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Posts posted by fisher

  1. Anyone have a recommendation for two nights at Sandbanks? Never been before and want to take the family there for a couple of days in August. Looking for clean accommodations - 2 bedrooms minimum - and on the lake where we can swim/wade in the water. If the place can accommodate a boat, that would be great too (not sure if I am taking it or not since the week before we'll have been at a cottage on Nippising for the whole 7 days).

  2. It's amazing how folks read the Toronto star's headlines and conclude people must be guilty --no trial --no personal knowledge-- just he's guilty -- thank goodness we have trials with a real jury --it's really tiring hearing people judge folks by headlines or videos shot without his knowledge while enebriated--sure his language is colorful --i'll give you that --but that begs a question --is your language different while fishing with the guys then while with your family --it's street talk--plain and simple -- let's not forget fellows that Clinton got a blowjob in the White House and he survived -- but some have Ford and Sterling DOA without a fair hearing -- I say give him a chance to quit drinking --what kind of friend would I be to tell you that you'll never quit --you're just an alcoholic who doesn't deserve my pity - God forbid are we that heartless!!

    He has lied about everything questionable that he has been asked about - drugs, drinking and driving, etc.......not only lied about it, but STRONGLY opposed any assertion that he was involved with any of those activities, only to finally come clean when he was confronted with indisputable evidence. I don't need a trial or jury to tell me he is guilty. How can anyone believe him about anything going forward?

  3. Can someone tell me a better mayor that Toronto has had in the last 20 years? Ignore all the off the clock Bull Ford has done.. Just stick to the hard facts (ie budgets, etc)

    If you are suggesting that Rob Ford is/was the better Mayor, maybe you can provide some hard facts/comparisons to substantiate that illusion/view?


    What's funny is that you cannot measure the negative reprecussions he is having on this city (ie. negative WORLD view of Toronto)...Even the city manager cannot substatiate his claim that he saved a billion dollars...what services has he cut to do that, what effects will the city realize today or years from now because of those service cuts? He cut library funding, he cut daycare funding, he cut XXXX....all of these services are what makes a society function in a manner that is most efficient and enjoyable to its residences. Sure he may have cut more from the budget than other Mayors, but what effect will that have on the city in the long run. For example, he closed down a firestation and four fire trucks, saving the city taxpayers an average of $0.02 per day (or about $1 million a year), but what will that do the homes that that station serviced...it may not be felt today, but maybe it will be realized the next.


    Saving money is not what a Mayor should have as his top priority. It seems like that is his go to phrase and many are gobbling it up.

  4. It is inconceivable to me that someone would be willing to vote for a person with this track record.


    You and me both. But that's part of what being in a democratic society is all about...giving people the choice to make silly decisions and allowing them to get brainwashed by some simple talking points like - It's a consipracy by the Star; Left Wing Pinkos are out to get me; I've apologized, I've made mistakes and I'm moving on; or the one that he has recently become his favourite - Sorry, I am not perfect, but maybe you are. That last phrase alone seems to resonate with many of his supporters to the point that it's used by them to continually condone or excuse his behaviour (even on this forum).

  5. With all due respect, Rob Ford does not deserve a hand up for his conscious, non-alcohol/drug induced behaviour. He is a bully. He believes he is above everyone else and uses the word sorry way too often. He keeps claiming that he isn't perfect but that's no excuse for his behaviour. Not being perfect should not be a free pass to be racist, homophobic, flip off your employer, swear in front children, pee in public, etc..., - even more so as the Mayor of Toronto


    He should own up, and preserve what little respect he may have left and just quit. Period. And if he doesn't quit, let's hope Toronto has the sense to make it happen for him.


    Here are some of the 42 items that are in a list of Ford's most memorable moments.


    11. November 2012: Paying TTC passengers are told to get off a bus in the rain so it can pick up Fords football team after an away game and drive them back to Don Bosco. After the police request the bus, Ford calls the TTCs chief executive officer on his cellphone, then calls him again when the bus does not arrive immediately.


