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Posts posted by fisher

  1. If it were me (but then again I take things way overboard sometimes to prove a point when I feel like I have been wronged), I would spray paint the side of the boat with neon paint saying "Buying a Tracker? Hear my story." (using removable paint of course) and park it outside bass pro while handing out flyers with your story on it. I would also spend a few dollars and create a web page with your story on it and paint your web address on the boat.


    As far as I know, there is nothing illegal/malicious in doing this. You are merely trying to share your story with the world. No need to bad mouth Tracker - just tell it like it is.


    Heck, I would even drive the boat right down to the heart of Toronto during the G20 this weekend and try to get world wide coverage. No doubt some media down here will pick up your boat story just to show that the G20 covers a wide range of issues and protests.


    Call every news media to tell them what you are doing - I guarantee some will show up - especially if you tell them you want to bring it down to the G20. And make sure one of the news media you call is A-Channel news - these stories are right up their alley since their market encompasses a lot of boaters and copy Tracker Boats with your planned date of protest.


    If they are smart, Tracker will take care of your problem before you move forward with your plan.

  2. Yes, PENNSAID is via prescription-covered by all insurance companies if you have it.


    Otherwise, I believe it is about $60-$70 a bottle and that is for about a month's supply but I find you can stretch it to 2 months as you do not have to use as much as the bottle says. But start off with the recommended dosage and modify from there. While the warnings on the package are the same as oral Nsaids, it has more to do with the class of drug that it is in rather than the likelyhood of them happening with Pennsaid as compared to say Celebrex. In fact, a study concluded that the amount of the nsaid that gets into your blood/system from using Pennsaid is something like 100 times less than the pill Nsaids taken orally. Makes sense since it doesn;t go through your whole body.


    Let us know how it works out if you get it.



    Here is an article I found regarding toxicity of Pennsaid vs oral medication...


    Topical diclofenac has equal efficacy to, less toxicity than oral diclofenac for knee OA



    Oct 15, 2004


    Ottawa, ON - A topical diclofenac solution (Pennsaid, Dimethaid Health Care Ltd, Markham, ON) was as effective as oral diclofenac and much less toxic for treatment of knee osteoarthritis (OA) in a randomized, controlled trial reported by Dr Peter S Tugwell (University of Ottawa, ON) et al in the October 2004 issue of the Journal of Rheumatology [ 1 ].


    Our equivalence study showed that topical diclofenac was as effective as the maximum daily dose of oral diclofenac in relieving knee osteoarthritis symptoms.


    "Our equivalence study showed that topical diclofenac was as effective as the maximum daily dose of oral diclofenac in relieving knee osteoarthritis symptoms," senior author Dr J Zev Shainhouse (Dimethaid Health Care Ltd, Markham, ON) tells rheuma wire . "Side effects—including gastrointestinal events such as heartburn, abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea—were significantly reduced in topical diclofenac-treated patients compared with those receiving oral diclofenac. In addition, the number of topical diclofenac patients developing abnormally high levels of liver enzymes and low levels of hemoglobin was markedly reduced."

  3. Yes, PENNSAID is via prescription-covered by all insurance companies if you have it.


    Otherwise, I believe it is about $60-$70 a bottle and that is for about a month's supply but I find you can stretch it to 2 months as you do not have to use as much as the bottle says. But start off with the recommended dosage and modify from there. While the warnings on the package are the same as oral Nsaids, it has more to do with the class of drug that it is in rather than the likelyhood of them happening with Pennsaid as compared to say Celebrex. In fact, a study concluded that the amount of the nsaid that gets into your blood/system from using Pennsaid is something like 100 times less than the pill Nsaids taken orally. Makes sense since it doesn;t go through your whole body.


    Let us know how it works out if you get it.



    Here is an article I found regarding toxicity of Pennsaid vs oral medication...

    Topical diclofenac has equal efficacy to, less toxicity than oral diclofenac for knee OA



    Oct 15, 2004


    Ottawa, ON - A topical diclofenac solution (Pennsaid, Dimethaid Health Care Ltd, Markham, ON) was as effective as oral diclofenac and much less toxic for treatment of knee osteoarthritis (OA) in a randomized, controlled trial reported by Dr Peter S Tugwell (University of Ottawa, ON) et al in the October 2004 issue of the Journal of Rheumatology [ 1 ].


    Our equivalence study showed that topical diclofenac was as effective as the maximum daily dose of oral diclofenac in relieving knee osteoarthritis symptoms.


    "Our equivalence study showed that topical diclofenac was as effective as the maximum daily dose of oral diclofenac in relieving knee osteoarthritis symptoms," senior author Dr J Zev Shainhouse (Dimethaid Health Care Ltd, Markham, ON) tells rheuma wire . "Side effects—including gastrointestinal events such as heartburn, abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea—were significantly reduced in topical diclofenac-treated patients compared with those receiving oral diclofenac. In addition, the number of topical diclofenac patients developing abnormally high levels of liver enzymes and low levels of hemoglobin was markedly reduced."

  4. PENNSAID...you can thank me later.



    PENNSAID is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) for the treatment of signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis.


    Celebrez, is a pill and consequently goes through your entire system to treat the issue but it can cause stomach ulcers/bleeds, heart issues.


