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Posts posted by fisher

  1. I just use one of those Battery Booster Packs (boosts my car if needed and also powers my phone in the boat in the summer and my aqua view in the winter). Granted the booster is heavier than the 12 volt battery that comes with the acqua view but it never lets me down.


    I changed the ends of the wire from the Aqua View to a standard 12 volt plug in to fit the Booster Pack.

  2. Hey Legacey, how was the Ventana? May go there this year. Any complaints?


    As for fishing in the Dominican, you have to try casting early in the morning with a large spoon (heavier the better). Having a stiff rod and 20 lb line minimum is helpful. I have caught small baracuda in the past doing this.


    I have also done well using shrimp (that I got from the kitchen after leaving a few dollar tip) fished off bottom. Again, a stiff rod is ideal for this.


    I have a rod case that I always bring with me on vacation and it is surprisingly very easy to transport by checking in in the overside luggage/baggae area. Never had an issue.

  3. EMAIL ADDRESSES to reach Galen Weston

    [email protected]


    [email protected]


    to contact Galen Weston(the head guy) it is either

    [email protected] or [email protected]


    [email protected] (Senior Vice President grocery procurement at Loblaw Companies)


    Customer Relations Centre: Toll Free 1-866-999-9890



    Do what I do, go right to the top (or better yet, email the guy/girl who is one position from the top and also carbon copy the top dog). This always gets their attention.


    I have emailed many heads of companies and always get fast and effective resolutions to my issues (especially today with Blackberries).


    In this case, I would email Mike Venton and then also carbon copy the general customer service address, and Galen. They will have to respond/take your issue seriously. My bet is that they send you something for your inconvenience. Just make sure you include ther fact that you are a loyal and longstanding customer of theirs. Always works to butter them up while you are complaining.

  4. Deal with immediately by calling the authorities (whether it is your city/town by-law officers/police/SPCA/etc..).


    Don't wait until something happens (for the sake of everyone; especially any kids that may also be living/visiting your building).

  5. Watching Team Canada put the beat down on a significantly less talented opponent 17-0 was not enjoyable that I actually tuned out early on in the game (when they were up 7-0). Why would anyone pay to see that live - no wonder there were empty seats.

  6. i agree with all the hot dogging and the worst offender in my eyes is kadri. he strikes me as a fairly selfish kid. always looks to shoot. he takes stranges runs and retaliations at other players, calls for the puck constantly, and has a smug attitude. if he comes into the nhl like that he's going to get his bell rung.



    You mean like Ovechkin?

  7. I'll also be buying a new TV in the near future Ron and everyone I've talked to has said Samsung is the way to go.


    I have a 42" Plasma from Samsung and as luck would have it (normally it doesn't work out for me this way) the TV began powering itself off after being on a few minutes. I googled it and low and behold, Samsung is notorious for this - cheap components. The lucky part is that it happened exactly 2 days before the 2 year warranty expired. And better yet, it was in-home service for parts and labour - so no cost or inconvenience to me and easy to file the claim (with original receipt).


    The tech did say this will likely happen again in 2 years. So at a cost of $800 to replace the mother board, I won't likely do it if it happens again --> so that means I bought a $1500 TV for only 4 years! Oh well, I vowed never to buy Samsung again.

  8. Signing up with the Do Not Call registry is the first step in getting these calls to stop. The next step is to actually record a complaint with the registry once a telemarketer calls you at https://www.lnnte-dncl.gc.ca/pfplin-fccoin-eng


    If you don't register violations, how can the registry work to its full potential and deal with the offenders? If we all reported our complaints, the telemarketers will get the message and pay attention to the list.


    In order to register your complaint you need to record the name of the company, the name of the telemarketer, the day and time they called. I found that in order to get the name of the person calling, you need to first seem interested in their services. Once you get all the info you need, them that you are registering a complaint since you are on the do not call list and to take you off their list.


    The last time I did this, I actually had a supervisor call me back and apologize profusely....pretty ballsy if you ask me especially since I had told the caller that my kids were sleeping .

  9. As discussed here many times, highest octane gas from Petro Canada, Esso and Shell do not contain ethanol and should be the only gas that you put into your motors.


    On those multi-grade pumps, I even go so far as to make sure the last person that used the pump before me also was pumping with premium gas so as to not get any residual lower octane gas into my tank. That involves roaming around a bit or just topping my truck with premium first, then filling the boat.

  10. I leave mine in plastic zip lock bags and have had some frozen for 3+ years. Never had an issue when defrosted and have caught fish with them even when others around me were not having as much luck. So base don that, I don't think crystals would affect the eggs (or any "freezer burn" for that matter).


    Think of it this way, they will hit imitation eggs and plastic worms, so the real deal (frosted with crystals or not) should not make a difference (all in my opion of course).