    September 2012: City officials acknowledge that Ford personally asked senior civil servants to approve a road and drainage project on the land beside the headquarters of his familys business, Deco Labels and Tags, in time for the companys 50th anniversary party.


    August 2010: The Toronto Sun confronts Ford about an arrest in Florida in 1999 for marijuana possession. Ford adamantly denies the charge: Im dead serious. When I say no, I mean never. No question, Now Im getting offended. No means no. He later acknowledges that he had one joint in my back pocket. The next day, he says his memory had been fuzzy because he had been charged with failing to give a breath sample that same night. But even that is not true: he was actually charged with driving under the influence, to which he pleaded no contest.


    38. June 2006: During a debate on HIV/AIDS prevention spending, Ford says, according to a National Post transcript, Why are we catering to one group with a disease that's preventable? It's very preventable. If you're not doing needles and you're not gay, you won't get AIDS probably. And I don't know why we're spending $1.5-million on this.




    39. April 2006: Ford berates a couple at a Maple Leafs game with such comments as Do you want your little wife to go over to Iran and get raped and shot? When the couple complains, Ford denies even being at the game though he had given them his business card. He eventually concedes and apologizes, saying he had been pretty well acting like an idiot.


    40. July 2005: Ford calls Councillor Gloria Lindsay Luby, a fellow Etobicoke conservative, a waste of skin.

  6. Sad that anyone would even think that he would get re-elected, let alone actually voting for him.


    Anyone who thinks he should be re-elected is setting a terrible example for our (your) kids. That is basically saying it is okay to repeatedly lie, openly associate with drug dealers, lie again, smoke crack, lie again, act like a buffoon (see his rants), lie again, have no respect to anyone (Flipping bird to another driver who caught him reading a paper while driving; whispering "b**ch" during a town hall that he hosted to a woman who presented opposing views; having enough to eat comment; and on and on) ....


    Pathetic. And so sad. More so to those that still support him.


    Brothers are so arrogant; believing they are above the law (even his sister is getting on that with her latest court appearance because she did not complete the community service time that she was sentenced to for stealing toothbrushes). That whole family is the same.


    Hope Toronto gets some sense and pushes him out. All I know is that the voter turnout may set some records given how polarizing he is. Should be interesting and something the late night shows will have a field day with for some time to come.

  7. Too funny. Cob of corn. You know they are marketing to boaters. Smart move.

    Surprised no one else promotes that as aggressively.


    As an FYI I also read that Costco has ethanol free premium has. But I don't have the patience to line up there - especially trailering a boat.

  8. The fact that you notified your insurance of the situation should put your mind at rest. I wouldn't worry any more. You did everything right. He probably did not have insurance or a licence at the time and therefore can only settle this matter with you given that he should not have been driving to begin with. Your gut tells you that and it's likely true. That also removes any possibility of him following up in court (which won't fly either since this is a traffic matter that should be resolved through insurance). Any judge would throw this out even before it starts.


    As a reminder to anyone involved in any accident, get the other parties information even if it was your fault (including licence number, address and insurance policy number) and check for their validity (expiry date and that the names/pics match the driver). If any of these are not valid or present, call the cops as they should not have been on the road. Also, take video


    Last year a guy side swiped me. I stopped and immediately got out and took a video of he accident showing me in my lane and his car rubbed against mine and half in his lane and half in mine. The video also showed him just getting out of the car and I kept rolling while I asked him what happened. He said he didn't see me and was sorry.

    Later at the reporting centre he tried to tell the officer that I waived him in and that it was snowing and wet. I pulled out the video and it clearly showed the position of the cars, the roads dry, the sun shining and him apologizing. I was fortunate to have that video. The cop laughed and turned to the guy and told him he was 100% at fault. My 1997 car that ran like a dream was a write off.


