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Posts posted by fisher

  1. I heard on the radio a few years back that some of these drownings are caused by someone (alone in a boat) having

    to relieve themselves while trolling & piss overboard and not wearing a lifejacket & the boat hits a wave etc and

    it is person overboard while the boat continues on........


    That is what the "bucket" is for...so you don't have to lean over (oh, and it is also for bailing in the event of an emergency).

  2. I've only fished it once but it was in October. I think between two boats we got 7 fish on a 3 day weekend the pattern we established was casting parallel to lilypad beds. The launch was pretty crappy. Very shallow. Also orange suick seemed to be THE lure.



    I too have been there, but in July. Not much luck other than some small pike in the weeds for the whole week we were there.


    Did see a guy smash a nice muskie, casting a topwater lure into some high grass of a small island just before dark (island was near the shore of the town). That was the closest to a muskie we got all week.


    There are some real nice gar pike in that lake, but we couldn't get them to stay on.

  3. Someone on this board must remember this...


    A few years ago, I remember reading of a guy at Port Credit having had a heart attack or some other medical condition (actually I am not even sure he made it), but while he was being attended to by the paramedics, someone stole either his fishing rod or wallet. Can;t remember the exact details but I believe they got the guy.



    Here is the article...


    Sep 19, 2007 - 12:00 AM | 0 Man accused of stealing from dying fisherman

    A Kitchener man is accused of stealing from a dying man at Bronte Harbour.


    Early Friday morning, police say, a 68-year-old man was fishing at Bronte Harbour when he suddenly collapsed.


    Another fisherman rushed to the man's aid, performing CPR until an ambulance arrived, but despite these efforts the man died in hospital a short time later.


    Police say this tragic event was compounded by the fact that while the victim lay fighting for his life, another man walked over and stole the victim's fishing equipment.


    "While the other people on the pier were performing CPR this man goes up and starts to reel in the victim's line and then walks off with his rod and equipment," said Sgt. Peter Payne, Halton Police Media officer.


    "He had only just expired and these people were performing lifesaving measures to try and keep him alive and do what they could for him. This individual took it upon himself to seize that moment and steal from someone at their absolute weakest moment."


    With the assistance of those present, police say, the thief was identified, arrested and charged.


    Jamie Harland Gross, 24, of Kitchener, has been charged with theft and two counts of breach of probation.


    At press time he was remanded in custody awaiting a bail hearing.

  4. Or how about my neighbour last year...


    It was a cold winter morning. He was going to go out for the day and had just started the car in his garage when he realized he forgot something in the house. Just as he was about to go get it, he thought he would take his 4 year old son into the house with him (he had just strapped him into the back seat). Luckily he did that because when he got back, he sees his car driving away.


    Not only did his car get stolen from right under him, as he was standing on his porch speaking on the phone with the police, he sees his car drive by the street again with 2 teenagers in it. As they were driving by, they decide to play with his garage door opener - up and down.


    They eventually got the guys but it was just a slap on the wrist for them and a waste of a day in court for my neighbour.


    Talk about being gutsy!

  5. Someone on this board must remember this...


    A few years ago, I remember reading of a guy at Port Credit having had a heart attack or some other medical condition (actually I am not even sure he made it), but while he was being attended to by the paramedics, someone stole either his fishing rod or wallet. Can;t remember the exact details but I believe they got the guy.

  6. Definitely a spreader for use in ice fishing.


    A few years ago I bought an old home-made sled made of an aluminum frame with skis attached on the bottam and basically a wooden box on top from a lady in Brampton who's grandfather used to own it (he had passed away). The wooden box had an old plastic board with a pciture of a penguin on it (which I think was a mascot for a drycleaners) as the lid for the box that sat on the sled. Wonder if anyone here knew the fellow?


    Anyway, he must have been a hard core ice fisher because this sled contained every imagineable thing for ice fishing - most hand made.


    Home made tip ups, a home made ice chipper/scraper, a tarp (made of cloth) that he would use to block the wind (and even long tree branches that he would set into the ice that would be used to drape the tarp over), old newspapers presumably to start a fire with if he ever got lost, a compass, wooden matches, and a whole wack of other interesting things). That brings me to your item...he too had a bunch of these metal spreaders just like yours with about a foot of fishing line extending out the two ends and a hook attached to each. The weight is so that the whole set up gets down to the lake floor.

  7. Thanks for the reply but was hoping for a more definitive answer. I am wondering if the smoke that I have been seeing was because they were not in the right place before I took them out And that may explain why the 2 middle plugs were dirtier than the others.


