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Everything posted by raptorfan

  1. I assume this rain isn't a good sign?
  2. thanks guys, as always this forum rocks.
  3. Hey guys, Does anyone have any success fishing rivers and streams for steelies at night? Ultyma and I are thinking of going out tonight, but I am unsure if it will be productive. Will probably try it anyway as I am a junkie, but any pointers would be helpful to point us in the right direction. Thanks in advance Shawn
  4. Ultyma and myself are also going steelheading for the first time this morning Laszlo. I am sure our learning curve will be just as steep as yours. I will let you know if we find anything that works, or we learn something interesting.
  5. Well, the best way to find out is for us to hit up a trib tomorrow and try our luck buddy. C ya in the morn
  6. thanks for all the fantastic responses. Was great to read something about everyone, rather than an arguement about the tribs and how to fish them. My impression of the forum sure has changed back to what it was the first day I joined.
  7. Now that is some funny stuff!!!!!!
  8. thanks for the fantastic report. I hope to get out this weekend for my first time steelheading. Can you PM me any tips if you have time?
  9. Thanks TJ, fantastic information and articles as always
  10. It is always interesting to find out how people come to love certain hobbies, objects or what not. I thought it would be nice to hear others stories, and thought I would share my own in the process. I grew up in a single parent family, just my mother and I. She was rather unestablished in her adult life when she had me, so we spent our first 4 years of my life living at my grandparents house. My grandfather was an avid outdoorsman, loved hunting and fishing. Every weekend he would be out at some special fishing hole, and alot of weeknights as well. They lived in Falkland, Ontario which is just a stones throw from the Grand River, Nith River, Hornors Creek, Whitemans Creek, and lots of other waterways. My grandfather was also an honorary lifetime member, and executive at the Brant Rod and Gun Club, as well as a long serving member of the OAHA. He tried to pass his love for fishing on to me very early in life, and it worked. We would go down to a small pond across the road to get minnows, then hit some spot. My first major memory though came on one of our very frequent summer camping trips. We would usually go north for a few weeks in the summer, but this one week really sticks in my head. I was about 4 years old (1982), and we went north to his favorite campground, Restoule Provincial Park. The whole family went for this particular trip, which was the norm, and my grandpa brought his boat up as well. I had never been allowed to go out on the boat when we were camping, until this particular trip. I guess my constant bugging finally got to him. So he took myself and my two cousins out for a morning on Lake Restoule. In the couple hours we were out, we must have landed 60 sunfish and rock bass, it was absolutely amazing. We have pictures kicking around somewhere of that day, and my smile was past ear to ear. Then, on our way back, he took us to a river that starts out of Restoule. There was this gorgeous waterfall that seemed to be 100 feet high to me then (although now I know it wasn't). We casted our worms and bobbers in for about an hour, then I hooked into my first ever pickerel. It was only about 11", but the excitement of catching a "real fish" was enough to hook me for life. After this trip, my grandpa took me fishing with him every weekend, and north every summer. I will never forget this. We had many great outings, and he shared many of his secret holes with me which unfortunately now are either dried up or don't hold much for fish due to overfishing. When I was a pre teen, my grandfather was diagnosed with altzheimers and we were not able to go fishing much anymore. At this time though, my mother and I had relocated to Waterford, Ontario so I had some fantastic fishing right on my doorstep. Sadly though, I didn't get to share many of these fantastic fishing times with him, although he was in my thoughts every time I was out on the water. He deteriorated pretty fast in the end, and finally succomed to 9 strokes in 7 days on August 15, 1995. In recollection, this was about the time I stopped fishing. At the time, I attributed it to getting older, girls, partying, and college. Thinking of it now though, older and wiser I guess, I think part of me died when my grandfather passed. The past few years have brought a flood of memories back for me of these days. I am married now, have 2 kids of my own, and many members of my married family have a passion for the outdoors as well. We go north every summer near timmins for pike and pickerel. I went for the first time about 6 years ago, and the bug has slowly come back every year since. Early this spring, I realised how important those times with my grandpa were on the water, and I started to look at my own children. My boy doesn't show much interest at all in fishing, but he does come north with us guys most summers just to be in the boat, and my little girl always wants to do whatever daddy is doing. She has come out with me many times on the Grand or in waterford this summer, and although the results haven't been fantastic she is always very loose lipped the whole way home, and cannot wait to go again. Hopefully in 26 years, when she hits 30, she will remember these times as fondly as I do. So, anyone else got their start to share?
