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Posts posted by fisher

  1. Have you thought about laminate flooring instead of tiles??


    We did our basement last year (also a fairly new house - about 5 years old) and went with a thick, laminate floor that ended up costing about $3/square foot (including the floor and plastic sheeting beneath teh floor to keep moisture out). Bought at SAM's Club. I installed 1100 square feet of it myself in one weekend...very easy to do.


    I must say that we are very happy with it - very warm, durable and comfortable to walk on, as opposed to going with a tile material.


    Esthetically, we chose to go with a laminate flooring that were strips, rather than large sheets. The strip make it look more like the real wood strip flooring - with grooves between the strips. At first we were worried that dust woudl get caught between the grooves, but that is not an issue at all.


    Good luck.

  2. I am looking at renting a cottage on Lagoon City in Lake Simcoe - very neat place - the "Venice of Ontario" sometime in July.


    I was hoping that someone on this board may have some info as far as the type of fishing in the area not too far from the entrance of Lagoon City. Lake Simcoe has been known to have some rough waves and I only have a 40 HP Aluminum boat so i would rather not venture too far away from home base when on that lake.


    Any fishing info, inlcuding the different species we would expect in that area would be greatly appreciated.


    By the way, I have downriggers - would downrigging for Lake Trout be an option in that area??



  3. I'd like to take my 3 year old son perch fishing :Gonefishing: tomorrow since it isn't going to be cold :thumbsup_anim: . Thinking of Simcoe.


    I am coming up highway 400 from Toronto.


    I have a few questions that you may be able to help me with:


    - where can I buy minnows? I recall a place just off the 400 around major mackenzie - a bait shop near a Timmies I believe. Is it still there and what time does it open or does anyone know the name of this place so I can call them? If not, aywhere else along the way.


    - where can I go on south Simcoe so we can get into steady action from shore and where I can be close to the car in case my son needs to warm up a bit.


    If you prefer to PM me that would be awesome as well.


    Thanks and hopefully I may see some of you there. :thumbsup_anim:

  4. I have a 1998 with 175K on it and all I can say is that this year I have spent well over $3,000 on repairs.


    replaced radiator, rear differential, water pump, power steering pump, and a couple of other components in only the past 6 months.


    Mechanic says that I should also watch out for oil getting into the air filter due to "blow back" from the engine. The engine already is showing signs of oil coming out the top of it.


    Hope my problems are just specific to my car, but from what I heard my issues are pretty common for my year class.


    Then again, my neighbour had a 1994 that lasted 300Ks with minimal issues.


    Something else to keep in mind....as my neighbour had the same issue as I did even though our cars were 4 years apart...Our brake pedal would stick slightly, just enough to keep the rear brake lights on. I could never figure out why my battery would keep dying on me until someone one day pointed out that my rear lights were on. I spoke to my neighbour who confirmed the same thing would happen with his car.


    Good luck.

  5. Thanks Drifter - maybe I'll see you there. You too have a PM.


    I should be in blue coveralls and a baclava (I enjoy the outdoors but tend to over dress for the cold) with a 10 foot spinning reel outfit. And hopefully with a fish on as well....hahahaha.

  6. Was that your report that I read about a week or two ago on the Beaver? I thought all the follow up posts were kind of funny.


    All I was looking for was some current conditions, Its not going to change the fact that I am going...just trying to kill some time while I am at work.

  7. Is anyone else heading up to the Beaver this weekend? After about 2 months of a hiatus on fishing - not self-imposed I might add, I am going out to breathe in some of that fresh air while casting a line out :Gonefishing: ...can't wait. I plan on being there first thing tomorrow morning, Saturday morning and hopefully Sun morning.


    Does anyone have any current reports, water clarity, bait of choice and/or suggestions? You can PM me if you prefer. :santa:


    Also, if anyone has any info on ther Bighead as well, that would be great.


    Cheers. :thumbsup_anim:

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