    Any marine mechanics out there?


    Thanks again.

  8. I have a 1992 40 HP Merc outboard, 4 cylinder - 2 Stroke.


    My boat has been smoking more than usual lately so I pulled my spark plugs and noticed that 2 of them were very dirty (the 2nd and 3rd plug from the top - they run straight top to bottom). The 1st and 4th were much cleaner. Problem is that I forgot to record which wire went with which plug (assuming they were right to begin with). Coincidently, the spark plug wires also run top to bottom (just to the right of the spark plugs).


    I noticed on the motor written "firing order 1, 3, 2, 4".


    Does that mean I need to re-attach the spark plug wires in that order (ie. meaning the top wire to the top plug, the 2nd wire to the 3rd plug, the 3rd wire to the 2nd plug and the 4th wire to the 4th plug)? Or do I attach the first wire to the first plug, 2nd wire to 2nd plug, 3rd to the 3rd and 4th to the 4th)? Or does it matter.


    Sorry for the noob question..and thanks for any replies.


    BTW, I am buying new plugs tomorrow.

  9. My mom has been battling breast cancer for over 8 years now since the age of 47; and with meds and a good attitude/spirit, she has been able to live a decent quality of life and has in fact lived past the life expectancy her doctors had originally guessed when initially diagnosed (although it has progressed to various parts of her body during this time).


    Every summer for as long as I could remember, we rented a cottage for a week. For the last few years, the group has grown to now include my wife, my children, my sister, her husband and child, my parents, and my aunt.


    This year we happened upon Rob Hyatt's cottage on Lake Nipissing while searching the net and booked it for July 31-Aug 7. We sent our deposit a while back and were looking forward to this year's trip. Well, as luck would have it (bad luck that is), my mom's lastest MRI scan of her brain last week showed a new lesion (cancer spot) that needed attention as sson as possible. Her doctor referred her to a radiation oncoligist and yesterday, we just found out that her radiation treatment is scheduled for the week we were booked at the cottage.


    Rob, being the great guy that he is (never met him but have spoken and emailed him in the last couple of months), found us another week later in the summer for us to go on our trip. As a thank you to Rob, given our last minute change of plans, I have taken the liberty to post this message on this board and others that I have been a member of for many years in the hopes that someone may see this message and may want to rent the place for the week that we cancelled (or any other week for that matter).


    The cottage sounds like a great place (one where your wife and/or picky individual would find very enjoyable as it has many of the creature comforts you would enjoy at home - including 5 bedrooms, a large flat panel TV, granite counter tops in the kitchen and other similar types of finishes throughout the 2900 Square foot living space the house affords).


    Anyway, moderators, if you think this post does not conform to the purpose of the board, please pull the message.


    Thanks for reading and if you do inquire or book, tell him that Frank sent you.


    Regards, Fisher


    Here is the link to the cottage...and contact info.




  10. No map but pm sent


    Thanks for the PM.


    Anyone out there have a map to send to help a guy out?


    It was a last minute invite so I couldn;t have really prepared any sooner. Another option is if someone can tell me if there is a fishing store in and around the area that will be open when I plan to arrive tomorrow around 6am?

  11. Going to a friend's cottage for the day on Shadow Lake in Norland and was wondering if anyone had a map of the lake (showing depths)? Also, what can I hope to catch there?


    He is not into fishing so he is not sure of anything other than Bass.


    I would be thankful to anyone who can email me a map of the lake at [email protected]




  12. I've been out on Nip a lot lately and it may be just because I aint a pro, but its allays hit or miss. We usually go to the same few spots, and every day, the results varies. We fish anywhere from 18-28 fow.


    Stock up on jigs. Bring a variety of weights as well. When its real calm, I love using a really light jig. You can feel the hits much better. We mainly use worms for bait, but minnows and leaches work too. Gook luck!



    Sounds like the same depths we had the success on when I was there last...only we drifted with bottom bouncers and a worm harness.

  13. We have rented a cottage in Callander Bay from Rob Hyatt for the first week of August and am looking forward to doing some walleye fishing. Haven't been up there in over 8 years and am hoping and wondering if the fishing is going to be as good as it was when I was there last. It was so good when we were there last, that it was as though we were getting sunfish - every drift, a walleye - sometimes doubles. I really doubt it will be the same but am hoping it will be.


    Anyone have any insight they want to share on what to expect when I go up and maybe what lures to stock up on before I go?

