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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Sure bud, we were on Saga lake. Let me guess, you were on Jungfrau just downstream? It's a great area, no doubt about it.
  2. Just inside the border of Quebec, east of Larder Lake.
  3. On my work computer by mistake actually....although I DO have a lot of free time to putz around here. My daughter takes after her mom And yes, I did release the fish, although you'd never know it by the Izumi death grip I had on it!
  4. Thank's! BTW, did you save me some of those smelt? I'm headed up to Georgian Bay next week to do some pike fishing and I need some for dead baiting
  5. Nice report, I really like the second pic... And wow, is that ever an ugly catfish!
  6. Well, as I sit here in my office hard at work , I discovered a file on my computer with a bunch of cool pictures in it from last year and thought I'd share a few with you. Some you "may" have seen before....not sure. Most were forwarded to me from friends, some I took myself later in the year. June 2006 here's me lining our boat up the Kapakatongwa River north of Nakina Our shore lunch fish caught just upstream from those rapids Georgian Bay December Steelhead and Coho Salmon Cold hands! Big Water Chrome March double header! Georgian Bay bullets Nice release shot End of day festivities (that was a particularly good day ) My daughter Riley's 3rd birthday last August My cabin from the water and the view from my deck 30" Walleye caught right in front of my cabin Hope you enjoyed! cheers, Mike
  7. WTG Louis, glad to see you caught a few fish! That is some beautiful country up there for sure. By the way, I need some of those smelt for dead baiting, save some for me will you?
  8. Hey, that's the one I just bought! I'll let you know how it is when I get the chance to use it...
  9. Excellent report and pic's! (please disregard my pm where I asked you what the snow/ice conditions are like up there )
  10. Kind of like the canary in a coal mine scenario Glad to hear you're okay Corn Nug...
  11. Impressive report and nice catch! You tired of cleaning the little buggers yet? I recently picked up an electric fillet knife strictly for cleaning a bunch of panfish. Never used one before, but am willing to try anything to make the chore easier. I brought a huge mess of perch back from Simcoe in February and it just about killed me cleaning them...
  12. Wow, now that's a sure sign of spring!
  13. Lookin' good Wayne, and trust me you and basskicker aren't the only ones with spending issues . If my wife had ANY clue.....
  14. Good work, they all look deadly! (although the buzz frog looks kinda like a squid )
  15. Amazing shots!
  16. Excellent report, I can't wait to start walleye fishing myself!
  17. In the voice of Cronzy with drool running down my chin I'd have said: "HEY, NICE FISH!! YEP, YEP, THE ONLY SEASONS ON MY BASS IS SALT AND PEPPER SON! WAY TO GO!......LET'S EAT!!" (Actually, I don't think I'd have said a thing )
  18. Nice fish! Looks like a Meegs jig stuck in the tail of the first one LOL!
  19. Nice report! Can't wait to fish for some 'eyes myself.
  20. LOL! Some good advice beerman. Can never have enough on a week long fly-in In all seriousness, you guys have pretty much covered everything. Especially having someone like jnic who's been into the lake 6 times...now that's a goldmine of info there! Cheers darcy, I'm sure you'll have a great trip!
  21. Nice report Pete. Detailed as ever I see . I'm headed in on May 9th myself, looking forward to it.
  22. Hey nice fish, way to go!
  23. I know, I just logged on so I could reply to this thread. Amazingly, since January I've been planning my dates using the calendar sitting on desk....As it turns out it was an old one . I seriously can't believe I didn't notice this before now. Shows how much I pay attention to the small details. I wasn't exactly sure on the date of the opener up there, only that after I checked online a couple months ago and looked at my callendar that it was the Saturday of the long weekend..which in itself is not correct. Man I'm an idiot Now I've got to rearrange my work schedule so I can get up there on Thursday now instead of Friday. Cheers, Mike
  24. How in the heck did you know that?! LOL! You must be a member of the Quest Board! If you're not, then VERY good eye. It's not like Domenic Frederico is a household name!
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