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Everything posted by jbailey

  1. its a busy place, might have a hard time finding something at this point
  2. Go habs go!! I did the unthinkable (as a habs fan) and put $150 on Boston last game, can't handle those conflicting emotions again haha..
  3. i can't stop these people from calling my house.. ..had to change my answering machine to "I DO NOT NEED WINDOWS, DOORS OR MY DUCTS CLEANED, anyone else feel free to leave a message!"
  4. ^^^ hahahah that was ridiculous
  5. he hasn't done anything lol, although he likes to claim otherwise "saved the city a billion dollars!"
  6. http://www.torontosun.com/2014/05/02/racist-tweets-fill-twitter-following-subbans-game-winner Absolutely repulsive, what the hell is wrong with some people.
  7. matt you may know your stuff about the leafs, but thats about it
  8. He's not much of a gambler is he Who is going to win the Hart? (Crosby, Getzlaf or Giroux) I feel its going to be Crosby, but I wish it either of the other 2
  9. x2, drives me crazy. also "beautiful fish" and "sticky sharp"
  10. nice post! great photos - looks like a blast
  11. ..have you ever watched these teams play against each other? ...lol
  12. those are incredible photos. that's some serious dedication. time to rebuild the prop! haha
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