    Anyway, I wouldn't worry. In a few months you'll forget about all this. Just try to start forgetting sooner. Life is too short to worry about this kind of stuff. . You have absolutely nothing to worry about. Not like you killed anyone. And as someone else said, at least he did not say he was hurt. The max damage you are looking at now is $2000, which has already been deemed ludicrous for a 2000 car and even so, it is your insurance that will deal with. And even that is highly unlikely given that a claim will not likely be filed. So, sit back, grab a drink and go catch some fish. Trust me, this will all blow over. stop thinking about it from now on.


    I bought a new Skeeter/Yamaha 5 years ago and wanted an SS prop and to be sure I got the best one possible for my rig I phoned Skeeter in Texas and told them how I wanted to use the boat. They told me which prop would best suit my needs and that's the one I had the dealer install and it works perfectly.


    It was probably a bit easier in my situation seeing as Yamaha owns Skeeter and it wasn't difficult for them to figure which prop would be best, but I'm sure in your case either Smokercraft or Merc should be able to figure out what would give you the optimal performance.


    If you don't have a tach, you'll need one to know what your rev's are at top end to be sure everything is trimmed properly.


    Fortunately I have a tach on the boat and that is what I think the Marina manager was alluding to when he said we would have to work all that out in a test run to make sure I stay within proper RPMs, etc.... So good to hear that he is in synch with much of what has been suggested so far. But until I get it running right, I am going to be anxious.

  10. I still think one of your main issues is the prop.. I can't even believe there's a 15P on there. 17-19 at a minimum like ctered mentioned above. I put my spare prop on last year for a few weeks when I dinged the other one, and that was an identical prop pitch - 3/4.. The difference in the hole shot was pretty crazy, I can't even imagine a 15P...

    thanks Bill, sounds like another item to check before possibly adding the tabs.

  11. Spoke to the manager at the marina. He is going to contact Smokercraft to see their recommendation or if they have had other similar issues with my set up. He said he had same complaint with a different model last year and Smokercraft sent them some fixed tabs to install. He said that cured the problem. He also spoke of looking at the prop to ensure max RPMs, etc are being maintained and something else about spray, speed, etc...when we go for a test run when the lake they are on is ice free. So looks like things will get resolved eventually.


    Until then, I will see how it handles in calm waters, although as I stated earflier, it is the rough water handling that I am very concerned about and handling in those conditions has already proven terrible. At least the calm water test will allow me to see if this issue also exists in that condition and have something to compare to in case the water is calm the day I go back to the dealer.


    Will keep you all posted.

  12. I want to thank everyone for their input. It has been great to get everyone's insight/opinion before I speak to the marina that sold me the boat.


    As you all have empathized with, it has been a very stressful experience thus far. Moving from a 20 year old boat that was working fine to a new boat that is at the point where I wouldn't feel safe in with more than 5-10 km hour winds is very disheartening. Although I am not yet regretting the purchase, I am not far from it if this does not get solved - but I think there is hope.


    I understand balance is the problem - too much weight in the back - but I can't realistically eliminate weight from the back of the boat (I need/want both engines and don't want to downgrade to a lower HP to save a few pounds - not even sure that would be enough), The gas tank is where it is - can't relocate that and there is only 1 battery in the back. The rear bench is probably 50 lbs and I need the bench for seating. Aside from adding more weight to the front, there is not much else I can do to fix the weight distribution issue and I don't want to add more weight to the front if I can find another way.


    From reading the web and PMs from members here, porpoising is a very common issue with Smokercraft but smart tabs seems to be the solution that is overwhelmingly referred to from members here and throughout the net. It's unfortunate that this is the way I have to go, but if it gets the rig to the point that I can enjoy it and feel sale in it, then that's fine with me (a it has been for others). As for the rig being overweight to the point that is will sink, I don't believe that is the case. It has a splashwell at the rear of the boat, and it did not have water coming in (or if it did, the water would shoot right back out). If the top of the transom (where the motor cutout is located) was sitting much lower, then I'd be concerned.