  11. Here is a link to a Doctor who works out of St Catharines who you may want to contact...




    And here is an interesting article (4 years old) that details an Ontario woman who had a Lyme test done in Ontario that was negative but then was confirmed via US tests for Lyme disease (that Canadian doctors do not do).




    Here is an excerpt from that article "My own doctor, infectious-disease specialist Hovsep Baghdadlian, says that of the 125 people he is currently treating for Lyme disease, only 10 per cent tested positive on Ontario tests. Like me, many doctors treating Lyme disease have turned to specialized labs in the U.S. But some Canadian doctors are loath to recognize foreign tests."



    And here is another story done this year by CTV...and another excerpt.




    Within a couple of months, he became weak, plagued with headaches and eventually had to stop working. He went to 18 doctors, internists and neurologists and all of them missed the diagnosis, with some telling him his illness was all in his head.


    Even though he had tests for everything -- including a test for Lyme disease -- all of it came back negative.


    "It was a difficult time, not understanding why I was getting sick. My doctor thought it was a sinus infection but it continued to get worse," he says.


    It took a year and a half and a specialized test to confirm he had Lyme disease. To treat the illness, Manten gives himself infusions of antibiotics twice a day. Four years later, he says he feels better, but is not free of the illness; he still has intense fatigue and has not returned to his job as an engineer.


    Family doctor Dr. Ben Boucher, who has treated many patients with Lyme disease at his practice in Port Hawkesbury, N.S., says Manten's is a common story.


    "There are a considerable number of patients being undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, and therefore not treated," he says.


    "It's a concern because these patients get more ill as time goes on," says Boucher, noting that patients can develop facial palsy, cardiac issues and progress to nerve damage and inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.


    "It is quite treatable and easily treatable [with antibiotics], but as it goes on into phase 2 and 3, it becomes more difficult to treat."


    Part of the problem is that the standard blood test for Lyme disease is notoriously unreliable. It fails to detect the infection 20 per cent of the time.

  12. Hi again.


    Just wanted to bump the thread up to see if we can drum up more support in the last few days of the competition. Remember you can vote every day.


    The link below will show you that Together Land is currently in 5th spot. Please register and vote (registration is fast and requires minimal info).


    Let see if we can bump this great cause up a few notches by end of day (please & thanks)!




    Thanks again.

  13. I know everyone here is great at supporting a cause that is worthy and this is one that touches one of my friend's little boy, Christopher. I will post a copy of the email he sent me below and hope that you can find it in your hearts to register and cast your vote...it really only takes a few seconds to register and only requires minimal information...


    The interim goal is to try to get to 500 by tonight (so far it is at 366). I know we can do that and more. I will forward him a copy of this link to show how much we care and to show what a great community we are...


    According to the site, voting ends in 7 days and it seems that you can vote once every day - so PLEASE continue to vote all week.




    Dear Friends, Family, & Councillors,


    As you know, Christopher goes to Silver Creek Pre-School and they have an amazing program & faculty for giving special needs kids all that they need to enjoy the same benefits we take for granted every day. There is GREAT news from Silver Creek - they are planning to build a fully accessible playground called TogetherLand that is desperately needed in this city (the link below has details). Christopher loves the playgound, especially the infant swings which are getting too small for him and the slide which I carry him up to the top through whatever obstacle I need to climb because that's what dads do. It's only a 15 minute drive from our house so it would really help to have something close-by to take him to.


    So all I ask is if you could please go to the link below and vote YES for this playground AND forward this link to as many people as possible. Try to vote one for every household member instead of one per family.


    Thanks again...I don't ask for much but when I do it's really, really important to me.


    Here is the link: http://www.avivacommunityfund.org/ideas/acf3001

  14. Rather than build something that is likely going to be bulky/heavy, do yourself a favour and get an Ice Cube (4-man size). It's light (18 lbs I think) and easy to set up and take down. Only about $200 on ebay.


    I have been using one for 2 years now and I take my 6 year old with me all the time. It heats up fast with just a Heater Buddy (I think that is what its called) and its pretty spacious too (can stand up straight in it).

  15. I have my card - had it for a few years now - but sometimes I'll let my 6 year old son man the wheel/throttle with me sitting right next to him. I hope the police would not give me any grief about that.


    Of course I do this when there are no other boats around but I suppose if they used their binoculars they could see who was driving then rush over and request a card. On second thought, I may just get him to do the test.

  16. Or you can call up BoaterExams.com (I think that is their name) and ask where they will be setting up a booth next and take the exam with them.


    The had a booth at the Exhibition for the duration of the fair and I have also recently seen them set up near Bay and Front in Toronto. If you pass, you pay and they will issue you your Card. - If you fail, you don;t pay. Simple and no risk .

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