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Posts posted by fisher

  1. Thank you for your report. I'll be going to Discovery Bay in August so i'm going to try my luck there. Did you only fish in the mornings?




    Mornings and some afternoons for me. Wish I tried some night fishing but was too tired by the time night came.

  2. To be honest I dont really have a feeling either way for hitting an animal as long as I walk away.


    This rings so true....and something we should all remember when presented with any situation that may put us at risk.


    I remember an accident about 8 years ago on the 427 southbound near the airport where cars started stopping for a family of geese walking across the highway. Well, one car gets smacked real hard from behind and the daughter in the back seat ends up dying.


    Given that these Geese will be laying soon and having young ones, their impeding traffic will be more common in the next few months. Just something to think about if presented with a similar scenario...

  3. Just got back from that resort mid-March. Had some great feedback from a few other posters, you could try to dig it up.


    My experience:


    There are many places to fish.


    One place is a pier that extends out from where the Catamarans and Kayaks are. At the end of that rocky pier (wear stiff shoes) you get into some deeper water. Using shrimp and other bait that you can get from the restaurants, we caught a number of 2-3 pound fish which the workers from the Hotel gladly took from us.


    The second place we did well was next to the Beach restaurant (where they serve Jerk Chicken). There is a place with a walkway with white wooden railings leading to a set of stairs leading into a deep part of the ocean. We actually got into some barracuda there. To catch barracuda, we set up a live fish that we caught as bait under a float. Also saw a large black stingray jump 10 feet into the air there.



    The third place we fished was the pier that is to the left of the Wedding Gazebo. There is tons of structure there (reason why people snorkel around that place) and it gets to about 20 feet deep. This is the best place to fish and despite the snorkeling, there is plenty of space for all with none of the staff minding that we were there.


    We stuck to using bait as we had little luck with artificials.




    There are 2 restaurants for Breakfast - the larger main buffet that opens at 7am, and a smaller one that opens at 7:30am. Go to the smaller one - it was never busy and the food is the same.


    If you want coffee before 7am (as we tend to get up early to fish), there is a self serve station at the bar next to the Lobby.


    I highly recommend bringing snorkel gear for the whole family (good snorkeling in the bay between the catamarans and wedding gazebo). My kids 8 and 5 loved to snorkel. Also bring lots of suntan lotion ($22 per bottle at the resort), tylenol/meds, medical insurance (insurance covered our $278 bill for a 20 minute doctor's visit for my son's very high fever/cough - which luckily went away after 24 hours) and $1 US bills for tips/bait.


    Have fun!

  4. Why would operating a boat legally (regardless of the horse power motor) exclude you from the liability coverage on your house insurance if you were to injure someone accidentally?


    From my understanding, as long as you are doing things legally (ie. operating a boat while not impaired, tossing a baseball with your son and having a mis-thrown ball cause an accident, etc...), you are covered in case of an accident.


    I also asked this question to my insurance company regarding hunting. If I accidently shoot someone while hunting am I excluded from the personal liability coverage on my insurance policy. After having to confirm with their head office, they came back and said I would be covered (again, as long as I was not under the influence, and abiding by all laws, etc...). For this reason, I opted out of the OFAH membership fees when contiplating them for the liability coverage it provides.

  5. Thanks for the reply workwear. I hope it is only a week - I read it could be weeks or even months. Wanted to hear first hand experience from board members. The cost to feed these guys is bad enough - would suck not to get any eggs.


    Raf, I am sure nothing spooked them - it was the lack of food and possibly water.

  6. I have 24 chickens that I raise for eggs. Had them for about 6 months now and were producing 15-18 eggs a day.


    I went away last week and had someone care for them but it seems like they went without food for at least a coupe of days (and may be water as well). Now they have not laid any eggs for the last 3 days that I have been back.


    Does anyone know how long it will be before they return to normal (or what other things I should be aware of or do to help them)? They look healthy, and are eating and drinking and behaving normally for the last 3 days....just still no eggs!

  7. Personally, I would not get my mortgage discharged but rather I'd put a secured line of credit against it so that the house looks encumbered by anyone who may try to scam you by commiting mortgage fraud.


    There are thieves out there that look for properties that are mortgage free (info available through land registry) and then try to set up mortgages on it (and then run away with the money). One day you find out about the fraudulent mortgage and then the legal hassle begins.


    In Ontario there is legislation that was recently drafted to protect homeowners against this but not sure it is in effect yet and what teeth it has. By keeping your home with a charge on it, it discourages someone from going after you since they can just go to your neighbour. Plus, you can get a good rate on a line of credit (for if and when you may need it).


    Talk to your Banker (and there should be no fee to do this).

  8. Thanks for all the replies. I don't plan on renting a boat or going on a charter since I always get sea sick...so that is out of the question. Anyone who has been sick before knows what I mean.


    I was hoping to get some info about shore fishing and as mentioned by Jasper it seems like there are some opportunities to get into some big fish (especially ones that can spool you). That's great info. Now to stock up on some more silver spoons and some pearl white fish baits. Were there any brands/types in particular that worked better? Also the pearl fish baits, did you snap them in or slow/fast retrieve?


