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Everything posted by raptorfan

  1. Saturday morning when me and my boy headed out, it ended up being more of a hike and scenery walk than a fishing excursison. He had a lot of fun though. I am slowly learning to use the charts and follow the weather I think, but it seems to be the hardest part of the learning curve. I have always been of the belief though that nothing worthwhile is ever easy to learn. I had an offer from a guide on here that I am most definately going to take up. Just waiting to hear back from him. Till then though, I will live vicariously through all you experienced guys, and wait for all the congratulations when I get into one on my pin
  2. I can agree with this to the word. Also, as has been said by a few, the learning is the funnest part. I notice improvements with myself every day trying to pin and it makes me feel much better about the efforts I am putting in to one day be a good steelheader. I know solo told me it is the easiest fish to catch, which I am sure had some sarcasm to it, but once I have the experience he does I hope that I can be as good at it as many of you are. Dr sal, don't listen to the haters man. As many others have said I really enjoy your posts and videos. Always good to see good people having great days on the water man. Keep em coming. Shawn
  3. Awesome Bill! I would have been out that long probably as well if it wasn't for an easter dinner this afternoon and my bowling league tonight. My boy did ask me when I got home though if we could go tomorrow (was very suprised he asked!) so we are gonna hit up the spot again for 3 hrs in the morning before yet another easter dinner.......
  4. Another positive I took out of it was I think I am getting my bait in the right spots. If I am getting a sucker in the belly, I must be staying pretty close to the bottom of the pools I am fishing. My casting accuracy and control is getting much better, as is my drift control. Many positives to take out of today. I am always an optimist Shawn
  5. Well stone fly, you were pretty much dead on. The traffic there wasn't as bad as I expected, but the bite wasn't there at all. Out of all the people I saw fishing on the 2 miles of river we fished, I only saw one hen landed. I must say though it was an absolutely gorgeous morning to be out, and the scenery was fantastic (I love summer ladies :D ). With all this said though, I did FINALLY land my first fish on a centerpin!!! Saw my float dip a bit, set the hook and thought I missed it, till I saw a nice swell under the water and the line started to spin off my reel. My heart started racing.......then I noticed all the fins on the fish.....I had hooked a sucker in the arse!!!! Ah well, still landed my first fish on a centerpin....lol Shawn
  6. let the fishing gods shine on me PLEASE
  7. nothing in my neck of the woods yet, not even a sunfish. I am sure by the end of this weekend though, they will be on fire.
  8. been waiting for this report. Looks like a great time was had by all, and tonnes of gorgeous fish!
  9. hot damn.........wow
  10. awesome fish Shayne! I didn't believe it when I got the text from Jay, but when I saw the photos on facebook I nearly pooped a chicken. Really wish I coulda made it out with you guys......one weekend soon I hope. Shawn
  11. looks like you had a great morning man, congrats. Might be heading out toronto way myself in a few minutes for a late afternoon try.
  12. Gorgeous....looks like it was a great trip. Hope you get your dad into his first this weekend. Shawn
  13. Is trotting making sure my bait is drifting downstream of my float, and not behind so that the float is always tipped back towards me a little bit? If so, than this is what I always aim to do while hopefully tapping bottom once in a while
  14. Happy Birthday, hope you have a great one!
  15. Thanks for all the info and kind words of encouragement guys, very very much appreciated.
  16. That is exactly what I am trying to do. Before I got into it, I had a nice long talk with Jos, and he told me this exact thing. I have only gone for steelies in 3 rivers/streams to try and master them. The guy I started fishing with jumps from trib to trib to trib, and that is just not for me. He also has alot more time and less responsibility than me so it is much easier for him. I just wish I had some more free sundays so I could take Jos up on his offer to go out with him and the guys from Angling Outfitters. I could probably learn more in 3 hours from watching them than I could fishing 100hrs by myself.
  17. I have started keeping a log over recent weeks after reading about it in an article. I bought myself a thermometer to use as well. I check the MNR site frequently for flow rates in the rivers I fish, but I am still trying to figure out exactly what it means to me....but that will come with time. As I said, I am not afraid to put in the time to learn this sport, or the effort for that matter. It has never been in my nature to fail, which is what keeps me going
  18. 1. I use the wallace cast. I am starting to get much more accurate with it, and very few tangles now. I spent many hours in my yard practicing with a 2/5 oz spoon 2. Yes I have proper shot, I have the raven kit. I change up my shot on site if I find what I am using isn't working after watching how my presentation drifts. 3. I use anywhere from a 5.6 to 11 raven float. 4. I am not familiar with the term "trotting" Thanks for the questions, I hope my answers are what you were looking for
  19. Nice finger...... Oh yeah, nice fish too.....good day it looks like
  20. I remember at the ponds when I was a kid in Waterford, there was a mulberry tree on the walkway between 2 ponds. This thing would ripen up around the first week of july, and drop berries into the pond for about 3 - 4 weeks. We would be bassing the pads just down from there and hear these occuring splashes. One day we walked down to have a look, and sure enough the carp were coming up to grab them. We decided to hook some on our lines and shake the tree. I have never seen such a feeding frenzy, and the fight was phenomenal! Unfortunately, when they did the major construction on main st. bridge in town, they used this walkway as a main road, and cut down the tree to do so. Those were fun days. Nice fish Dan, way to brave the elements.......I was too afraid to go out and fish in this wind and rain, so I played Payday with the kids.....lol Shawn
  21. Thanks for the encouragement and advice everyone........it is only a matter of time and timing.
  22. For sure man, thanks for the offer. I usually go out on weekends, so if you are gonna be out and about let me know.
  23. Thanks for the info. I will definately find and buy that book. One of the first things I do when I get out is check out what the other anglers are using when they are around, and I always talk to the others as well. No better way to learn than to ask questions. I am down in the lake erie area, but do fish the Toronto area once in a while.
  24. I have PM'd a couple with little or no response. I have thought about paying a guide this spring to maybe help me out. I think once I get into that first one, everything might start to click a little bit. Thanks
  25. I had no luck with the spinning set up at all, which was why I decided to go to the pin....for a smoother presentation. Good luck with it when you get into it man, it is enjoyable.
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