    As I have said previously. I will be calling the dealer this morning to get their thoughts on solving this problem. In fairness to them, while I am upset at them that this is happening, I have not yet brought to their attention to give them the chance to respond/act.


    The following is being posted as future reference for anyone else on the board that may experience similar issues with Smokercraft or any other boat (or for anyone else that may search the web). From these posts on the net, it appears there is a viable solution - whether it be a different prop or tabs (I just need to find what mine will be).


    This from Walleye Central suggesting a different prop:



    "A very good friend has a 2008~ 172 Pro Angler with a 115 Opti. I've fished out of it MANY times. It's been a pretty solid boat for him. No major issues that I recall. It has the tan carpet which he hates and wishes it had center rod storage. It's definitely not a dry ride in 3 footers and likes to porpoise with a heavy load but not a deal breaker by any means. Getting the right prop will make all the difference with this boat. If you are pulling kids go with a 17P SS. "


    This from e-Nation and according to some of the posts, it looks like Smokercraft knows of the issue and sent this one guy some tabs to install to fix it (guy never reposted on the outcome of those tabs):



    Well it's been a week now and I've heard nothing back from my dealer. It took me about two minutes to call smoker craft and have them tell me that they rig these boats with their own tabs through the dealer should there be any issues with porpoising. I declined not to tell them who my dealer was when asked in hopes he would come through. Not the case obviously at this point. I'm planning on calling smoker tomorrow to see if they'll deal directly with me. I'm fed up with chasing this guy down. Any thoughts as to weather evinrude would do a prop swap with me should I need to go with a rebel or cyclone instead of the viper?
    Smoker craft sent me some tabs that are supposed to fix the problem. Not very optimistic...they're kinda cheap looking. Just a couple pieces of aluminum angle. Where would I look to find the pitch of my prop?
    This from HullTruth advising Smart Tabs took care of the porposing:
    Well moving the motor did not help. I installed smart tabs and it took care of the problem. You would think a brand new Boat would handle better without having to add aftermarket stuff. Oh well. It is pretty nice now. If anybody buys the same setup install the tabs!
  13. Most are right, I probably have too much weight on the back but that should have been something the dealer should have known and told me about. Wouldn't have been the first boat rigged this way that would have been sold by them. Nonetheless I'll give them a call tomorrow and very curious about what they will say.

    The weight is 399 lbs for main motor plus one battery plus 50 litres gas plus a 9.9 kicker plus an optional bench seat. Whatever it totals, it is a lot.

    The more I read and understand about trim tabs the more it makes sense that it will solve my problem. I don't consider it a bandaid solution but rather a necessity to compensate for this additional weight. In any event, it is the dealer I am not happy with at the moment, but we will see what they say.

    I have the boat stored in my dad's garage so can't see right now how the main motor is sitting in relation to the transom when fully trimmed down. I imagine it is in not enough of an angle to get it to push the stern up enough to get the bow down, probably because of the excess weight. Trim tabs should compensate for this.
    Incredible how common this is when I search the net.
    I'll try to remember to post a pic of the boat/ transom in the water. May be a week or so.

  14. It's not my first boat. I may not have explained it properly but my previous boat with a smaller motor and smaller length would not handle like that. It would not ride high. It would plain at lower rpm/speed. In fact I have been in much rougher water with my previous smaller boat and it handled much, much better. Basically I felt safer in my older boat in much rougher waters.


    The point is that if I ever got caught out in rough water in this new boat I would not feel comfortable and something is definitely wrong and needs to be fixed. It should not be this way.


    I have since read up some more on smart tabs and cannot believe the positive experiences from so many users with boats of various sizes. They explain the same issue as I have and then after installing these tabs they their problem is completely solved and in many cases with significany performance improvement and even top end speed gain. In one case the guy was about to sellhis boat but then got the tabs and couldn't believe the improvement to overall performance.


    I know something needs to be done with the boat But agree that I should take it out in calmer water so I know where it stands in that condition as well for future comparison.

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