    Also I plan on relaxing, so no need for an alarm clock for me.

  9. Heading to Jamaica early March for some rest and relaxation. Curious if anyone here fished from the area around the resort I will be staying at, and could tell me how they did? I'll be staying at Gran bahia Principe in Runaway Bay, about 60 minutes from Montego bay.



  10. I would buy four of these vents and mount 2 in the flip down door and two in the top of the compartment. I would use the 5X9 inch versions to let as much air through as possible. You can just rivet them in place once you make the cut out for them.



    I'd seriously consider separating the batteries and the gas tank. If you ever heard or felt what it is like to see a battery blow up while on the lake, you will heed my advice.


    I posted about a month ago how just as I started the motor, my battery blew up on me (the explosion was so loud and the acid spewed everywhere eating up a bunch of wires as well). Luckily the battery was in its own compartment which was made of aluminum all around. After a few days I realized there was a short that was caused by some pinched wires and as I went to start the motor, I guess the battery was so heated at this point that it blew...needless to say if my gas tank was near it, I am sure we would not have walked away with only having to replace the battery.

  11. In addition some or all of the ideas mentioned previously, put up a decal or sign that states an alarm and GPS tracking device has been installed on the boat and trailer. Or go even further and actually do it.


    The worst part to me is having to remove all the accessories (like down riggers, fish finder, stereo, etc....) everytime you park it since these can easily be swiped and re-installing it all when you are heading out again.

  12. I had a blow out about 3 years ago on my boat trailer going to Tweed from Toronto for a one week vacation at a cottage. As luck would have it, it was Saturday around 6pm and the spare (which looked new) was about 5 years old and when I put it on, it quickly popped - so much for that!


    So there I was stranded on the side of the 401 with no spare, no where to go to get another one and still about 2 hours away from my destination.


    I called CAA, for which I was a member, but they said I did not have the trailer (RV) coverage and that I would need to wait 24 hours after I purchase that coverage to have it kick in (makes sort of sense, otherwise why pay for the extra coverage every year until you actually need it). So I beg and mention that I was a long time customer and they finally they agree to have it kick in right away. Then they ask where I want it to go. I ask if they would tow it to the cottage? Their reply was as long as it was within the range of kms that I was allowed they would...so I give them my GPS coordinates and luckily we were within 10 kms of our allowance - bonus (which at the time was I believe 160 kms) - not sure now!


    So they send a flat bed which loads the entire trailer and boat onto and we end up meeting at the cottage we rented! Sweet.


    The next day I go into town, buy a new set of tires, bolt them on and launch the boat!


    Moral of the story - check your trailer, and get CAA RV coverage just in case!

  13. Thanks for all the replies. The good news is that noone got hurt, secondly, it was only the battery and not my motor...as others have pointed out. I just do not want to repeat this ever again.


    As for the ventilation, yes, it is a really small compartment and not much circulation there, so I will need to create a vent shortly....kind of like a air return in the house on either side of the compartment so it creates a draft....


    It was an older battery so that might explain it.



    Any how, the walleye fishing on buckhorn has been tough. We only have managed one since yesterday and it came in the first 5 minutes of fishing...only bass and perch and sunfish ever since....


    At least the weather is great!

  14. Would anyone know whhy my boat battery just blew up on me? I was cranking my battery after having drift fished for an hour and on the first crank we heard a huge bang. At first I thought my motor blew as it sounded like back fire...but then I saw the smoke coming from my battery compartment. I looked in and saw the top and both sides split with some pieces that actually came apart.


    IN any event, my battery is toast, it is leaking acid and water....fortunately I had a back up battery and after the first crank the motor started and we came back in.


    Why would that have happened..? Also, how do I neutralize the battery acid so I can transport it to a recycler without it leaking everywhere?



  15. Stoco Lake in Tweed. Seen tons in the weeds (the kind that look like reeds that stick out of the water) on the side of the lake directly opposite of the town of Tweed.


    I have seen them there the 2 times I have fished on the lake 8 years apart (Once in 2001 and again in 2009), so it seems like that is their home.

  16. We are spending a week on Buckhorn (first time there) July 2-9th and was wondering if anyone can suggest any areas/presentations that would work on walleye and crappie on that lake at that time of the year. Our cottage is just about right on the point between Buckhorn and Chemong (pretty much on the narrows dividing the two lakes).


    Any suggestions on what we can use, places to concentrate?


    I have a fish finder with GPS and navionics chips that I will be using for the first time - hoping it will be useful.



  17. There is a launch in Desoronto at a park that has lots of parking. I think there is a charge of $3 in/out. Fishing should be heating up after a slower than last year start.

    Look for any weed growth and try trolling with erie dearies tipped with worms or you can slow down and jig any weedlines that you can find. It's usually good in the bay out from the trailer park to the left of the launch and anywhere up the reach along the west side.

    thanks Jimmer! But it looks like the weather is going to keep me closer to home...may hit Port Credit for a few hours instead.

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