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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. Actually, I spoke to friend recently! His neighbour cooks the fish and with the eggs, makes caviar for the family!Mind you I have seen or tried it!
  2. Dont feel bad Wayne! Im in the same boat! What im doing to prevent any stress is go fishing first, for relax time then go at her!Engine that is!
  3. Where abouts are you from? If in the hammer give tim or greg a shout at bills B/t! They will get you a great set up for your needs! As for your ? med fast action!
  4. Albert, you bringing your boat? I need a casting deck for a casting contest!
  5. Plenty of time for steelhead chat my friend! And lots of it! Skis for tonight!Sorry!
  6. Or whatever musky wise!
  7. Nice job indeed , Albert! My boats partially there!It sure is a great feeling that youve done the work yourself!
  8. Count me in!Still to find a sitter! Albert, park the boat at the funeral home!We are dieing to see it!
  9. Done!
  10. Mine almost ended up that way!A little elbow grease and know how! Solid as a rock for now!
  11. Very nice
  12. No rust, internally!Both gears had plenty of oil on them!The cam gear is that colour(compsite fibre) to begin with. Cam shaft turns freely! I spoke to tech about this issue!Its more than likely, running the engine at too high of an rpm!
  13. Spring? A week from now!LOL it should be back in the water for some bow action!
  14. I second that!oil,water sensors!
  15. Happy thanks giving to all!And good fishing to ya,if you can sneak out!
  16. Another view of the cam gear!
  17. As a few of you know my boats been down for a bit!Thats all thats on my mind! So early this am I went fishing to settle my mind, and got this little gem!Back she went!That made my day knowing I was going to muck around with the boat, engine wise in the afternoon! I arrived home to a mess, so I opted for the boat work!LOL So I stripped the engine down a bit, took an hour!All the tools were on board!I recall telling thejay, if I had to rebuild on the water, it can be done!LOL Anyway heres the pics! If theres any boat techs here, I would love to hear your opinion on the cam gear wear(damage)! too high rpms,wrong prop? Here you go
  18. Ill be on for a bit if anyone wants to chat for a bit!
  19. Oh! no! Im gonna get it for sure! Shoot, Lonnietoon, the jay, Hthm,Bigugli Im a gonner for sure! Hail mary full of grace, please help me!NOW!!!Amen Kiddin aside!Your all good gents!
  20. A lake simcoe whitefish!in hard water!Only tried twice so far, the next fishing for tyler tourney, im gonna get me one of them!
  21. Googles earth!its there!3d!Implants I wounldnt doubt it in the near future!Chips I meant to add!LOL
  22. Start what? It will be fun , its fishing related!Skill test infact(casting skills)! After a few brews!More challenging than what you think!Try casting with what Im bringing!LOL! you have any 2 or 4 lb test line? This outta be fun for sure!
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