  14. I have some personal experience in lung Xrays.


    In December 2009, my 6 year old had his first of 2 bouts of back to back pneumonia which were only 2 months apart (second was in February 2010). Each time in separate lungs. It got so bad that one day his fever hit 104.9 F on the thermometer. Luckily with medication it went down quickly but would come back after a few hours.


    Anyway, we brought him to the Emergency department at Sick Kids in Toronto for the first and second bouts. After the second time, the doctors there were concerned since it is rare to have back to back pneumonia. They ordered a bunch of tests to rule out anything more serious that would explain the back to back pneumonia - like Cystic Fibrosis, Terburculosis, etc..They ran Xrays, pulmunary function tests - ie. breathing tests, TB prick test, etc...


    Each time he had an Xray done (I think he had 4 in the 6 months or so), I got copies of the film on Disc and also the reports - I took them to get a Radiologist friend of the family to review to ensure the same conclusions. Anyway, the first and second time he had pneumonia, there was a nodule (looked like a bubble) that you could clearly see in the upper parts of the lung and also some streaking. I learned that Pneumonia can show up as many forms in an Xray and apparently will usually show as a large area of white in the Xray where the lungs are, but sometimes they can be streaks or bubble-like areas as with my son .


    After a very nervous 6 months between tests and follow ups they cleared him and concluded the 2 bouts of Pneumonia were just bad luck. Interestingly, in April 2010 when he had one of his last checkups, clearly after he had fought off his pneumonia since he no longer had a cough or fever, he had a bit of a runny nose - which as luck would have it, just started that day. It was the start of a cold. Well, the Xray was reviewed by the doctor the same day we took it and we were given the all clear. However, despoite getting an all clear from the doctor, we got a call the next day to say the radiologist noticed there were these very small streaks and that a retest in a month would be needed to "just be sure". (This had happened a couple of months earlier, where the doctor said it was clear only to get a followup call the next day after the radiologist reviewed the Xray,)


    Anyway, after a final xray a month later, he was all clear and has been since.


    A few things I learned from this experience are:


    The doctors reading the Xrays are not trained in reading them and that you should aways wait for the radiologist report. A couple of times we went for a followup, we were told that he was fine by the doctor only to get a call back the next day.


    There can be many things that cause streaks in the Xray - it could be pneumonia, it could be a regular cold. But given that radiologists are trained to spot the differences, I would trust them. But in the end, make sure you followup until the Xray shows the issue has resolved and that the Radiologist has made that determination - not your doctor.

  15. Would be interesting to know the reason he was selling it...that is a good question to ask anyone selling anything to see how confidently they answer the question. Sometime you can catch the seller off guard when the real reason is not something you want to hear and they try to make something up on the spot.


    If he says he sold the boat, chances are he would have sold that motor with it. So unless he upgraded for more power, there may not be many reasons why he would sell unless it wasn't reliable, etc...


    At this point, unless you got a real good deal or get it checked out thoroughly and quickly, if you could return it, I would.

  16. I had a marine mechanic tell me to use 87 octane because the premium will make it run hotter. Motor is a 40 hp 96 evinrude 2 stroke.


    I have a 1992 40 HP Mercury and been running high octane since I got it rebuilt 3 years ago and it has been fine... used on average once a week during the spring and summer mainly to run at top speed to get to a starting spot on Lake Ontario and then trolling for 4-5 hours. Never an issue running it with high octane (and presumably Ethanol free).

  17. True.


    And since Suncor (sunoco parent company) now owns Petro-Can, with more and more Petro-Cans running Sunoco fuel, I doubt the accuracy of the email for Petro-Can.


    To the best of my knowledge, Shell is the only place with non-ethanol blend 91 Oct.



    Good point. Not what I want to hear since I have experienced first hand what ethanol did to my motor. I may stick to only Shell or Esso from now on.

  18. I don't think any of the 91s contain ethanol (my car runs on 91 only and I check the labels when filling up) whereas most of the 87s are 15% or thereabouts.


    Esso, Petro, Sunoco and Shell all have ethanol free 91 octane AFAIK




    Taken from Sunoco.ca website:



    All Sunoco gasolines, including Ultra 94, are enhanced with ethanol – a clean-burning, renewable resource. Ethanol helps reduce toxic carbon monoxide emissions by up to 30% in older vehicles. It’s also a natural gasoline antifreeze during the winter months. Sunoco ethanol-enhanced gasolines display the EcoLogoM, certifying that they are approved by Environment Canada’s Environmental Choice Program. In fact, if every driver in Ontario used Sunoco gas, the reduction in emissions would be the equivalent of taking more than 100,000 cars off the road.

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