    Pennsaid instead is applied on the skin over the site of the problem. Although specifically indicated for the knee, your doctor can prescribe for other areas of your body. I have used it in the past even for my badly stubbed toe. It will work!


    Also, it is the only topical NSAID that has passed through FDA/Health Canada and also met the WOMAC study endpoints (a measure of the effectiveness of the treatment).


    Pennsaid.ca or Pennsaid.com

  5. Nasty break.....no choice but to follow the doc's orders which is a downer for your son....but what a great bunch of friends you have! October is just around the corner.



    For what it is worth, it could always be worse. And I am a firm believer of things happen for a reason...who knows, you may now decide to stick around town, buy a lotto max ticket and win $50 million....and if you do, remember who put this idea in your head.

  6. It's nice to think that he would have,or could have clung onto a PFD if it was floating near him.....so why didn't he then grab onto an oar, or the canoe, or his friend????


    Good point. And I hope my comments are not being viewed as calous or inconsiderate of the events, but the fact is that they ignored the current law of requiring life jackets on board, so even a law mandating the wearing of life jackets would likely have been ignored too.

  7. I too used to fish mainly for Walleye, Pike, Bass, etc...on smaller lakes, but ever since I started trolling for Salmon out of Port Credit about 6 years ago, I say 90% of all my fishing is just that. I guess it helps that I am only 1/2 hour away from the launch and that it is an awesome fishery.


    And no, I don;t eat the fish out of Lake Ont. but many do. Just check out the cleaning station at the launch and there are usually a few people fileting some fish (and many others waiting to take someone's fish that wasn;t able to be released successfully due to it being deeply hooked).

  8. Unless you signed something, I am not sure he can enforce anything.


    I say spend a few bucks, get a lawyer's opinion, and if it goes your way, start your own business competing in the same field of work. If those old customers come to you instead, oh well. Maybe even partner with another "previously" let go employee. But then again, partnerships rarely work...do it yourself.

  9. From my reading, EVERYONE needs a card to operate a motor boat (regardless of age) and there appears to be no minimum age listed to get the card.


    So for my child to legally operate a boat he needs a card at the minimum.


    Even if my 6 year old gets a card, there are horsepower restrictions BUT ONLY if he is out on his own (which won;t be the case until he is much older). So as long as he is with me and he has a card, he can drive any boat with no restrictions.


    But let's assume my child does go out on his own, here are the rules around restrictions depending on age :


    - Children under the age of 12 and not directly supervised by someone 16 years of age or older can operate a recreational vessel with no more than 10 hp.


    - Youth between 12 years of age and under 16 years of age and not directly supervised by someone 16 years of age or older, can operate a recreational vessel with no more than 40 hp.


    - Only persons 16 years of age or older can operate a personal watercraft (PWC) regardless of supervision.


    Hope this provides some clarity to the questions we had.

  10. Don't quote me on it, but I think as long as somebody in the boat has the license, your good. Not sure if there is an age limit though. Can anybody confirm?



    I am positive the person driving must have the card.


    Just wondering if the OPP would be sticklers in the case of a child obviously being supervised by an adult who has the card.


    I wonder if I would have an issue if the child was steering while on my lap/standing in front of the seat with me?


    It's too bad we have to worry about these things! But I doubt you will get any official response other than it is up to the discretion of the officer.

  11. Are there signs that this is a private road? If so, then its simple, call the cops if he doesn't stop parking there.


    If there are no signs, and it looks like a normal road, I not sure the cops can do anything. (Kind of like the requirement to have "No trepassing" or " No Hunting" signs on private property if not fenced in.)


    It seems like this guy doesn;t want to cause trouble since he heeded your warning before to park elsewhere when he was originally parking in the camp. He found another place as the note suggested he do. Obviously the place he is parking now is in an area that is more convenient to access the lake/his hut than your alternate place. Assuming no signs, how does he know that the road is legitimately a private one?

  12. Great video!


    By the way, my 6 year old also operates our boat - with me close by of course. He has been doing so since he was 4 and I can tell you I have full confidence with him behind the wheel. Mind you he can only get up to a maximum of 30 miles an hour in our boat (and this is well away from other boats/structures). I don;t see anything wrong with that , in fact, I encourage it as it allows children to become more knowledgeable about driving a boat and that is much better than taking an internet course when he/she is older. Plus, in case of an emergency, it doesn;t hurt to have him being capable of getting us back to shore if I can't for any reason.


    Hope the OPP don;t hassle us if they see this (since he doesn;t have an operators card yet)?

  13. If ALL you want to know is depth, just get a spare rod/reel (we all have those don't we?) and at the end of the line tie a large weight. Every five or ten feet, mark or tie something to the line with something that won't come off. Lower the line down until you hit bottom counting all the marks as it goes down and multiply by 5 (or 10) feet.

    Cheap, easy and no batteries required.

  14. Hey Cliff, you should take this opportunity to open up your own ice-fishing outfit (even if it were on a small scale and on a part-time basis like on the weekends, etc...). If I recall, you are pretty handy and I am sure you could whip up a few huts in no time. Plus it could go hand in hand with your B&B (if you are still doing that).


    I know if I lived right on a lake that would be my part-time thing. You don;t need to get rich off of it but the extra money sure comes in handy.


    There is a guy on Simcoe that does this very thing out of his waterfront property and he does well - very personable too (just like you).

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