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Everything posted by Crazyhook

  1. dark lures dark days, bright lures bright days !
  2. Give Rodel Misa a call, I have his number if you need it
  3. Oliver Green Black and White perch
  4. well Grew up playing with Guy Lafluers son back in the day in the West Sialnd of Montreal. My biggest hockey idol is Rick Tocchet
  5. I forgot about the classic! good call lew!~
  6. Try a DOC , hughes river Top Prey ( not cheap), teasertail, topraider, dancin raider
  7. 65,80 and 100 pound Sufix Performance Braid for my musky fishing have 12 pounds Key lime Sufix on my carp rig 20 pound S P B for my pike and bass fishing
  8. Rich... to start I would for sure try DSI. I guess that goes without saying
  9. nice pike! congrats on your first!
  10. nothing a few coffee can't fix in the morning!
  11. don't lick it no matetr how much your friends bug you too... trust me
  12. beauty carp, going for them tomorrow! thanks for sharing
  13. Rich look for new weed grow and toss bucktail jigs... catch em up mang!
  14. I will take a Loomis rod with a Penn 965 baitcaster spooled with Sufix performance please!
  15. the big one both Nick and I fought it it seemed like forvever... we were both done! and it swam away no worse for ware...
  16. hey with everyone getting scared, down turns are a great time to come up ahead. Look at the last little crash in the Canadian market in March. Market went down 600 points. That was the highest sell off ever. ON the Friday the market was back to where it was before the crash. Do not get too worked up about everything, live smart and buy low
  17. Used this guy for bait 2 weeks ago
  18. thanks Ryan, full report coming soon!
  19. love this one Bad time for a birdsnest
  20. to everyone that requested trip info I willt ry and get it out this evening next trip May 08
  21. off season... we all flew down, flights were 450 including tax round trip. 3 of the 4 guys caught the biggest fish of thier life ( I would of but I fell asleep!)
  22. next year is a new year... we had 4 this year have 12 interested next year already! its cheap, clean and the fish like to play rough
  23. haha!!! I will never look at him the same...
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