  11. This is way before my time, but it is the day my aunt was born. I remember my grandparents talking many times over the years about the difficulties they had getting to the hospital in Paris to give birth, the flooding on the nith and the grand. Nature has always fascinated me
  12. Nice One!!!! A big congratulations!
  13. cougars are good........... Great Pic man, definately one in a million
  14. glad to hear ya got some fish up there man, was hoping you would post a report.
  15. gorgeous smallies guys, thanks for the pics. I have a small lake like that about 15 min from me too with amazing largemouth, pike, and crappie fishing too......hoping to get out there this weekend
  16. Gorgeous lookin fish man.....you fishing from shore, or were you in a boat?
  17. NICE!!!!! Glad to see your hard work payed dividends immediately for you!
  18. Me and some buddies were sitting around the other night talking about "The Champ", he was awesome. One episode that really stuck in our head was when Mrs Champ went to Chicago to stay with and see Michael Jordan. When the Champ asked MJ how Mrs. Champ liked Chicago, he said she really enjoyed their Blackhawks......I said pardon?
  19. Well night 3 of our addiction to salmon went rather well. After fishing for an hour or so, Ultyma finally got the shackles off (j/k buddy) and made it down. Another OFC newb was there with us as well, LimbLifter. I arrived around 7:30 PM only to see the pier packed with people. Not too many spots to fish, but our spot from last night wasn't taken. I geared up, made my first cast and my line snapped in mid air so I lost a spoon before I even got in the water. Figured this cannot be a good sign for the night to come. After about an hour and a half of washing various spoons and watching most of the pier go vacant, I decided to ask ultyma if I could use one of his smaller glows he had bought from Jos today (same size I had lost on cast earlier, and that we had action on last night). First few casts produced nothing, then ultyma started getting a few hits. About 10 min later, I hooked into something. I set the hook, and the squeal began. This fish came in much easier than last night and didn't seem to fight as hard., so I figured must be a brown or a small chinny. About 10 min in, we got it on shore (with my modified net after last nights disappointment). Here he is.....I figured in the 10 to 12 lb range.... He went back in the water after a few photo ops. This was my 2nd chinny of the year, and also the 2nd of my life. As ultyma said, what a rush. I am addicted to this fish now, and I think sept/oct will become my favorite months of the year. The other one I landed was last wednesday at the mouth of the credit. Here is that one.....23 lbs it was. Tonne of fun, can't wait to get out again. It is great to finally find a fishing buddy too that is in the area, makes it easier coming off 15 years of minimal fishing to get right back into it.
  20. damn....we are gonna have no room to fish now buddy! Can't wait......what a rush last night was. That chinny you had was the most beautifully coloured fish I have ever seen, thought it was a bow when I caught first glimpse.
  21. Hey guys, Anyone know of any other places to access the Credit between Erindale Park and the 403? When I was down at the park yesterday it was absolutely crazy, no parking and no spots to fish. Also, is it bad to wade when the fish are running up to spawn? What are the chances of stepping on a nest or being too disturbing to the habitat? thanks Shawn
  22. Thanks Rich, Do you know of any dams upstream to watch at?
  23. Thank you for that, I reread and missed that section my first time through. There must have been over 300 people there I watched fishing yesterday....... *edit* I did read it right the first time, erindale park is south of the 403 bridge, inbetween the 403 and QEW. According to the reg, you can fish all year from south of 403 to the lake with the exception of Britannia to streetsville which is closed from august 15th on. Although, for streetsville, I knew I could not fish there, which is probably what you are referring to. I just wanted to go watch the run.
  24. I got my first ever salmon out of the Credit River last wednesday night on the way home from Bass Pro Shops man. I have been out there again almost every night since. I took a trip up river yesterday, and it was just like you said.....unbelievable. I didn't see much massacre yet though, and I hope I don't. I am also from Brantford area (Mount Pleasant), send a PM if you are into going up one night.
  25. I ended heading up there yesterday afternoon. Nothing was going on in the harbour, but as the day progressed there were alot more being pulled out in erindale park. Didn't go up any farther, but was interested to see if anything was up at the dam in streetsville yet. Will probably head up there again saturday morning, was a little unprepared yesterday as I was only expecting to fish the harbour. Will make sure I bring my waders and such next weekend.
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