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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Cool, I'll look a bit closer next time I'm at Bass Pro.
  2. Thanks for posting Justin, great report! Are those 10" Gulp worms available to the general public yet? Havn't seen them before, they look deadly...
  3. Read the report, don't just look at the pic's and you'll have your answer .
  4. Yeah I agree, braid has it's time and place, but not all the time. Without writing a huge essay here, it's only used for very specific applications....still use mono at least 60% of the time...
  5. Went fishing with my good buddy Dave this morning hoping to tie into some salmon. This time of year we usually start out tossing hardware then switch to the float gear once things slow down... After a bit of a slow start and some searching Dave managed to hook the first fish on a chrome/blue Rattlin' Spot. I was getting tons of hits, but nothing solidly hooked so decided to switch up to floatfishing with giant chunks of skein. Hard to tell in that pic, but that's a 4/0 hook, and one big honkin' chunk-o-roe!. Salmon seem to like it though.... Not long after that I managed to get a good bend in the long stick . With a little bit of trouble we finally managed to net the beast. Dave switched over and we immediately started missing fish left and right. They were slurping back the skein chunks like it was candy! Finally managed to land another beaut', this one a little cleaner... For a while there it was total mayhem with quite a few fish either missed or hooked, an awesome morning for sure! cheers, Mike
  6. Hey Rene, glad to see you picked up a rod! For a rod solely dedicated to using with a centrepin, I'd recommend a 13'er though...
  7. Nice report, gorgeous scenery, thanks for posting!
  8. The link I posted is not any kind of scam, All NY licences are sold by DECALS. It's 100% legit. The DEC website you posted actually provides a link to the website I posted for those wishing to purchase online.
  9. You can get it here: https://nyfgisales.vansis.wcom.com/fgnyia/html/welcome.jsp
  10. Sounds like a blast and that's one heckuva rainbow for sure!
  11. What a gorgeous brown! (salmon's not bad either )
  12. Seriously though, no reason to doubt the man, he tried to revive it, couldn't, so it was eaten. Well done, and personally the pic doesn't bother me (although it definitely won't be my new screensaver )
  13. Nice fish, but that's really bizarre grabbing a baby beaver in the middle of the lake. Cool picture
  14. The Sauble rarely gets dirty, it flows out of a huge sandplane....
  15. Quite a story Wayne, very glad to hear everything turned out okay....
  16. Nice report Cliff! As far as needing rain, well if you're into catching salmon off the piers and breakwalls this fall is shaping up to be a banner year as less rain is better. With no water in the creeks the fish will stack up like crazy in the estuaries. The only real factor for success is water temps and they'll inevitably start to drop within a week or so.... I'll start worrying about the lack of rain when October rolls around and it's time to start catching steelhead .
  17. Besides the Ottawa which Roy mentioned, there's fishable numbers of sturgeon in the Groundhog river in northern Ontario.
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