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Posts posted by fisher

  1. Ch312

    Psssst...you were "burned" because of others doing what you did in the part I highlighted. Thanks for being one of "those guys" who makes returns harder for other people as well as wasting the time of other customers who will likely buy the junk you returned after it is put back on the shelf.


    Seeing as I've been the victim of idiots doing just what you've done and it's cost me a couple hours and some gas money (2 trips to the store to purchase items and another 2 trips to return the items that were broken and had missing parts), I've recorded this thread and will decide in the morning whether I think the store and cops should know about your little plan.


    Best hope I wake up on the right side of the bed tomorrow :angel:

    Psssst...you were "burned" because of others doing what you did in the part I highlighted. Thanks for being one of "those guys" who makes returns harder for other people as well as wasting the time of other customers who will likely buy the junk you returned after it is put back on the shelf.


    Seeing as I've been the victim of idiots doing just what you've done and it's cost me a couple hours and some gas money (2 trips to the store to purchase items and another 2 trips to return the items that were broken and had missing parts), I've recorded this thread and will decide in the morning whether I think the store and cops should know about your little plan.


    Best hope I wake up on the right side of the bed tomorrow :angel:




    Wow. That's all I have to say.

  2. I purchased a 9 year replacement battery for my car in 2009 from CT. It was a master craft. It failed this past month and despite ct being the only retailer for master craft batteries, they refused to take it back without a receipt. I even suggested they prorate me to the date of manufacture....seemed reasonable. Still no go. CT is a terrible retailer.


    I really wish a US competitor would establish a similar store with better customer service practices that don't seem to make the consumer feel as though they are always on the defensive or make them want to do things that they otherwise wouldn't do like trying to even the score. Real pity because I love their sales. If a US competitor does set up shop and is more consumer friendly, CT better watch out. That would be a good time to short CT stock. That would be a good way to 'even' the score.


    As for admitting to fraud and being charged, the police would never pursue this. Look at rob ford. Admitted to possessing and smoking crack, caught peeing in public, etc....and still no charges.

  3. Thanks for all the good advice. I am very close to discount marine so would likely go with them if I end up being a buyer. I'll visit them last.


    As for walking into a lions den, I figured that. I'll just have to make sure I know what I want and what i am willing to pay. I hate parting with my money so it may be hard for them to convince me to sign. I figure if they can come up with a deal at the show and make money, they can do the same after the fact. I may be wrong. May end up leaving without a deal and doing some more homework. We'll see how it goes.


    I wonder how many leave there with buyers remorse? I know no matter the deal I get I'll likely have some regrets. Kind of like your first house purchase. You always wish you had done this or that, or both.

  4. Thinking of buying a new boat and will be attending the boat show for the first time. Never bought new before but thought that if I don't do it now, I may never get a chance to. You only go around once in this life, right?. Maybe my mid life crisis moment is kicking in. Who knows. Regardless, I think this is the year to splurge.


    I m ay be in the market for a 1775 Lund Impact. From my research it seems like a boat that fits my needs. I still want to store it in my garage (I think it should fit) and still want to tow it around. The boat I have now is okay (1992 16 foot aluminum Starcraft with a 40 HP Merc) and it runs great but thought a slightly bigger, newer boat may be more comfortable for the salmon fishing we do on Lake Ontario but still be suitable for smaller lake fishing as well.


    Anyone have any experience or suggestions on what options I should investigate and not compromise on? Or any other tips they care to share? Thanks

  5. Hoping to tap into the wealth of experience of those on this board. Planning a trip to a remote lodge somewhere within 6 hours of Toronto next year - maybe May or June. Like to drive there but may consider fly-in.


    It'll be myself, my dad and my 10 yr old son.


    Looking for a clean place, with good fishing for walleye and pike. May or may not bring my own boat - haven't decided if I want to trailer that far. Either a place that provides meals or we can cook ourselves.


    Any ideas and if you have had experience there?



  6. I have rented cottages for many, many years. I have been fortunate to run across only two duds throughout the years and it would have been great to have a site to go to for posting reviews of places I have been or reading of places I plan to go. Not only will this build a database of places, it will also hold accountable those people who are renting their place out. A site that allows one to post pics would also be helpful.


