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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. Amazing shot
  2. Point taken T , Its not much different than raising and lowering the riggers a foot or two just for the sake of it. That has produced a few fish last season with out even knowing it.
  3. Thanks for the heads up, got a pic from the other week with clear skies and tonight its gin clear in the city .
  4. No need for the 4rth muskateer to walk the plank any more . Youve truly earned it now G Keep up the good work little buddy
  5. Ok so today I picked up 2 walker folding planer boards(the green ones). On top of that I picked up 2 planer board snubbers. Are they nescessary? Im only asking because with the mast I built I installed two heavy duty springs. Im sure it doesnt hurt to have them on for added protection due to shock, but do I really need them? Another ? is that i noticed there is no left or right board, there both the same, and how do they ride in the water? Do they plow threw or ride high? Any opininions good or bad will be greatly apreciated about this product, thanks in advance guys V
  6. I would also like to give a great big thank you to our good friend Bigugli(bruce), for his donations that i received today And once again thank you for posting your pics, I hope next year is bigger and better than ever. Till then, fish on guys ITS TROLLING SEASON
  7. Thats an awesome start to the season G, congrats
  8. great its fixed
  9. My thought exactly as roy meantioned. And another thing many people forget and I do as well. Did you properly check for ground at the horn. Or evern a continuity test on the ground wire. One thing I have come across with switchs like the one you postes, while undoing the nut, the switch tends to twist or turn, unknowingly aa wire can be pulled from a but connector with shrink tubing on it, and never realizing it. One other thing I have come across with that same type of switch, in which i do have one. Is that its a factory screw up. Mine has a red button and was specifically purchased to cut the power off of a pup engine for a crane. No blown fuse on your part so I see a bad ground.
  10. Your bank can check for leins at no charge. I do it every time when I purchase a vehicle and twice when i purchased my boats.
  11. Tim im sure youll find something good at a reasonable price. Im sure you know your way around a vehicle, thats if it needs a few repairs. I spent a day or so looking on kajiji when I came across the jeep I now own. The new tires cost more than the vehicle, she runs great and its solid. Dont blow off the cheapos until youve actually taken a good look at them. Or just P/u another truck like yours and use yours for parts.
  12. nice shooting greg
  13. Youve got that right Rick I find fishing a bit better when theres less pressure
  14. Thanks Joey and Simon, we couldnt ask for a better day of fishing hands down
  15. After trout fishing, we tried for kitties as well elsewhere. hmmmmm!!!!!! Enough said
  16. As usuall I love fishing on mondays, no crowds, no pressure and a ton of room to cast into lake O. We arrived at a spot that may produce but we werent sure what we were up against. The temps rising and casting into shallow water I did have doubts. Casting away I finally had a hit in which produced a 11lbs 10 ounce male brown(a stocker). Shortly after a guy fishing along side of us landed a 3 pounder We kept casting and chris had a nibble that went away as fast as it hit, i felt so bad about it. But hey hes a team 7 captain There were a few other nibbles that didnt produce, but who cares ,It was a beautiful day out.
  17. Tim , bring your boat up to the shop. Its a two minute fix with buck rivots. Water tight, will form to the hole and your good to go.
  18. Nice shooting steve
  19. A waterproof aluminum rivot will do with a drop of siloprene, and voila its sealed.
  20. :rofl2:
  21. I would like to thank everyone that has participated this year, and a great big goes out to you guys. I would like to personally thank ROD CASTER (Chad) for his donation of worm harnesses Well my girls have decided, and there are enough prizes for 3 places . If you see your name down below, please pm me with your address. We all know that this year was a terrible year for ice fishing, but we made the best of it. So heres rooting for a better ice season and more pics next year. Thanks again Vince, Samantha and Emily First place Ron Second place Leechman Third place Pikeslayer
  22. Nice shooting Juli I wish I could of been there to see the fight, oh well perhaps another time.
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