not home so can't check the part number for you before Wednesday. Think mine is a 21 pitch....might be a 24. All I know is it is the identical part # as the 225 opti on the above mentioned Ranger.
  23. Give it time Spooner.. give it time.. you need one to operate a chainsaw if you aren't on your own property!
  24. Too much going on, Terrence, to consider it right now. Property I was looking at there is still for sale there though..
  25. I forgot that option Steve!! ..and a little cold and nasty for this kind to be out.
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