    Tripadvisor only has a select few cottages on the site but these appear to be cottages that are there on the initiation of the cottage owner. I, as a renter, cannot add a cottage to the site for my review. In many cases, the cottages that I have rented are not posted on Tripadvisor.


    Not sure about the demand for this but I think this is definitely a good idea - kind of like the tripadvisor of cottage rentals.


    I think maybe even OFC could create a topic on this site devoted to this topic. Admin, any interest in taking up the cause and likely driving up membership/hits?


    Here are my two dud stories:


    1) I just stayed at a place on Simcoe that had much to be desired.


    It advertised for up to 10 people, but the stove they had was more appropriate for a bachelor apartment. We could not fit any of our pans in the oven. Making bacon for 10 people on the stove was a chore. Putting it the oven would have been more efficient. The space for a proper stove was there but it appeared the replacement stove was a spare leftover stove from someone or something that was picked up at a garage ssale. This was apparent since the white stove didn't match the other applicances which were stainless steel in colour.


    The place was really dirty. Microwave had spills and stains throughout. The dishwasher needed to be washed. Cupboards were damaged. Dried up soap everywhere, caked on food around the door. There was mould in both bathrooms. The bathrooms smelled like urine and needed a good airing daily. The fridge had the last peoples left overs still in it (ie. old lettuce, half milk jug, old butter, etc...). The outside screen door had a hole in it, so someone decided to use a bandaid plug it....The floors were full of crumbs, dirt that stuck to your feet when you walked on it.


    The owner advertised one of the ammenities as being a propane barbecue but apparently it did not include the propane...so if you were the unfortunate person who had the propane run out during your stay, you had to fill it at your own expense (this happened to us in the middle of steaks,). When we contacted the owner to find out where the spare tank was, he said he did not include the propane and that we would have to fill at our expense! My argument was if he provided an electric stove, etc...did I need to bring my own generator to power it?? Of course, not, so why would I have to fill a propane tank that was likely going to last the remainder of the summer. There was no use arguing with the guy.


    The air conditioning did not work until the 2nd last day of our stay. It was hot during the day throughout our stay and a/c would have made the place a bit more enjoyable. The owner did finally come out after a few days of us trying to diagnose and fix the issue ourself with his guidance via text messages back and forth. Finally on the Thursday, a repair guy came out and found that a switch was turned off in the furnace room! I was not happy.


    The garage had 10 garbage bags from previous renter that the owner asked us to put out on garbage day. These were oversized large black bags that smelled and were dirty. I am on vacation, I hate takling out the garbage at home and he expects me to take out someone else's garbage (10 bags to boot)!


    With just some work and a change in the owner's perception of what a renter's resposibilities were, this place could be worth the money but until then the nice looking pictures on the net will continue to mask the real issues with the place. This is the reason a site to post a review would be helpful.


    Nonetheless, when we left the cottage, the guy in his defence did return us $125 against the cost of the rental due to the above issues but this was only after he initially offered $50 and after a long discussion as to why I was still not satisfied. By the way, we rented the place for $1700/week.


    2) The other place I had an issue with was a place on Scugog that I rented which was run down and actually condemned by the city (which we came to learn only a two weeks before our rental period). It had a pool, looked awesome on the net and the owner and I conversed thought the four months that lead up to the rental date. Luckily we realized the problem beforehand when someone from our party had a strange feeling about the place and insisted on seeing the place beforehand. After a month of constant delays by the owner to meet up there, we finally put our foot down and headed up now only 2 weeks before our rental date and found a place that was not fit for rodents, let alone people. The neighbour actually came out to warn us of the place and told us to stay away. Told us people have been getting sick from the mould, and that the city shut the place down. Sure enough there was a posted sign on the property. When we looked inside, the place was in disarray, broken furniture, and just very dirty and unfinished! The pool was dirty, and obviously not taken care of or used for a long time. I did get most of my deposit back when I confronted the owner, but had we headed up without seeing the place, we would have already had paid the last installment of our rental a week earlier and more importantly, ruined the vacation of all eight of us. Despite our confrontation, the owner insisted that he would have had the property up to snuff by the time of our rental - this may have been an attempt to avoid any future action on our part.


