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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. I thought Bowfin myself initially.....but the lower fins are too long. Definitely more "ling like". If you check the lings life cylce, quite surprisingly (to me at least) it says they're also found in shallow streams.
  2. Beautiful shot of the river, looks like nice water! There should be some decent walleye in that current... Nice perch as well! Not sure about the species I.D. without doing some research but I'm pretty positive it's not a mudminnow. Unless it's a sub species I've never encountered. My first thought was juvenile Bowfin, but I don't think the lower fins are correct for that.. Cheers
  3. Well this is an interesting turn of events, small world.
  4. Jeff Foxworthy would love you boys. That explains a lot .
  5. Excellent report Justin and your photographs are stellar as usual!
  6. I agree, no reason to ask for licences. He couldn't possibly have charged you with anything.
  7. Smash your toe with a hammer that'll eliminate your finger pain. If finger pain returns repeat.
  8. My brother in law's been there a bunch of times, he loves it. You'll have to change your user name to lookinforbass though . Try Mephisto when you're up.
  9. Limerick Lake is a very good bass lake and is within your driving range. These guys are a good outfit and have nice private campsites: http://www.limericklodge.com/index.html That immediate area has the highest concentration of quality bass waters in southern Ontario. Steenburg and Mephisto lakes are just a couple more that pop to mind... Cheers
  10. Sounds amazing, I'm in. (just have to run it by Joanne first, weather her wrath, then get the divorce papers signed )
  11. Thanks for the laugh . Personally I can't stand it either when people order food at a busy Tim's drive thru in the morning. Drives me nuts .
  12. Giant saltwater sculpin of course. Favourite prey of the huge brook trout that run the rivers out there....
  13. I was expecting Jackfish lake. Nice country out that way nonetheless .
  14. I could sense you were getting antsy on the phone last night, now I know why . Excellent fish! Actually amazing considering the locale, well done .
  15. You're not making a big deal about it at all, I know exactly where you're coming from. Seems as though you handled things perfectly, well done!
  16. You know, it doesn't matter how old I get, how many times I've done it before, I still get stoked on the eve of a trip. The anticipation is killing me! It helps when you arrive home from work (6:30 this morning) and there's a package from Cabelas stuffed with cool looking new lures waiting for you . Next week can't come fast enough bud!
  17. Great report! Based on other reports Pigeon really seems to be on!
  18. Nice job Mike, tough fishing or not you guys caught a bunch of nice bass!
  19. 2' leap out of the water? That's amazing, congrat's to you for the successful guiding and your bud on the catch, he must have been beside himself.
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