    Now despite the places above, we stayed in many places that were great. A place on Nipissing, a place on Scugog, on Buckhorn, in Collingwood, etc...Unfortunately, we enjoy exploring new places so finding new rentals is something we will always do. Hopefully there will be a site that can capture these reviews and make the lives of cottage rental seekers easier.


    If admin gives me the okay to post the property locations, I will update the thread so people will be aware.




    This week I was up on simcoe for 7 days at a cottage rental. We had run ashore near our dock on day one due to some rough weather and hit a rock and dinged the prop. Boat ran fine so we thought nothing of it. After day four the motor bogged down all of a sudden and it wouldn't get on plane and would max out at 6 mph when previously we could get it to 30 mph. We thought maybe the prop damage and rocks had something to do with it. In any event, we decided to continue fishing close by for the last few days and on the last day we would drop the boat off at top gun on the way home.


    Well today we did just that. My dad and I dropped by top gun with intentions of leaving the boat, when the owner - i am embarrased for forgetting his name - decided to come and look at it to see if what we decribed was in fact lower unit damage. After less than 2 minutes of turning the prop, looking here and there and checking under he cowl, he yells out that he found our problem ....a piece of old electrical tape had somehow clogged one of the carbs. He got a pair of needle nose pliers and pulled out a three inch piece of tape. when i asked what i owed him, he said nothng and after i insisted he said to bring him a coffee next time i pass by. My dad and I were impressed and obviously very grateful.


    while we had nightmares of the dollars it would cost to repair, we were so happy to have been able to leave with our boat within minutes. What a great guy. No doubt i am sure there are some places who would have told me they would call in a few days and possibly tell me i was looking at a bill for a few hundred dollars.


    Anyhow, this is two great experiences with top gun in two visits over two years. First was to fix a stator issue.

  8. I am heading to a cottage rental on Kempenfelt Bay first week of August and wondering if anyone would share some knowledge on what species are around and how to target them.


    I am particularly interested in whitefish and lake trout. I have down riggers and dipseys as I usually fish salmon on lake O. Also have bad boys and William spoons as I fish them in winter off IBP.


    Never fished simcoe in the summer months and would be grateful of I got some sort of starting point and suggestions.



  9. I usually change the oil at the end of the season before storing for the winter in case of water could freeze/cause cracking. But as for your question, get yourself a drill with a bit that fits snug so to minimize any slipping/stripping of the head (on low torque), but hand tighten with a larger screw driver when putting back on.

  10. Wouldn't one's auto insurance policy cover you in the event of a misfortunate accident caused by the mis-installation of the adapter - should it get to that?


    Then again, it's a pretty straight forward install and like anything else, if you follow the instructions, you'll be fine. I did mine a few years ago and it was surprisingly easy with the right tools. It required a good drill bit, and something that will cut through the metal tongue straight and smooth.

  11. For those that want to support this initiative, here is a link to sign the petition...




    I think Budweiser should sponsor this, but in the interim, hopefully enough signatures are garnered to get this to happen. What a great, inexpensive way to further showcase Toronto to those in North America

  12. Next is to decide on whether to have the counter go straight back to the backsplash, or have a lip of corian/granite run across the back of the counter. I prefer the straight back to the backsplash as it gives you more room on the counter and I think it looks better.


    We did that when we replaced our laminate countertops with granite and were lucky to have found a box of our same backsplash tiles in the basement that the builder had left behind...so we easily were able to match it.

  13. A fun tactic we came across about 7 years ago when last on the French was to drive into the many bays pretty fast that were chocked full of weeds and cut the engine and throw out our spinner baits right in the prop wash....hit a pike every time. Mind you the water was 10 feet deep and the weeds were just as tall so there was little risk of hitting any rocks.


    Pke are not shy of the motor and in fact, we were surprised to see one strike the prop two times (as it came to a stop from spinning) before it figured out it was not food. That was how we stumbled onto that pattern.

  14. Thanks again...and sorry for the confusion. From what I gathered here and also speaking to Napoleon, and based on the short distance from the main line to the barbecue,it looks like I would only need 1/2 inch pipe to connect to the hose.


    I also found another guy that a friend of mine used that is TSSA ceritfied/insured.. that would do it for $225. Much better.

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